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Question: What is the bad think about Belkin?


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I was too young when Belkin first owned the hawks and dont remember much besides the playoff runs and then i guess he traded those guys away. What is the bad thing about him and why do people fear having him here?

I once heard he wanted to move the hawks out of atlanta. If this is the case he should not be able to get this team.

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he doesn't want to move the hawks outside of atlanta. the things that i don't like about it though is that there was alot of talk in inner circles that belkin wanted to run the hawks like donald sterling (with is great for the owner {sterling has made alot of money off of the clippers} but bad for fans {sterling's profitable teams never even had a shot at the playoffs and he never kept his draft picks}).

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Ted Turner then AoL Time-Warner then the Spirit. Ted owned the team in the 80's and into the 90's.

There are numerous threads to answer your question. Some of us want him. some of us don't. I want him. If only to lead to something else. This group sucks. They have no answers.

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One problem with Steve Belkin is that he grew up a Boston Celtics fan and believes that he can build an NBA team just by associating himself with the Celtics of old. Another problem with him is that he wants to operate the team on the cheap. Once again, he didn't want to do the Joe Johnson deal because he didn't want to spend the money it took to get him. If you really believe that he wanted Joe Johnson but thought the trade was one sided, then I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

The biggest thing that I believe is wrong with Belkin though is the people he will put into place to run the team. Jan Volk will be the president of the team, and ML Carr will be the GM. The only reason they will be put into place is because they have already aligned themselves with Belkin. Plus, they are former Celtics, and once again, he thinks that just by association, they will be great even though they are the ones that ran that franchise into the ground in the early 90s. God only knows who Belkin would hire as the head coach, but I'm 90% sure that it would be someone with Celtic ties. I feel there is a 10% chance that Belkin would bring in someone like Doc Rivers, who now has the Celtic ties just because it would be like giving an Olive Branch to Hawks fans to bring back one of our own.

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I know exactly who Jan Volk is and I know he has championship rings on his fingers.

If I were you, I wouldn't question ANYBODYS basketball IQ because you have made a fool of yourself here by defending a hideosly incompetant GM and even compromising your own positions. You don't even know what YOU stand for. One minute you love a player in the draft and hate another...then, you find out what Billy thinks and you hate the player you loved...and love who you hated.

Here is some good advice. It's OK to have an opinion. You don't have to see what another man thinks before you decide what YOU think. The fact is that this GM has made some very questionable moves and you defend EVERY one of them. EVERY ONE. Your credibility goes out the window because everyone here knows you are just expressing BK's views, and not your own. Of all people, you have no business questioning what somebody knows.

Any man who wears rings beats a man who has never hit 30 wins in two career stops. That is just the way it is...BK is a train wreck and so is the organization he represents. If I were you, I would find another idol because your current one stinks.

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