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Yeah Iverson is a real good guy huh BlackHawkDown?


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I know that I have read of you supporting him on here, and I am sure there are some others who are big supporters of him. This guy is nothing but a punk thug rucker park type of player. Give me some "sissy" Euro player over a punk like this anyday.

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PHILADELPHIA -- Allen Iverson will be charged with assault and other offenses for forcing his way into an apartment with a gun and threatening two men while looking for his wife, authorities said Thursday.

The Charges

Charges against Philadelphia 76ers star Allen Iverson and his uncle Gregory Iverson:

Allen Iverson

Criminal trespass, felony, two counts

Criminal conspiracy, felony, one count

Violation of the Uniform Firearms Act, felony, one count

Violation of the Uniform Firearms Act, misdemeanor, one count

Simple assault, misdemeanor, two counts

Terroristic threats, misdemeanor, two counts

Unlawful restraint, misdemeanor, two counts

False imprisonment, misdemeanor, two counts

Possession of an instrument of crime, misdemeanor, one count

Gregory Iverson

Criminal trespass, felony, two counts

Criminal conspiracy, felony, one count

Simple assault, misdemeanor, two counts

Terroristic threats, misdemeanor, two counts

Unlawful restraint, misdemeanor, two counts

False imprisonment, misdemeanor, two counts

-- Associated Press

The NBA All-Star, no stranger to trouble on and off the court, will be allowed to surrender to police Tuesday morning after his lawyer returns from vacation, police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson said. Iverson must remain inside his suburban Philadelphia mansion until then.

"If Iverson is seen on the street or out partying, we will arrest him,'' Johnson said.

Iverson and an uncle are accused of barging into a cousin's apartment on the morning of July 3 as the Philadelphia 76ers' guard searched for his wife, Tawanna. Iverson allegedly had thrown her out of their house naked during a dispute, according to tapes of a 911 call obtained by The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Earlier Thursday, police impounded Iverson's Mercedes 600 and took it to a police facility where it is being searched for more evidence, including fingerprints, ESPN's Sal Poalantonio reports.

Iverson will be charged with criminal trespass, simple assault, terroristic threats and gun offenses, District Attorney Lynne Abraham said. Four of the counts are felonies, and Iverson faces up to 54 years in prison if convicted of all the charges.

Iverson's uncle, Gregory Iverson, was also charged with criminal trespass, simple assault, terroristic threats and other offenses.

"We had two complaints we felt were credible. Detectives did a very thorough, complete and professional investigation,'' Johnson said.

Sixers coach Larry Brown and general manager Billy King said they will support Iverson through the legal process.

Brown, who spoke to Iverson on Thursday, said his star player is "hurting.''

"I'm hopeful this thing gets resolved and this kid can move on with his life,'' Brown said. "He's part of our family and will always be a part of our family.''

Iverson didn't find his wife and cousin Shaun Bowman when he went with his uncle to the Cobbs Creek Court apartment complex, authorities said. Bowman has lived there since March.

Bowman's roommate, Charles Jones, told police the men forced their way into the apartment and demanded to know the whereabouts of Tawanna and Bowman, according to a police affidavit. A friend of Jones also was in the apartment.

Iverson, a three-time All-Star and former league MVP, "continuously threatened harm to the complainants and wanted Charles to make numerous phone calls to locate Tawanna and Shaun,'' court documents said.

Iverson also "showed the complainants a black handgun'' that had been tucked into his waistband, according to the documents. Iverson has no gun permit nor does he have a gun registered in Pennsylvania, police said.

Iverson and his uncle eventually left the apartment and drove to a motel where Tawanna had rented two rooms, police said. After hotel officials failed to reach her, Iverson and his uncle began circling the parking lot looking for her white SUV.

Police confronted the men and Iverson said he was looking for his wife, court documents said.

Iverson and his wife have not commented publicly. The two married in August, two months after Iverson led the Sixers to the NBA Finals for the first time in 18 years.

