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Stotts canned.


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How does the GM allow this to happen?

How can he stop himself from walking down to the locker room and saying "Stotts... no... Stotts shuttap. You're fired. Robinson, yes, you are now on waivers."

I mean really. I'd kill them. Robinson brought the team defense back to abysmal levels. He took all the dumb shots he usually does. But, honestly, I'd can Stotts first and foremost. He has had his chance at running the team. I said, "if by mid-January there is not a marked improvement then I say he's a wash"... well... HE'S A WASH.

Fire the bum. Bring in Nique for the rest of the season... at least he will have us fired up on the offensive end. Because right now... we aren't fired up on either end. Let Nique know that if he outperforms expectations (which are none) then he has a permenant job.... but this position is NOT supposed to be permenent. Then get Van Gundy and move Nique to assistant.


Stotts offensive scheme is ridiculous. Reef running off of picks? What is he? A jump shooter? The same darn pick & roll dominates our offense... and it still has NEVER worked. We clog the middle, so no one can really drive. We actually start two NBDL scrubs. Our defensive intensity is no better than when Lon coached.

Stotts is a plug. Can him.


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The Hawks are not an organization that frivilously goes through coaches. I supposed that what will happen is that Stotts will finish this season. Fratello or Van Gundy will take over in the summer. As far as any other moves... It would be no surprise is Babs is gone after the allstar break. Kasten could move Knight in as GM for the moment and then when a coaching change is made, maybe it would be a Pat Riley like deal where the coach is also the GM. That would be something that Mikey Frattello would probably take being that his last experience in Cleveland wasn't so grand. I don't know if Van Gundy has aspirations of GMing. Also, I don't know if Van Gundy wants to coach again. He left the most visible coaching job in the world (next to PJ) because he was tired and wanted to spend some time with family. Unlike Collins, he didn't take a TV job... So it might be that VG is not considering coming back?

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I hate to disagree with you, but I thoroughly do. Stotts is starting to pull us in the right direction. He may do some questionable things, but he is trying to get attention. Look at how bad Dallas was for so many years under Nelson. Now he did some crazy ass [censored]! I don't see what exactly you're directing your comment to, what moves did he do that got you so riled?

Yes, Robinson should get waived.

Yes, we have a terrible road record. But so did Sac-town a few years ago. Every franchise goes through the dumps sometime. Our rebuilding prossess is just taking a little longer than expected. Give us time. Like I said in a previous post; starting with the game against Dallas, we will go 3-7. Actually, we got two wins faster than I thought we would. We have NY and Chicago in the next couple games. We might be 4-6 or 5-5 if we could get a luck win against Portland or Sac-town. Then, after we play the Kings, we go 7-3. God I hope I'm right.


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Some of you just don't understand why a team needs a 3rd scorer. Milwaukee does. They really miss what Glen gave to them and are very disappointed in his replacement, Tim Thomas. But, that's all right. Not many of you were willing to give the guy a chance at all anyway. That's what happens to players you just don't like. They don't get a chance. The guy has been playing with two bad elbows and back pain all season long, but he gets the blame for everything.

You don't want to blame JT or SAR for anything and Glen for everything. That's fine. Glen is the only one of those three players that has played in the playoffs and won in the playoffs.

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Shareef has been playing all season with a bad back too. But, it still hasn't stopped him from having a career percentage from the floor and the lowest number of TOs. Also, he is the only distributer on the court. I think he has aspirations of being Toni Kukoc, although he doesn't have the court vision. (Someone needs to tell him he is a scorer)

Teams don't really NEED a third scorer. They need consistency. A team only needs two scoring options ... more than that and the team gets confused. Further, no one knows who the primary option is. And when all three guys have been on the floor, the primary option is always the WRONG option. Big Dog is nothing more than a mid range outlet. Not a scorer. He's the equivelent of a Tight End in football, he can help bail you out. But, because of his selfishness he turns himself into the FIRST option.

And whether or not Glenn played in the playoffs has little to do with JUST him... obviously. It takes a whole team to make the playoffs. (and win in them)

I gave the guy a chance... my hatred comes in his disruption of our offensive and defensive strategies. To tell me that we looked as good with him on the floor compared to when he isn't on the floor is just blatant basketball ignorance. He is an offensive & defensive liability, because on the offensive end he is selfish and disrupts play and on the defensive end he doesn't do ANYTHING.


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Well the Bucks are playing really well I doubt

they are missing Puppy Dog.They are actually

playing well while Puppy Dog has the Hawks in

the shitter.






They don't need Puppy Dog.I think they even

have a winning record while Puppy Dog is at

14-25 losses.

How could they be missing Puppy Dog when

they are playing better than they did the

second half of last year?

