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BHD..you were right about Marshall...


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Hey you were throwing out an idea, which wasn't that bad, Marshall isn't bad if he comes cheap.

But please tell me your joking $10Mil for Marshall thats way too high maybe he is just posturing now that some teams are showing intersest.

But Marshall and my faves Mike Miller and Shane Battier dont matter now that Big Dogs in town. Bring On The LAKERS!!!!

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The Lakers won't necessarily squash us. The Hawks are a team that can get out and run the floor, and with the addition of Robinson, we know have more stability in half court offensive sets as well.

The Lakers proved against the Kings that they struggle with teams that can get out and run the court.

The Hawks also beat the Lakers in LA last year, and they stomped the Lakers in Atlanta two years ago.

I've long felt that the way to stop the Lakers is by keeping guys like Rick Fox and Derek Fisher from beating you. Shaq and Kobe will get theirs regardless. The Lakers become dangerous when you put too much attention on those two and ignore Fox, Fisher, and especially Horry.

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I think

1. We need to get someone who is physically capable of holding Shaq a little. And get 15 pts back. Theo is going to get stomped in the matchup.

2. DJ has to come along and turn into the player we thought he would be before Rookie Camp. There is no one in the league that would be better able to gaurd TMac and Kobe. Because of his height size and speed he should become one of the better Points.

3 Rest of the team would get stomped by Big Dog , SAR and JT......... but is that enough?

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