Iverson's dazzling play has made him one of the most popular NBA players, and his Sixers jersey is the league's top seller. But he's also been in trouble with his team and the NBA, squabbling with his coach and making a rap CD in 2000 that used terms for women and gays that drew harsh criticism.

The charges in the gun case are just his latest problems with the law.

As a teenager, he was arrested in a Hampton, Va., bowling alley brawl in 1993 and spent four months in prison before then-Gov. Douglas Wilder granted clemency. The conviction was overturned on appeal in 1995.

In 1997, Iverson pleaded no contest to a gun charge after police near Richmond, Va., stopped a car in which he was a passenger and found a gun belonging to Iverson and two marijuana cigarettes. A marijuana-possession charge was dropped.

Iverson completed 100 hours of community service, two years of drug testing and three years' probation, after which his record was expunged.

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Being a sports star has to suck. Man eveybody and their mama is all in your business. To bad they can't take ESPN to court for invasion of privacy.

I don't know Dolfan if he be a thug or not, but I do know it isn't the first time a man has done something stupid for a women.

Rather he is a thug,prep,rich, or poor guys do stupid stuff when it comes to women. I happen to like Allen Iverson and I hope the stories are not true.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is what would we do if the women we loved ran off and you suspected she was at another mans house?

Me personally I am a calm, cool and collected person so I would probably be civil, but I don't think you can call someone a thug for reacting that way to the situation at hand.

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I am not just calling him a thug for this situation......but everything I have read and seen from him all the way back to his rookie year with Georgetown when he was a snotnose little punk talking all kinds of trash. I love his game and his hustle, but he is a punk off the court. I do feel bad for these guys that the media is all in their business, but thats the price you pay to be a star athlete. I was finally starting to respect Iverson too until that press conference last year when he sounded like a two year repeatedly saying "We talkin bout practice man".......how many damn times did he say that? I wanted to throw the remote at the TV. He just thinks that he is above the law, and thats caused him problems everyplace he has been and will continue to until he learns to be more humble.

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I am not going to go off on a 12 page rant on our social system, but I do know that, especially when it comes to these situations, things are not as bad as they seem.

Jayson Williams? Really Bad.

Jim Brown? Not near as bad, in fact way off.

Allen Iverson? My guess is that things are so blown out of proportion that the Philly police are taking this opportunity to send a message....

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THis is such a non-issue case. It's funny to watch people get fired up and break out the torches for a good witchhunt ala frankenstein. These are ALL charges that the police felt "might" stick if they got enough evidence and enough people to testify against AI. That's all it is. The guy who owned the apartment, AI's cousin, has said many times that "Iverson had a gun but he never pulled it out". Truth be told he's ASSUMING that iverson had a gun. Maybe he did, maybe this guy knows he always carries one with him. BUt he never pulled it out. He never threatened to kill the guy and he didn't kick his door in to get in his house.

If you bite on this crap then you are nothing but a media fish. They throw a negative angle out there like a worm on a hook and you swallow it whole.

Every one of those charges will get thrown out. This is nothing more than a case of a high dollar star doing something that you and I would at most spend a night in jail over and it would be done, AT MOST. We all know AI isn't the average nba player. We all know he's got a little street in him or at the very least he wants everyone to think he does. But to suddenly turn against him and build up this mindset against him over this crap is just absurd.

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Thats the bottom line plain and simple. You wrapped that up by saying that he did nothing that you are I wouldnt spend more than a night in jail for. So does that make him a good guy? I know damn well that I have never done anything that would land me in jail for 2 seconds much less a night or have me be placed on house arrest. He is getting the royal treatment as it is for not even going to jail so far, whereas a normal citizen would have been arrested and behind bars already.

If you want to take up for him thats fine, but when a guy commits a crime like this, I dont consider him to be a good guy. He is a thug just like I said. He has proved it time and time again ever since the early 90s when he was first incarcerated. But hey feel free to defend this guy all you want just because he is a star NBA player.

