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Everything posted by D.R.P.

  1. Your such a douche, are you even watching the game. Apparently your just checking the box score. Buy a TV!
  2. Why in the world did he put in Anthony Johnson instead of Acie Law. Just pure Iditcy!
  3. That's got to be one of the dumbest trade proposals ever made on these boards. Heck even Diesel would trade Marvin for more than that. It reminds me of how a lot of people wanted to trade Josh Smith so easily early in the season when he stunk (as he usually does early in the season). As for SmooveTheFuture you opinions of Marvin are so diluted it isn’t even funny. I’m going to add a signature with Chris Paul in a Bucks jersey just for you. Quit crying over spilled milk like a little baby; everyone knows that CP3 should have been the pick. I wanted Paul to be our pick worse than anyone BEFORE the ’05 draft, yet I’m not still crying over it 3 years later. I’m a Hawks fan I don’t know about you.
  4. Bundchen: 'If the Pats Lose, I'll Run Naked Through Mid-Town Manhattan' Feb. 1, 2008 By The Sportsman's Daily Special to CBSSports.com Click here to find out more! Share this page. FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (Sportsman's Daily Wire Service) -- Winning isn't everything, particularly if losing means you get to glimpse Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen striding naked down the Great White Way. A trip to the Super Bowl has suddenly presented the Patriots with an unexpected dilemma: a choice between a perfect record and beholding the perfect body, unclad and in motion. In the aftermath of their 21-12 victory over the San Diego Chargers, Tom Brady's celebrated girlfriend startled onlookers by promising to run naked down Broadway in the unlikely event the Patriots lose to the Arizona-bound N.Y. Giants -- unlikely until the very moment she parted her full lips and made the surprise announcement. Gisele Bundchen (Getty Images) Gisele Bundchen (Getty Images) "Never in a million years did I think I'd have a problem motivating a team heading into the Super Bowl," said Patriots coach Bill Belichick. "Gisele opens her big mouth and look at 'em -- half the guys are staring into space, the others are leering like they've just stumbled onto their uncle's private porn stash. And who can blame them -- that's one fine specimen. But this is a completely new wrinkle ... though wrinkle is probably the wrong word, as I've seen Gisele in a thong, and trust me, that butt's tighter than a fine-tuned snare drum." Most of the players interviewed refuse to let the indelible image of Gisele Bundchen gamboling gazelle-like though the streets -- if a gazelle were 5-11 with perfect breasts and generated enough heat to thaw 30 square miles of permafrost -- to become a distraction. "To be perfectly honest, she's been a distraction the moment we saw pics of her on the beach with T.B. in the offseason," said linebacker Mike Vrabel. "Those legs, that butt, those lips. Thankfully we've got football to release the sexual tension. Bringing an erection onto the field is never a good idea, particularly for a linebacker who relies on lateral pursuit to be effective." When she learned of the players' reaction to her provocative remark, Bundchen immediately tried walking it back. "It was a mistake and I'm sorry I said it. I don't know what I could have been thinking -- Midtown Manhattan is a parking lot any time of day or night. It'd take 30 minutes just to make it from the Theater District to 34th Street. And what if I ran into the Naked Cowboy and had to pose for pictures with every out-of-town Tom, d*ck and Harry? Tack on another 30 minutes, easily. How 'bout I simply flashed my breasts from a billboard in Times Square and call it a day ... will that work?" Not for Tedy Bruschi it won't. "To me, a perfect season is winning the Superbowl AND getting to see Gisele naked. So no matter how you slice it, a perfect season is no longer possible. We win, we have to live with the thought of Gisele's legs wrapped around Tom's neck, rolling around on some beach somewhere. And if we lose, everything we've accomplished is out the window. I wonder if Gisele has a sister*. What's the temperature in Rio this time of year?" Giants coach Tom Coughlin suspects there's more to Bundchen's announcement than meets the eye and detects a whiff of classic Belichick gamesmanship. "Belichick is behind this, I can smell it. He wants us going into the game thinking his team is distracted and conflicted. First off, I'm not going to have the girlfriend of an opposing quarterback run naked on our home turf. Second, if Bill wants to play that game, fine. If the Patriots win, our offensive line will run buck naked through the streets of Foxborough. That's over 1,000 pounds of highly repulsive man-meat. Your move, Belichick." Rich Peltz, a Giants fan from Weehauken, N.J., captured the sentiment shared by football fans around the country who've been waiting and hoping for the insufferably smug Patriots to stumble. "I haven't been to a Broadway show in over 20 years. But Gisele Bundchen naked, with Tom Brady watching helplessly on the sidelines, now that's one show I'd pay Broadway prices to see." * Gisele has five sisters, one for each of the Patriots' starting linebacker corps, with two to divide up among the team's secondary: Raquel, Graziela, Gabriela, Rafaela and her fraternal twin Patrícia.
