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Everything posted by Jdawgflow

  1. WOW!!! Thanks for pointing that out. I am seven times more awesome than I thought!!!
  2. I have just reached the 200 post mark. This is very exciting. And to think, it only took me a little over 4 years.
  3. It does seem pretty far fetched. Sure would make this offseason interesting, though!
  4. Okay, thanks for the help. I knew they were NAIA. I just wasn't sure if that was the same as DivIII or not.
  5. Thank you very much. I tried but they only let me look at available teams. This might lead me to decide if I want to give this thing a try.
  6. If I had the mind of a GS fan, whoever proposed that trade would definately be getting in the heart with a toothpick. Guess it's a good thing I am Hawks fan who NEVER overvalues their own players But, seriously, that is an absolutely terrible trade for the Hawks. No way it ever happens.
  7. Is Shorter College or Berry College available to choose from in the college B-ball dynasty?
  8. I agree. People start learning to trash talk when they are 4 or 5 (I have umpired young kids for multiple years). You just gotta suck it up and not let anybody get in your head. I don't care what anyone says. Remember, sticks and stones...
  9. This was posted over at RealGM by Sothron on the Hawks board. Anyone else hear anything about this? Not sure if this trade has any credibility, but someone said that a press conference is scheduled for tomorrow. RealGM thread Article
  10. Yep, but I seriously doubt we will be picking 4 or 5. Especially since we are gonna be in the playoffs!!!
  11. I wonder if he could be talking about David Andersen? Seems like I remember him being described as a big who could shoot. And we are supposed to be trying to bring him over.
  12. Do you think it is going to take more than a year?
  13. I don't blame you. I just recentently rented it and watched it with my bro and cousins. I never saw it in the theater either.
  14. Well, it kind of was. Still a good movie IMO (although it must be noted that I really like those kind of movies).
  15. I agree that this is the WORST trade proposal for the Hawks that I have ever heard, except for maybe the Nique for Danny Manning proposal. Oh wait, that really happened.
  16. Yeah, Murphy did have a couple of nice dunks. But more than that, I remember Al Harrington absolutely ABUSING Murphy in the post. Al used a spin move on Murphy and left him standing still and looking stupid on like three straight possessions. It was awesome...for us at least .
  17. Just don't suggest that on a Warrior's board. Someone will probably try to stab you in heart with a toothpick.
  18. You are correct, sir. I suggested a trade over there that would have brought in Biedrins (or Ellis) and a first [the salaries worked but are not important here]. Those guys were ripe with hatred. One guy even put me on his signature with my quote "the trade had an option for Ellis instead of Biedrins" after they started grilling me. They made it seem like I was suggesting "the trade had an option for Jordan instead of Bill Russell". I don't believe I have never seen anything like it. Hopefully we end up dealing Al to someone else and leave GS with nothing. And then they can suck again and wonder why they never get any good players.
  19. I agree. This was definately a good movie. Good summary, Blunt.
  20. I am not trying to put a damper on this (seeing as I am definately pro-ATL Spirit), but does Belkin have to be voted in again since he was already voted in with the rest of the Spirit group when they bought the team?
  21. I miss the good old days when shows were fairly wholesome... and actually FUNNY!!!
  22. Alright Balki!!! (If anyone knows where BusBoy's quote comes from I will be very impressed....I used to watch this show growing up)
  23. I agree. Zaza is going to be an important piece to our team. He only costs 4 mil per season and he is definately a servicable, if not fairly good, center. Of course he needs work, but what young guys don't? He can either start or be a great back up for us for at least the next three years. We need to find someone to pair with Zaza, not replace him.
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