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I posted today before I read your post. I am glad I am not the only one thinking along those lines. The coach and his playbook so far suck. The pieces don't fit! (we don't have the right starting line up) and I am not too sure that his substitutions are the best either. PEACE.

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Oh, stop being a darn baby! Some of us do welcome you trade post. Please, pretty, please. PEACE. Ok, here it goes, without your trade ideas, we might as well be in a vetetative state... ok, without your trade posts we will have no one but Walter to pick on.

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Here is what I posted about the playbook, the coach, the players, the whole darn enchilada.

I agree that both players have been to an extent a disappointment. Though, they both manage to play a decent game most of the time, their D sucks and that makes them look bad. Their 20-points production and a few rebounds is not what it is all about. The darn pick and roll with JT is not working too well and the give the ball to GRob and have him shoot without a dribble has not always produced expected results. I wonder what it would take t make them both play at their top level at all times. It seems like they don't always make the right decisions out on the court. Is It a chemistry thing? For SAR to get 2 points and a dunk he should not have to dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other. As for JT, if he improved his D some, stop the darn turnovers, and get more court-wise at distributing the ball, and if he were 2 or more inches taller...That's too much to ask. He's a great shooter, but he's also a point guard who because he's no AI, cannot stay at the 2 permanently. Is Wilks a better point guard than JT? Will Dickau be a better point guard than JT is right now? Neither could shoot as well as JT, ever, I don't think. What to do about JT? Remmebr those days of Deke when he stayed in the lane and passed the ball out and back in. We don't get that with either SAR or Theo. They are always 15 feet removed from the basket. Is is the coaching? Is it the players? Why doesn't the coach have them park themselves under the basket and pass the ball out if needs be until someone has a shot or they can get a dunk or a shot close to the basket? When Dickau has to drive the ball all the way underneath the basket and then has no one to pass the ball to - Is it the coaching or it the players? I am tired of hurting for this team! Enough already!!

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In reply to:

Teams don't really NEED a third scorer. They need consistency. A team only needs two scoring options ... more than that and the team gets confused.

Nowadays, a team needs more than 2 people that they can depend on to score. That's just the bottom line. Even a team endowed with great role players won't survive without more than two people who can score.

We saw that last season. Teams could easily double down on Shareef, play JT tight and force Ty Corbin Jr to beat them. That's why it was needed for Toni to be able to take over. All Big Dog has done was bring a more consistent player to the position that Toni played.

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I hope you mean consistent, as in: "he isn't hurt as often" rather than consistent as in: "plays at the same level all the time".

Because, honestly, given a perfect universe, I would undo that trade. Toni is a FAR superior player to Robinson in EVERY aspect. Toni's downfall being defense was like a beacon of hope when compared to GRobs.

Big Dog kills our team on both ends. I think in reference to stealing I am going to create a new phrase... something to the tune of... "Oh man, I can't believe those punks Big Dogged your stereo." or "Dang, that guy grobbed your car!".

So, the Hawks can basically say: "Oh snaps, Milwaukee Big Dogged our first round pick and Toni Kukoc."


I still disagree with the three scoring options. The Bulls had two, the Lakers had two, the Celtics have two... all the greats had two. They had role players that would help out... but not a TRUE option. The difference is: BALLHANDLING.


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Imagine that! No strategies and Lon's PPG differential this year (-3.67) (WITH Big Dawg as there wer no games under Lon without Big Dawg) was 5 PPG better than Stott's WITHOUT Big Dawg (-8.23) and 6 PPG WITH Big Dawg (-9.56).

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But, the team is much better defensively WITH BIG DOG and Stotts.

Both coach's problem is that they are too laid back anyway. The mistakes the Hawks players make are constant, but we get no discipline from head coach.

It's been a problem ever since Lenny was here. There is no discipline.

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If it takes us being 10 points worse on offense to be 5 points better on defense, you know its not worth it to be "better on defense". You have to ask yourself if slowing the game down isn't largely responsible for any apparent improvement in (scoring) defense.

Regardless, at least with Lon we won .407 % of our games WITH Robinson. Under Stotts we've won .111 WITH Robinson. Says alot about Stott's and Robinson.


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Look at my statement again.

In reply to:

a team needs more than 2 people that they can depend on to score.

When I watched the Sac-LAL series Last yr, I realized that the Lakers don't win that series if not for:

1. The Refs.

2. Robert Horry.

The Lakers depend on Robert Horry to score in Big games when Shaq and Kobe doesn't. Also, in big Series... Kobe disappears and is not consistent all the way through.

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We also played the Hardest stretch of our season thus far under Stotts.... And Stotts had the obligation to retrain.

We have played San Antonio Twice, Dallas, NJ, Boston, Detroit, New Orleans, and Miami with Stotts at the helm. Those games are much tougher than us playing Chicago, Golden State, Cleveland, and Toronto under Lon.

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