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Yes, i am hoping we lose evry game form here on in. Is it crazy? maybe but what is winning games the rest of the yr going to do for us? NOTHING. I seriously doubt many of the players we have now will be here next yr so there goes your argument for "building confidence for next season". Don't get me wrong, I hope they play hard I really do. I am not saying go out and just lay down but losing does more for us now than winning does. I don't understand how you can't understand this concept. Oh, and your right having the worst record doesn't gaurantee us the #1 pick but it gives a huge advantage over say the 5ht or 6th worst team. Do you really think that kobe or any big name fa are going to change their mind about this team if we play 500 ball the rest of the way? NO. The only way we change their minds is to add young TALENTED guys through the draft. And this may taek 2 or 3 yrs and I am willing to wait until we get guys that are good enough to take us deep into the playoffs. I don't want a team that gets in the postseason only to go home in the 1st round. Been there done that. To good to get goo dplayers in draft and not enough cap space to sign any marquis players.

I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong. Its just my opinion but don't say that I am not a true fan because of it. I understand where u are coming from it is hard to say that you hope your favorite team loses games but I don't mind sacrificing a few games for what may become. Say for instance we win half our remaining games and we end up w/ the 5th pick in the draft. howard, okafor and smith go on to be incredible stars in the league. We on the other hand end up w/ either deng or pp who go on to be flops. wouldn't you then look back and say you know I sure we we could have lost a few more games and ended up w/ either of those 3?? Now i know thats a lot of speculation but do you understand my pt? Why would you even chance the opportunity to end up w/ a guy like okafor or howard or even a josh smith just to win a few games at the end of a wasted season? It just makes no sense to me. But thats your opinion and your entitled to it, but don't come here and think that just becuase someone believes different form you that we are not "true fans" of the hawks. We are all fans we just have a different view on how the team will get better, which in the end is what we all want.

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How could you say that? Any true fan would want his team to win. We should fight to win every last game we can. The draft is no guarantee, and I can't understand the laws of probability, so I can't see how a higher percentage chance at a good player is better than a lower percentage chance. I just see that neither is 100%, so I make the blanket statement that the draft is no guarantee.

I'm a moron. I can't think.

BTW, I was being sarcastic...except the part about being a moron. I humbly admit that I am one.

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