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First Half

Gray Mule

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Lon Kruger has lost it - If he ever had it.

A ship without a rudder - That's the Hawks. No one

on the team able or willing to assume the roll of leader.

When the coach calls time out, sets up a play and the

players go back out on the floor and don't know what

to do, as happened recently, this indicates to me that

no one is listening. If they don't listen, whose fault is

that? Kruger has lost them - they apparently don't pay

any attention to what he says.

Hawks can't fire the whole darned team - much as they

may wish to do so so there is only one solution.

Replace the coach. He cannot and will not have any

success with a group of players who are unwilling to

listen and carry out instructions. Maybe he doesn't have

the ability to be an N.B.A. coach. If the players would

listen and do what they were told, maybe he could be

a successful coach but we'll never know.

Apparently, the team has rebelled by refusing to listen.

Whatever the cause, they are a pitiful excuse for a

professional N.B.A. team. No leadership on the floor

or from the coach and all his assistance coaches.

Hawks can't replace the players. If they continue to

sleepwalk thru the season as they have done for the

past several games, what little fan support that they

have will be gone. It's time to change directions for

Atlanta's Hawks and the only solution that I can think

of is to replace the coach and his staff - a clean break.

It's time that the sleepwalking stopped. Someone must

wake these bozos and explain to them that they are

professional N.B.A. players who are expected to preform

as a team, not as a group of individuals. Someone

must light the fire and hold their feet to the heat until

they get the message.

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There is no leadership, graymule, you got that right. I'm starting to come around to the notion of coaching change, but what bothers me about it is that these guys keep blowing leads. In order to build those leads in the first place, these guys have to be prepared and aggressive. Do you see what I'm saying? If they were getting manhandled from the tipoff, it'd be easier for me to point the finger at coaching, but they're stepping on the floor looking good and building leads against good teams.....and then blowing it. But maybe a change is in order, there are no defensive adjustments and for a former college coach, Lon is awfully allergic to the zone, and every play on offense is a variation of the pick and roll. That doesn't excuse the players though, and the fact is that the players are just rolling over out on the court, there's no chemistry or camraderie among the starters and the bench is in absoloute disarray.

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I think it's the other way.

If we were getting blasted from the tip off, then I would be more inclined to say that we don't have the talent to compete. That's a bunch of [censored] though. We do have the talent. We've got one of the more talented teams in the eastern conference.

We are losing games when it comes time for our team to make adjustments. We get beat at halftime in a lot of games. Teams will come out and go on a run in the 3rd quarter. We fail to adjust.

Unless you have a strong minded individual like Michael Jordan on the floor, there are times when your players need a direction. And the coach is the guy that gives the direction. That's where we are getting beat.

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