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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: Nikoloz Tskitivili kicked azz in the preseason... As he does a lot of preseasons. The guy is a waste.
  2. Quote: in philly tonite (wearing my j_smoove jersey of course). it was even worse in person! hawks get NO respect from anyone. i shouldn't be suprised b/c this has happened to us too many times going back to last season. we had 'em. Al couldn't be stopped. read the postgame report on sixers.com. Mo Cheeks speaks of getting "breaks"- even he knows. our tenth loss by >10pts. the bad calls started early and never stopped. FTA: ATL-18 PHI-35 We were JOBBED tonight. We're Bret Hart, and the 76ers were Shawn Michaels.
  3. Quote: Al to Indy. Artest to Sac-town. Peja to Denver. A-Miller to Atlanta... I think everybody leaves the table Happy... Atlanta then Deals Lue to Milwaukee for Gadzuric... Gad, Zaza, JSmoove, JJ, A-Miller... And we're gunning for Aldridge in the draft! Man, you really create some doozies.
  4. Artest and JJ on the court at the same time would be an awesome amount of defense alone. Would probably help. But...I HATE the idea of bringing another JR Rider here to rip the heart out of our franchise. Although, I bet if he was traded and getting his shots, etc, he would be a model citizen for at least a year or two. Interesting to speculate, probably not going to happen. I would venture to guess that Indy will try to put him in the West to get him out of their hair for good.
  5. Quote: Yea but I still remember when he lit up Ben Wallace and detroit for 50. He was on fire that night. He is the most tenative guy ever. He cried for fouls while his man dunked on the other end. he is slow, cannot defend, and shoots WAY too many jumpers.
  6. "PLEASE BRING IN TUBBY SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Um...no. Not a chance in hell. He's not even that great of a college coach. I feel it is apparent that Paul Silas is the best candidate right now. Laimbeer would be interesting, but not what we need. He would certainly add brains and toughness.
  7. Quote: I disagree. I believe that the draft is the place to acquire talent, and if you draft based on need, you will likely pass on the better talent. Maybe one day we will be able to deal from a position of strength to get a need, but I don't want to see this team adopt a draft for need philosophy in the draft. That's what we always used when Pete Babcock was the GM, and you see how our drafts panned out. Teams that draft for need do not draft well. Problem is that this franchise has such an awful draft history that we might as well try to sign FAs. I know Marvin will work out, but I hope it isn't for a West team ala Diaw.
  8. Quote: Obviously, most that have voted on this would like to see Paul Silas brought in to get the team to the turning point. What's interesting though is that three have voted for Chuck Daly. His name is not one that has been mentioned before. The reason I included him is a previous relationship that he and Billy Knight had. Remember that, when Vancouver made the move to bring in Billy Knight as the GM, they brought in Chuck Daly as an adivsor. Maybe the two keep in touch. I think he's a guy who is obviously not a long term fix, but he's a professional that knows how to win. The one thing our young players need is someone that can teach them how to win. At this point, it seems like a veteran coach that has been there and gone through the battles, especially one that has won championships like Daly, is the best fit for this team. It seems that a veteran coach would maybe demand more from his players than a rookie coach would. But isn't Daly pushing 80 years old? I think he may be too old to come back and take the rigors of a NBA schedule.
  9. Quote: I think the Hawks can do better. Frankly I think Ivey is better than Blake. Blake can't shoot or drive. Very weak. I am a Maryland alum so I am fairly familiar with his game. And he plays poor defense as well. I would love to get Claxton here for a run.
  10. Quote: Quote: Quote: Woody has been put in a bad situation to coach his first team. I don't know if he will be a good coach with the right personnel around him or not. When news of the inner sanctuary of the lockerroom become public, it's time to find someone new who can coach and keep team business; team business. I haven't heard of locker room problems. When did that come about? a few games into the season, marvin got very upset after a game when he drew some heated criticism from woody inside the locker room. I think alot of people thought it was smoove, but actually it was marvin. Well, at least it is good to see the kid has a pulse. He's got to assert his will more on the court.