By the way, I didnt suddenly turn on this guy. I have never liked him. He has been a thug ever since I first saw him play at Georgetown and he started fights on the court. Didnt like him then, dont like him now. I like the way he plays, but as a person to use a saying from KB, I would piss on him if he was on fire.

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Chilz I am glad to see someone else recognizes what the media is doing. They do it all the time to athletes so they can get ratings. The bottom line is that News media wants to make money and if there is no big story they will try to create one.

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I am thankful Chilzat and Atlien responded to the nonsense you posted Dolfan23 I see you are player hating on me in forums I dont often visit. In addition to what ATLien and I said in the other forum I will add this.


For a man who says he joined the military to protect the constitution you aren't talking like it. AI is innocent until proven guilty you weren't there so give it up. It is amazing how someone who would be so adament in boasting about American freedoms would be so quick to deny them to another citizen.

Anyway one other thing I have always feared the cops. I have only known them for 4 things NONE of them positive.

I dont trust them and I dont believe any charges until they are proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. So far all I've heard is he said she said.

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How do I know what forums you visit? Is that my fault that you dont visit this forum often?

AI has a rap sheet a mile long and he has served time in jail, 4 months I think. He is a criminal in my book the same way an alchoholic is always an alchoholic. His teammates reportedly cannot stand him, he thinks he is too good for practice and he has repeatedly thrown his wife out into the street buck naked. Yeah hes a real good guy.

Also, I find it very offensive that you lump all police officers into one category there like you did with your last statement.

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Anyway one other thing I have always feared the cops. I have only known them for 4 things NONE of them positive.

Thats like me hating all minorities because I turned on the news and saw one black guy robing a convenience store, or 10 different cases of it, like I see every week......or the same with a mexican guy, or an asian guy, or even white guys. You cannot convict an entire group because of the actions of a few. I happen to know some damn good cops. The first of which is my dad. I happen to know of, but not personally know, some pretty sorry cops also....but I wont hold that against the entire group.

Also, please show me waht nonsense I posted BHD. I posted nothing but the truth. I posted his rap sheet.....is that nonsense? I posted about him throwing his wife numerous times into the street naked.....is that nonsense? I posted about him busting into that apt and having a gun on him.....is that nonsense? Please elaborate on what is nonsense?

Ever since you started coming on here your posts are only about race, and everyone is noticing it. I am just about as far as you can get from being racist, so for me to notice it must mean that its pretty damn obvious. I couldnt care less about whether Iverson is black, white, purple, whatever.......the FACT is that he is a fantastic athlete on the court, and a thug off of it. Ever since I first started watching him play at Georgetown up until now he has not proved me otherwise.

So, am I convicting him of something he didnt do? NOPE. I am saying he is a thug and he is. I am saying that he did all of those things above, and he did. Nor am I denying anyone their American Freedoms. He deserves a trail by jury and he will get one, no doubt but he is guilty of everything above because he was caught doing them. Other than that time will tell on what else he is innocent or guilty of.

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Dolfan23 Really where in my post did you see anything about race?? Where??? I hate Euro player and sissyballers, what is racially motivated about that??? The only time I ever mentioned race was after someone else did. Again I post something, responding to your hating, not once mentioning race and you post something regarding race. You are offended by me I am offende by you. Frankly I am tired of it. When your talking hoops your pretty interesting, why dont we agree to disagree on social issues and talk about our common interest Hawks Ball.

Walter and Dolfan23 I am going to tell you now I am not going to discuss anything other than basketball with you. I am following Jay Z's advice " Never argue with fools because people from a distance cant tell who is who." I am not calling either of you fools but I am saying I have no interest in arguing for no good reason. When I argued with HotlantaDude it was fun this isn't. You guys seem intelligent let just bury the race, sissyball and thug subjects I'm sure everyone else is tired of it if I am.

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Sounds good to me.......hatchet is buried and moving on. I encourage everyone to do the same. Really I know better than getting into debates about race, religion, and politics......but its just so hard to not reply.........anyways, end of subject, we have plenty of arguements ahead about the Hawks I am sure.

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