  5. That reminds me of a game a couple of weeks ago when Childress tried to shoot a shot before the end of a quarter, yet it took him so looooooooooooooooong with that release that he didn't make it in time. All Steve Smith could do was laugh and say "he tried". It's like Chills has to touch his toes with the ball before he can shoot.
  6. http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/f...draft_1231.html
  7. Quote: Quote: I dont mind picking McFadden AS LONG AS we grab AT LEAST one stud FA O Lineman. McFadden would NOT play up to his potential behind our O Line as it is now. Peterson did because he has that wonderful Minnesota O Line to run behind. Please remember this folks... [/indent] Your absolutely right; Minnesota does have a really good O Line and seems like its been that way for the last 15 years ( I remember how good there O-lines have been rated on Madden). Just like how the vikings got Hutchinson from Seattle a couple of years ago; the falcons main free agent priority should be offensive line.
  8. ATLBob you beat me to the punch. It's great that the falcons won and still will get the 3rd pick. Drafting McFadden is still a possibility because; I don't see the Dolphins taking him after taking Ronnie Brown a couple of years ago and I don't see St. Louis taking him while having Steven Jackson. I liked what I saw from Matt Ryan (quick release, accuracy, movement in the pocket to avoid the rush); but I'm just not sold on him as the third pick. McFadden would be my choice because just like Adreian Peterson he has a chance to come and make a major impact, plus the Falcons need a new face of the franchise. I'm just not sold on taking a quarterback that early in the first round. Just look at the success of quarterbacks taken in the first round the last 5 or so years and it hasn't been that great.
  9. Quote: zzzzzz do we really need 50 threads about him. Why does everything have to be a competition between Marvin & Smoove to you? When someone gives Marvin props you act like they are undercutting Smoove. If this thread was about Josh S. you would be kissing his a** so hard.
  10. D.R.P.

    Great Win!!

    What a great win; revenge is so sweet! Props to Marvin for carrying the team in 1rst Half. Which allowed Joe to rest up and take over in the 4th quarter (TAKE NOTE DIESEL). Props to Anthony Johnson for outplaying Deron Williams. Who resents trading a second round pick for him now? Who was that talking about trading him before the season started? Props to Joe for taking over when we needed him too. That's what the great players can do; they can take it easy for the first 3 quarters then take over in crunch time. Props to Josh S. for playing a good all around game, and for not jacking up 15+ shots. All around just a great win against a team that went to Western conference finals last year. P.S. Woody's a lot better coach when he has less choices to make as far as who to sub in and out. No reason Marvin and Josh S. can't play 45+ minutes some nights.
  11. Did you also notice that their crowd was soooooooo dead the whole game. I mean you'd barely hear anything from that crowd.
  12. Yeah, I really wish Josh would just dunk on people sometimes like Amare (pre-micro) when he is around the rim. The funny thing about the Josh - Tyrus comparison is that they are both the same age; as of right now.
  13. Well Yi has successfully fouled out his NBA Game. Espn Boxscore Congratulations to him for being who I thought he was! LOL
  14. Quote: Quote: then Law probably would be dissin' the Hawks too. Obviously you still underestimate the dude's intelligence. I understand the competitivenesses of Law and Conley. Both guys are really driven and confident. If someone dissed you what are you going to do? You are probably going to dis them right back.
  15. You guys are taking this thing way to seriously. It sounds like Conley is mad that he didn't get picked by Hawks. Remember Mike Woodson dissed Conley right after the draft; this is Conley's response to that. Also right before the draft Conley was talking about how he wanted to play for the Hawks. Think about it, if the Hawks had drafted Crittenton instead of Law; then Law probably would be dissin' the Hawks too. Who cares if Conley said that its just spilled milk at this point. As one of the people who was on the Conley train (and still believes in him), I realize now that we came out of the draft the best way we could of. We have Holford who I defended and backed before the draft, and Law whom I questioned his point skills (which he has now answered in a good way).
  16. 1. Speedy Claxton will play in no more than 55 games. 2. Marvin Williams will be the second leading scorer. 3. Marvin will lead the team in FT attempts and makes. 4. Diesel will still be trying to trade Marvin for a bag of peanuts at mid-season. 5. Acie Law will lead the team in assists. 6. Salim Stoudamire will get into it with Mike Woodson over lack of playing time. 7. Shelden Williams minutes will decrease as the season goes on. 8. Belkin will finally sell his share of the team, but it won’t be to the ASG. 9. Al Horford will lead the team in rebounds. 10. Horford will finish second in rookie of the year votes. 11. Horford and Law will play in the rookie sophomore all-star challenge. 12. Law will start from the first game on. 13. Walter will continue complaining about drafting Sheldon instead of Brandon Roy, even though Roy will miss half of the season. 14. Mike Woodson will continually be out coached, yet the team will still find a way to win. 15. Joe Johnson will make the All-Star team without being a replacement. 16. Anthony Johnson will not be traded. 17. Salim Stoudamire will be traded. 18. Lazy Lo will be traded at the deadline. 19. The Hawks will make it to the playoffs as the 7th seed. 20. The Hawks will capture the town and win over plenty of bandwagon fans.
