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how winning changes everything.

the end of trade posting adn the demand for new players.

the end of criticizing each players weaknesses with little said about their good points.

the end of the what to do with JT debate.

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I'm impressed by the way they've responded as of late. But winning a few games doesn't mean we are a different team. We still have to go forward with the attitude that there are improvements to be made and see if we can make them.

I don't think you'll see the end of trade posting. We still have holes. Unless Dion steps up and shows he can consistantly provide what we need at SG, JT will not be our answer at PG. If thats' the case we have to look at trades.

We still have players with weaknesses. Winning doesn't change that. It makes some people less prone to harp on them, but it doesn't change them. Bigdog still has faults, shareef still has faults, JT still has faults. But if they can overcome them and win, it makes them somewhat moot.

JT's delima I addressed a few paragraphs up. We still can't consider him a lock. If dion can't continue to do what he's been doing, then JT isn't the answer. We still need someone to help handle the ball. Dion has helped, but he hasn't yet shown he can bring what is needed in that department consistantly.

We're getting there, but we aren't tehre yet. You can never consider a team "complete". There are always areas to improve. Even the bulls of the late 90's had holes.

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I still think that for next year's sake, the Hawks should trade JT/Hendu for a starting SG/filler (w/ an expiring contract). Then use the extra $ to sign Kenny Anderson (or someone similar) as a PG and Steve Smith as the backup SG. That team would have fewer holes. Any suggestions?

This winning streak is great, but what happens if they start losing again after not making any trades? After resigning JT, the SG position will have to be "MacGuyver'd" again b/c of the luxury tax.

But that's b/c I don't see Dion as the answer at SG and think he will not be resigned (the $ to resign JT will have to come from somewhere).

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I don't care if he's not a pure PG or a pure SG, he is a pure BALLER and he is the heart and soul of this team. Although Reef, Theo and Dog have played in All Star games, JT is CLEARLY the teams most popular player. You don't build your fan base by trading the team's most popular player.

I DON'T think he's a max player and I don't think he'll demand a max contract next year but as things stand now, the Hawks WILL be in luxury tax land after they sign him. Oh well. If AOL/TW won't pay the luxury tax next year, then I'd suggest moving someone else but JT needs to be kept around.

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Yes call me bias or whatever, but JT is the heart and soul of this team. Who is the one that raises up his arms and talks to fans after the game, trying to bring more life to the fans and to the team. He is definitely our PG and a darm good one. Ok we agree that he is not a pure PG, but name me right now the top 5 PG's in this league and how many are pure PG? Not many.

Chillz, you say Reef, Big Dog and JT has faults, well d@mn name one player in this league that doesn't, none. Even the superstars have faults, no one is perfect. I will take a faulty JT over Dickie anyday. We all are critisizing JT's play at the point and yet we have one of top 8 PG's in the league, what more do you want, J. Kidd, so do I, but we cant have it all in life. I'm with JT 100% , he brings alot to the table everynight.

Someone posted that accoring to the analyst Dickau coming out of college was a better shooter and has th same speed as JT. Was that a joke? that tells you how much analyst do know. JT has probably the best jumper in this league than any PG, and can run that pick n roll to perfection, he is all that and a bag of chips.

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