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Hawksquawk Fantasy League?


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I've been waiting for the original league to be started again too. I haven't seen or heard anything from JTFan about it. Even if we don't hear from him, I think we should organize it soon though, since the season is right around the corner.

I don't mind being the commish in JTFan's stead, as I just came back from a long trip and I have some time on my hands now. I haven't commished the squawk basketball league before, but if another commish can't be found, I can do it. Hopefully we can get most of the members from previous years back. I finished in the top 4 last year and I'm hungry for revenge.

So what do you guys think? Should I start up Hawksquawk IV or not?

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I would say go ahead and start it up. I havent seen JTFan posting lately so why not? Isnt your (brother?) running the football league?

Just my 2 pennies, but I wouldnt publicly put the sign up info on here, I would reserve that to having people email you for it, at which point you can figure out who looks like someone that will be active or not.

Again, just my 2 pennies though.

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Ok, I went ahead and started it up. Yeah my brother and I are both running the football league. My brother more than me since I've been busy. I'll have more time now though. Hopefully we can get as many people back from last year as possible.

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