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Those proposing signings...


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I'm all for banter, trade proposals, et al...though sometimes they get out of hand. however, remember to learn from other's' mistakes, namely the Warriors...see Gilbert Arenas and his two year contract.

If you want to sign an possibly up and coming player, anyone, like DJ, S. Jackson, even Glover, it's gotta be at least a two year deal with a team option for a third, bare miniumum. Bird rights are a must in the day of the cap...

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The agents of young, up and coming players should know EXACTLY what you just posted and adding that 3rd year at a team option COULD be a deal breaker, particularly if another team is willing to either add a 3rd guaranteed year or willing to NOT ask for a team option for a 3rd year. If it won't be a deal breaker, a smart agent should ask the team for more money in years 1 and 2 for the right to have a 3rd year at the team option.

All of the above being said, you nailed it. IDEALLY, that is EXACTLY the type of deal that Knight should be looking for.

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Your post got me to thinking about something. I know that by not extending a qualifying offer to Glover or by not picking up DJ's rookie option, we don't have the right to match any offers they may receive. That being said, if we resign them both to 2 year deals, would we have Bird Rights for either of them due to the fact that Dion will have played for us for 6 years without changing teams and DJ will have played for us for 5 years without changing teams? We PROBABLY relinquished any Bird Rights that we might have had when we declined to extend the qualifying offer to Dion and when we declined to extend DJ's rookie contract but I'm not sure.

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I am 99% positive that by not picking up thier contracts, we negated our ownership of their rights. That's why they're unrestricted FA's...and that's why we can sign them for less than we would have had to (DJ anyway) under his rookie contract.

As far as the signing of younger guys and thier agents, yes, I'm sure that their agents are aware of this and I'm equally aware that most deals are structured to increase in salary (though only max deals have to increase the 10% a year/that's the most one can increase a salary per year unless resigning a player using Bird rights, then you can do it for 12.5%). This is all sort of off the top of my head...but hopefully I'm getting the point across.

IMO, this team is wonderfully built...to support. If you add Bryant, TMac, et al...anyone that's a top flight player in this league, this is a championship quality team (with one or two somewhat easy bench additions). That's why I'm a proponent of taking a risk on someone like Stephen Jackson...if it pans out (see Orlando and TMac, possibly Wash and Arenas...exceptions truly), then we're a great team, something that Orlando can't say right now, Philly can't say right now, Minny couldn't say before perhaps this season with KG...if it bombs, well, it's worth it almost, as otherwise, if well managed, the best we can hope for, best, is playoffs, maybe a second round by the luck of God. If it means front loading the contract to make it two year deal with team option of third, thus retaining full on rebuilding mode options for the summer of 2004/5, then I'm all in.

It's the only way.

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If you want to sign an possibly up and coming player, anyone, like DJ, S. Jackson, even Glover, it's gotta be at least a two year deal with a team option for a third, bare miniumum. Bird rights are a must in the day of the cap...

Well, if the Hawks are going to try and keep cap space at a minimum, then they'll have to renounce any restricted FA's in 2005 anyway...

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If they decide to give an up and coming player a 2 year deal, they won't be in the position that the Warriors were in with Gilbert Arenas. First of all, this won't be that player's first contract. Golden State drafted Arenas in the 2nd round two years ago, and he only signed a 2 year deal at that time.

Secondly, the two year deal will come up when the Hawks have a lot of cap room in 2005. If the player is worth the money, they can sign him to whatever he wants plus go after some more players.

But, I don't think the Hawks are looking at players that fall in the up and coming category with the exception of possibly Stephen Jackson and Dion Glover. I think the Hawks will probably end up going with two guys like Voshon Leonard and Steve Smith.

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