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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. I have been reading about this all summer. Please leave it alone now. We all know your opinion. The Hawks need a two way center to get the most out of our team. That is fine. But for now, the season is starting with the team we actually have. Lets just be excited about it and root for our team. You can start this recording again in the offseason. And if you can't wait that long, please at least wait until December. If I am off base with this, please someone let me know? I get the feeling that most people feel the same way I do.
  2. Speaking of that game, does anyone else think that Bill Walton has a man crush on Diaw? One comment in particular stood out to me. It was near the end of the game when Diaw got an offensive rebound. Walton just about crapped himself when it happened and then he went on until the commercial about how Diaw was so awesome that he knew where the ball was going to go off the rim even before the ball was near the basket. Unbelievable. I am going to laugh when the Hawks start playing good and become one of the most exciting teams in the NBA this season. Walton will probably start thinking our players are psychic, too!
  3. I agree that guys who are aggressive get more calls. That is fine with me. The problem I have follows the same line of thought that others have said. Some guys just get preferential treatment because they are stars. And in my opinion, DWade gets a much higher percentage of fouls called for him than any other player who is, as you put it, Quote: aggresive going to the basket and who is relentless at it About Melo, I am not sure about how many calls he is "given" compared to those he earns because I have not watched him as much. But I definately agree that he is an aggressive player who is going to get to the line. And please understand, the only problem I have is when some guys get a free pass when they go into the lane. It is tough enough to play D already. I just think guys should have to earn their free throws by taking a pounding in the lane. The shouldn't be getting "and ones" from getting breathed on by a guy who stands there and prevents a showtime dunk.
  4. I may be wrong, but it seems like JB is saying that Marvin has a similar skillset as LeBron (even though it might not be as refined yet for whatever reason), and not that he will necessarily be as good as LeBron this year.
  5. I remember that game, too. It was almost unbelievable how he kept getting call after call. The only reason I didn't put LeBron as first was because he got his calls against the Hawks and DWade got his through the ENTIRE playoffs.
  6. The two players that stand out in my mind from last year that got way too many calls IMO were LeBron and DWade. I especially remember how DWade was allowed to take over playoff games last year by driving to the basket and ALWAYS either being allowed to score or being "fouled". It was ridiculous.
  7. I don't know if being physical really counts in Speedy's case. Yeah, he can hurt himself. But can he break someone else's hand when they are "waltzing down the lane"? Personally, I would be afraid that he will end up being injured for all four years of his contract if we try to get him to be physical.
  8. I am going to have to agree with those here who believe we will see a starting line up of: Speedy JJ Marvin JSmoove Zaza These guys will give us the best chance to win because, hopefully, we will be running the whole game. That is why the extra depth this year will also be so helpful. We can always substitute in "better" defenders when the need arises. Our versatility this year will be key. And like CBA said, Marvin and Smoove are being looked at as our future stars. Here is to the next BIG THREE: JJ, Marvin, JSmoove. I am SO ready for this season to start. Giddy up!!!
  9. The mentoring statement and personality conflict (with Peterson) seem to be very likely, but I have a feeling that this signing also has something to do with bringing back a "winning attitude". Like someone said, Mort kicked the field goal that got us to our only Superbowl. Peterson will be known for the guy that got a short FG blocked to keep us from having back to back winning seasons for the first time.
  10. WOW!!! Way to go Zaza. I have a feeling that the Hawks are gonna be a lot better than most people think this year. It sure will be fun to finally get to tell everyone I told you so when the Hawks get in the playoffs (I have had to say "wait 'til next year" for far too long). This time, my prediction will be right. ...unless I am wrong, of course.
  11. Hey, Pimp! I used to live near Rome. Do you go to school there, in the workforce, retired? I am in school down here in Macon.
  12. Isaiah Rider Ed Gray ...that's enough, my head is already starting to hurt.
  13. Chill JJ Marvin JSmoove Esteban
  14. Probably NBDL. But that is okay. Let him get some seasoning down there while we actually have a full squad for a change.
  15. As far as I know, the Roost is back up and running with no problems. It seems they were doing a site upgrade. I sure am glad they got it back up before the game!
  16. Finally got a chance to check out the site. It is very nice. I will probably wander over that way every so often. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. I was wondering if anyone else here gets on falconsroost.com to check out the Falcons? If so, have you had any problems lately in getting on the forum page? I have only been able to get to the main page and click on the links at the left side and bottom of the page, but not the top. Thus, I cannot click on the "forum" link. If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated since I do not know how to get in contact with any of the admins over there. Thanks in advance.
  18. Yessir! Well, at least it seems that way. Heres for looking forward to the start of the season.
  19. Congrats!!! Have a great B-day! You have been an inspiration here on the Squawk, thank you.
  20. I have been in Med School for less than a month, yet I have still seen multiple hypothetical cases (those dealing with mock patients in a clinical setting as well as different case analysis of hypothetical patients). Your school teaches different I guess? So everything that you have learned about or studied dealing with patients has been with live, or at least, previously seen patients? And no one has ever asked you "what if this happened, what would you do?" dealing with a patient? If this is honestly the case, it must be nice. For me, however, I would have a really hard time feeling prepared for the real world if I had never had the chance to practice dealing with hypothetical situations. And with your quote, Quote: Medicine is based on science, and science is not hypothetical. this is very debateable, IMHO. Most of what I have learned over the years in science classes fits the dictionary definition of hypothetical. This definition is: 1. assumed by hypothesis; supposed: a hypothetical case. 2. of, pertaining to, involving, or characterized by hypothesis: hypothetical reasoning. 3. given to making hypotheses. 4. Logic. a. (of a proposition) highly conjectural; not well supported by available evidence. I don't know about you, but the scientific method was what I was taught in science classes. And that method hinges on hypotheses. As a matter of fact, the thing that scientists continued to ingrain in us was that experimentation cannot prove anything true, it can only prove things false. In the case of medicine, doctors continue to use the scientific method (ie. formulating hypotheses) daily to hopefully find ways to better understand our bodies. That is how we continue to further our "present knowledge". And the reason it is "present" is because another hypothesis usually comes along that makes more sense. Finally, and I know this is off-topic (and I know I will probably get flamed and called an idiot by you), but why do you always seem to say everything as an absolute? Do you really believe that your ideas and ways of doing things are always right? And why do you feel the need to put everyone down so much? I am sorry if those questions are offensive. It just seems odd to me that you won't just admit sometimes that you don't have all the answers. Also, you usually have some great points when you make arguments for or against stuff that the Hawks do. Why not just let those points stand for themselves without you needing to bash people (I am not saying that you did this lately because, to be honest, I have not had the opportunity to read the board as much...but I do know you have often done this in the past). Anyways, flame away. It justs seems to me, again IMU(neducated)HO, that showing some humility would really cause MORE people to respect your opinion rather than less.
  21. Quote: I don't deal with hypothetical situations. I am assuming that you mean this only in the context of basketball. Otherwise, I have absolutely no idea how you got this far into Med school. This is not meant to be mean, just trying to clarify.
  22. AMEN!!! Well said Graymule. PS -- sorry I haven't been able to post in a while guys; this med school thing has turned out to be just a little bit time consuming
  23. I, for one, would definately appreciate the chance to get dicount tickets again this year.
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