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Monday's Clippers Game is BIG


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Cleveland -

Denver 2

Miami 9.5

LAClippers 9.5

Memphis 10.5

Chicago 10.5

Toronto 10.5

Atlanta 13


We really need to lose to the teams in front of us. We did it on Saturday night against the Raptors - then they lost to Memphis Sunday night.

We're only 3.5 games out of third place in the lottery standings. We need to move up so maybe we'll get lucky and move into the top three after the lottery. The higher up we are, the better our chances are.

Let's go Clippers!

For those thinking that I want LeBron (I do) or Darko (wouldn't mind him) or Carmelo (why not), that's not it. I just want us to have a high draft pick - period. It will help us get better - whether we keep it or trade it. But if we get the fourth pick and have to give it the Bucks, I might throw up right here all over you folks on this message board!

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That is the scary part about it in that I don't want to give the Bucks the 4th pick for Robinson. I would be satisfied if they only got the 9th or 10th spot for Big Dog. I was looking at the schedule for the rest of the year and I honestly don't see us winning more than 6games unless Dermarr(if he plays this year) comes in and makes a impact. The Hawks will not win more than 30games this year, bank on it.

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every year there is talk that the NBA Draft is fixed and that Stern hand picks the lottery. Well with the All-Star game having been in Atlanta and the Hawks getting so much bad publicity throughout the year and Stern saying how disappointing it is to see Phillips empty, maybe he will help us out? I dont think that I can handle another year of giving up a high lottery pick so either we better bust our asses and get into the playoffs or we better get [censored] lucky in the lottery and get a top 3 pick.

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I will never jump on the "Let's lose these games so we can get the higher lottery pick" bandwagon. That's sickening, and it's an abomination as a fan!!

I would much rather win out and build confidence going into next season.

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Where in my post did I say anything about losing out to get a higher pick? I said wouldnt it be nice if Stern helped us out by giving Atlanta the benefit of the conspiracy this year. Of course I am joking about that, but I still never said anything about tanking the season. I do agree with you that its sickening, but its a fact of the NBA. I have heard time and time again from numerous players over the years that once teams know they are out of it, players just kinda kick back into neutral and cruise to the finish line.

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Never say die (or lose in this case). I still hold hope that we can get off our asses and play this last part of the year. To be honest, I really hope that DJ doesn't play this year. To many players come back to early. I'd rather have him for three or four years than for three or four games. DJ, if you read this, please take it slow. Make sure you are well enough before you take on heavy action.

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Therefore, as a fan of this team, a fan who wants to see them improve instead of stay status quo (i.e. mediocre at best), I want them to have a chance to get their draft pick.

NEWSFLASH: We are not going to the playoffs. Therefore, I do hope we help ourselves by getting in position for possibly moving up in the lottery and keeping our pick.

I don't see how, in any way, that's being a bad fan. It's being one who wants to see us improve!

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I have never been more disappointed in a team than I am with the Hawks right now. I should have known that when my favorite Hawk in DJ went down before the season started that I was in for a disappointing ride. Still, with all the talent we have, I thought this was .500 team at least without DJ. Unfortunately, I never anticipated that this team would be so utterly heartless and gutless. All a team has to do is get physical with them and they fold every time. It is amazing.

All that being said, I don't think we are that far away from being a pretty good team. We need a 2nd ballhandler to go along with JT in the backcourt (perhaps DJ can fill that role next season) and a tough, physical PF to play alongside Theo or a tough, physical Center to play alongside Reef (no Jerome James please Diesel).

I know a lot of you think we will be fine if we just replace Dog but I don't see how replacing Dog is going to help unless we replace him with a sane Ron Artest type. The interior D will still be too soft.

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