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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Orlando getting away with very rough play. Feels like I me we're playing Miami.
  2. This game has a weird feel. It feels scripted, lacking energy. Almost like it's being acted.
  3. See the above answer: I was only interested in the snotball.
  4. Me either but it was a good opportunity to crap on Matthews. -6 in 3:37.
  5. If you looked at the +/- per minute...there can be only 1.
  6. For comparison, John Collins stats so far this season. Collins last season
  7. The only player sub 100 in defensive rtg and highest net rating. The kid put in a ton of work this off-season.
  8. So the DJ to Trae 3 near the end of the game. Nique saw it on the replay and called it out. JJ brush screen is what got Trae so open on that shot. That is the kind of thing we weren't getting from JC. The keep alives under the basket, the sprung trap that led to a turnover. What JJ is doing is going far beyond the box score.
  9. What amazes me about JJ is how easy he makes dome things look. Total conservation of energy.
  10. At first I hated the Boban State Farm commercials but they've grown on me.
  11. With as much that went wrong so far, a tie is a win.
  12. You mean I've gotta get through 36 more minutes of this?
  13. Crap, I hated B-Rabbit too......there might be something here. Okay, I only hated the name but still.
  14. So I absolute hate Grayson Allen so you had me for a second...but then I remembered I really liked Laettner both at Duke and as a Hawk.
  15. 31:20 vs 29:24. So JC getting about 2 more minutes per game.
  16. stats yes, +/- = -16. JC 2023-24 15.0/9.3/1.3/.7/.3 JJ 2023-24 13.8/7.8/2/1.2/.8 JJ a +50. lower pp/rpg but better apg/spg/bpg. Doing the things that cause winning, including closing out, ball chasing, deflections. All things JC could not/did not do.
  17. Who I like and who I don't like isn't as simple as good player vs bad. I'm more into players living up to their contract/draft slot. JJ - Greatly exceeding contract, good/great for draft slot. Trae - Living up to draft but underperforming contract right now. If you get alpha contract, you need to give alpha production. Hunter - IMHO didn't earn the contract he got, he's close to living up to it now. He has some bad habits he's breaking and I'm withholding judgement right now. DJ - exceeding contract. CC - underperforming which is why I give him crap. He's fine, but he's not living up to his hype/contract. BB - underperforms contract/hype Bey - better than expected OO - exceeds contract, a bit below draft expectations (due to be undersized). He just has some limitations that he makes up with when giving great effort. Bruno - If he could just stop moving on screens I'd like him a lot more. AJ - Jury is out but he's not a contract liability. I get the feeling he'll figure things out and be a huge win. I don't hate any of them. I love JJ, at times love Trae. at times love DJ. There are times that CC makes me shake my head in disgust but its not hate. I love OO's heart but I know his limitations. BB gives me the biggest emotional swings. DH is the player I want to root for more than any, I really do. I just think he's a great athlete playing basketball, but doesn't have that killer in him. I hope he proves me wrong. If there's anyone on the team I don't like, its Meth Bogi. Garrison Matthews just rubs me wrong.
  18. Too much negative karma in this thread from everyone for my liking.
  19. If anything my comment is a critique of the guard centric play that creeps back in I stead.of the high motion offense we are supposed to running.
  20. Not even close to what I said???
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