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Forget Josh Childress


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He didn't want to be here obviously. I don't care if it was the coach, the GM, or ASG he wasn't happy about, the system is setup to afford the team control of its draft picks. Chillz got guaranteed money from the Hawks thru good and bad. Were we always happy with his play, or his injury concerns? No. But, the team stuck by him. The fans stuck by him. He turned his back on us and basically said "I don't want to play the game the way every body else plays it, so I'm leaving" I say good riddance. Make him play the whole 3 years over there. I've heard many players interviewed over the last few days who say if Chillz gets hurt or doesn't bring a championship all that supposed "love" will go quicker than $.79 gas. And if he comes crawling back to the Hawks I hope ASG starts negotiations below the mid-level exception.

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exactly, but nobody else does it, besides Chills. He played a card that left us high and dry. Regardless of the outcome, JC was going to make a lot of money. He chose to go for the most money at the expense of the Hawks organization.

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You guys cannot be serious. How much more crap do these players have to endure with this inept ownership group? Sure, money played a part in his decision(money plays a part in all of our decisions in life) but more than that, he doesn't want to be here. Josh Smith doesn't want to be here either. This is clear as day people. The ASG is a laughingstock that doesn't know how to run an NBA franchise. There will be an Atlanta Hawks team that suits up and play 82 games next year but as for the possibility of us being an organization on the way up, forget it. Until the ASG lets go of their mess and somebody else buys this franchise and cleans it up, we are going to suck. Wisely, Chill got out. Smoove is trying to do the same thing. I just don't believe he wants to play overseas. If he does wind up staying with the Hawks, he will do it only as his last resort to get paid

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so your saying Chillz is a liar? Cause the quote I heard from him said he was wanted to re-up with the Hawks...........@ a certain price. To me that is not an inept ownership.....that's a self worth issue. He wanted more, we didn't want to pay that much.

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What I'm saying is that his statement about wanting to stay and re-up is posturing. What is he going to say? I hate it here and want to leave? I have little faith in this franchise and don't expect to be here after this season? I do not want to play for coach Woodson's half court philosophy. That doesn't help his cause. I'm even willing to believe that if, all of a sudden, the ASG got their crap together and decided to pay these guys what they deserve to make instead of dragging out every single decision so long, then he may have decided to stay here. But let's be honest. It's no secret the troubles this group of buffoons call the Atlanta Spirit have made for themselves. The players know it. Other players and agents are well aware of it. If the Hawks knew what they were doing, they would have seeked out aggressively a sign and trade for Chill. But no. They just expected the Joshes to sit around while they show no love to them and think they'll just be stuck with signing for whatever. Well Chill just said screw you and found a way out. Good for him and bad for us. That's life. I just hope that somehow we will all wake up one day and read about how the hawks are up for sale.

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man come on. That's silly. He either wanted to stay or he didn't. He said if the Hawks initial offer was what he wanted then he would have signed and been at peace. Look there are only two scenarios here. 1) as you say he wanted out, which means no reasonable amount of money would have kept him, or 2) Josh Childress wanted 40 million a year(his agent says the Hawks offer was never close to what they wanted) and the Hawks just refused to pay that much. Either way I say screw Josh Childress.

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