  11. Paul Silas - A very good possibility Dave Cowens - Interesting, but not what we need Frank Johnson - No chance in hell. John McLeod - I actually laughed at this one. Del Harris - Shakey, bu experienced PJ Carlismo - NO, PLEASE GOD NO Paul Westphaul - Weak coach...he'll stay in college Paul Westhead - So we can be the Chris Jackson Nuggets? Matt Guokas - It's been a while. Not sure what he brings. Jeff Budzklik - I haven't seen him coach to be honest All in all, I would say that (despite my hatred for him) Silas is the likely guy.
  12. Quote: Quote: i'm a pretty dumb guy, you'd really have to sit down with me and explain why he would sit out a year vs sign with an NBA team right now at great length to get me to understand it. Believe it or not, some people enjoy the game & college experience/atmosphere. Take football as an example, Matt Leinart (QB USC) could of entered the draft last year and would have been the first pick taken. He decided to go back because he loved playing college football. He's no longer the # 1 pick and might not even be the top QB drafted. In Morris situation (purely speculation) maybe he decided to enter the drft just to see what would happen. He didn't hire an agent and must have been thinking really hard about returning to school. Hell maybe he was pressured by family or friends to enter the draft. Either way I could see why a guy might return to college. Translation: he loves getting laid by hot chicks nightly and partying while being a popular guy on a great campus.
  13. Quote: Woody has been put in a bad situation to coach his first team. I don't know if he will be a good coach with the right personnel around him or not. When news of the inner sanctuary of the lockerroom become public, it's time to find someone new who can coach and keep team business; team business. I haven't heard of locker room problems. When did that come about?
  14. Quote: Then i will just have to show you the error of your ways. Good luck with that. I will be there as usual. Thank God the girlfriend has been studying nightly so I can watch the Hawks in peace!
  15. Yes, it is a tad excessive if you ask me. I was in my car when I heard and was pretty floored.
  16. Quote: If you don't then you missed the Suns announcers(Dan Marle) really giving the hawks hell, especially Woodson. They said at one pt that he was about to get get thrown out of the game and then marle said yeah maybe for good. Even other teams announcers can see that we have a huge problem with woody. He has completely lost this team. They mentioned that Diaw told them he did not want to play for woody. I am not saying that if we bring in someone else that we will start winning but I do believe there needs to be a change. I am DAMN tired of seeing 1-on-1 all night. Don't tell me that its the players fault for not moving the ball. He is the coach. If they don't do what he asks then he should bench them. We need discipline, period. I know I am beating a dead horse here but I can't stand it anymore. I am damn ashamed to be a hawks fan right now. Oh, and another thing, does anyone remeber when we were told that this was going to be a running team? How many fats break points have we scored? This thing will get out opf hand if someting is not done quickly. Majerle was hilarious last night. I know he was making fun of my Hawks, but I was dying laughing.
  17. Quote: If you guys think the Hawks have any chance to get a quality pg by trading Harrington or Childress you need a serious reality check. Most of the trades I have seen posted on here are ridiculously homerific. Or completely retarded...like Salim for Earl Watson.
  18. Yeah what an awesome trade idea. I say do it. Matter of fact, trade Marvin, too. And I am sure we can get rid of Al and Lue as well. Then we fire Woody and promote Nique to coach. Then we can finally have a winless season.
  19. Quote: It would be like he gets the final laugh on Babcock... He would trade Delk for Rebraca He would play: Lue/JJ/Al/Zaza/Rebraca.. for 37 mpg... They'd learn team chemistry... Rebraca who is out with a heart problem? Good idea.
  20. Quote: At least with the current administration we get high draft choices instead of middle of the pack players which babcock screwed up time after time.You can get very good quickly if you make the right draft choices which I hope doesn't come back to haunt BK and the Hawks. Just good enough to stay bad.
  21. I wouldn't make that trade based on Jalen Rose alone. That guy is a POS.
  22. Thanks for that link. What a young slut...I love it. Although, who would pay $25 a month for that site?
  23. Wow! Who is the second girl?
  24. Quote: Does that come with cable TV or do you have to subscribe to Dish network? NBA Package is available on Cable and satellite.
  25. Quote: As much as I like that naughty college(?) girl (I admit to watching a *couple* times through), I do think that video in your sig is inappropriate. If there isn't nudity there, it's pretty damn close Anyway, prolly better not to have things like that posted in every thread. This has been a pretty clean site since BlackHawkDown got booted. Not only do I want it to stay, but I want to see the conclusion of it
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