  17. Just turn off system restore on all of your hard drive(s) because that's were all of that junk hides in your computer. Then I would download AVG free and let it run a system check to hunt down the viruses so they can be deleted.
  18. Congratulations Warner Robins Little League Team. That's two years in a row a Georgia team has won the Little League World Championship. No wonder Schuerholz has been drafting players from the state for the last five or six years. Those years of winning consecutive division titles has really influenced these kids; for most of their lives the Braves have won the division. On a side note stick a fork in the this year's Braves team; unfortunately their done.
  19. For me it would be an obvious choice of Michael Jordan, during the Bulls hay day with Pippen, Rodman, and Kukoc. I also miss the teams with Bill Cartwright on them, because he would shoot free throws with both hands and half of the shots would be air balls. I miss watching Dominique shoot up all those bricks that always found a way to roll off the rim and into the hoop. It seemed like he never made a shot that was "nothing but net".
  20. Actually I have nothing to do with defending criminals; I have a good conscious.
  21. Actually Vick wasn't even flippin the finger to a Falcon fan, it's been reported that it was a Saint's fan that was giving Rodney White a hard time; he was actually defending a teammate but of course you would never read that in the AJC. It does not excuse him from flipping off the fan, but it wasn't a Falcon fan. Also during bottlegate it was never reported by the AJC that Vick had over 100,000 dollars worth of jewelry stolen at an airport before; it took former Falcon beat writer and current ESPN scribe Len Pasquarelli to report that bit of information. Then when Vick described what happened, the AJC reported that the investigators had never heard of Vick using the bottle to hide his jewelry. Well of course they never heard about Vick using the bottle to hide jewelry because THEY NEVER QUESTIONED HIM. It's ashame that people can't see when the media is not giving them the whole truth; I'm so glad I had a course on how the media works during college, because I can see how the media manipulates things from time to time and only reports certain details of a story.
  22. Quote: Drp, you are a thug. You respond to my points with hate. Nothing meaningful has come out of your posts yet. Nobody, including myself, who thinks Vick is guilty has said he doesn't deserve his due process. You cuss and call me names like a child who needs a spanking. You are just like Vick. That's why you defend him. You're full of hate and you have a racial chip on your shoulder. Wouldn't surprise me if you're a member of the black panthers. So have fun calling me names and hating everyone who you can't hold an intellectual discussion with. It's all you've got and I pity you. Wow, me a thug I've never heard that one before; that's quite humorous. I apologize, I didn't know it would be so easy to hurt your feeling; have you ever heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". I've got to print your post out and show it to many of my white friends they would find it to be quite hilarious. The same friends I've gone out to eat with, been invited or have been to their houses. Why are you bringing up race in regards to the Vick case; it has nothing I mean absolutely nothing to do with race. That shows your true feelings of hate towards him is due to his race. Your the type of person who would not help a person who does not speak clean English if they asked you for directions. You would turn up your nose at that person because they are different, while I on the other hand would try my best and patiently help that person. It's ashame that you hate people just because of their differences; while I embrace people differences. Please look up the true definition of the word thug, "just because you may have heard a Tupac song or two in your life doesn't mean you know the definition of the word thug; it's amazing how often that word is used out of context when racism is involved. If I was a thug would I really have been on a jury not once but twice? Would I have recently been invited to become a member of the the county's sheriff association if I was a thug; I don't think so. I am an extremely high character person otherwise I would not have the job that I have; I deal with highly confidential information everyday; how about yourself. Let me just say your most likely paying a little bit of my salary. I don't drink or smoke and I've never done an illegal drug a day in my life. Please get out of your own little world, where your only around people who are just like you, get out and mingle with different people of race, color and ethnic groups; their is a good chance you would learn something new. It's people like you who give this country such a bad reputation because you don't care to learn about different cultures of people, because your afraid of what you don't know. Maybe I need to send you on a trip somewhere to experience some new things.
  23. I wouldn't give up Salty in a deal unless it was for a highly capable starting pitcher like a Dontrell Willis. I think Juilio Franco is a great guy and all to have on the team, but he shouldn't be starting over Salty; it looks like old age has finally caught up with Julio.
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