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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Is it common to carry 3 PG's... ? Especially in our situation. Dennis's growth is gonna be shortened. JT is gonna eat up most minutes, what's left is for Mack. Unless they have have a plan to play two at a time, I don't get it. But, I'm not a coach, just saying....
  2. I think it was very reasonable, and he'll keep improving with better coaching he'll get. But I'm not thrilled about NBA fans not knowing who our players are... I bet even a die hard would have difficult naming our starting 5, let alone our bench. We've been in the playoffs, how many straight years?? Okay, off my soapbox...
  3. I get that point. I just think we'll be better with a healthy Horf. Him having the time get back, doesn't make summer a complete waste.
  4. You guys gotta remember we have an all star PF coming back... That's pretty much as good as any FA we could have signed.
  5. I feel bad for Paul George, I saw it live and it's the last time I will ever watch it again. Indiana is done. Losing him and Lance... And a mentally fragile Hibbert? iF Derrick Rose stays healthy, big if, I think Chicago is the favorite. However, if Love joins Bron and Irving, I'm flopping them. I see us as a 4-5 seed. Washington is good.
  6. I had to watch it one more time. He's got a lot of rehab, forget 2015. What got me... Was the team more than an actually injury, they're reaction! Those kids were shell shocked.
  7. Yeah, a lot of good points there. Even though we make the playoffs, seemingly ever year, it's like kissing your sister. Not cool....
  8. You know, I'm patriotic, and want the USA to win. But I'm torn. If I was a die hard Pacers fan, like I am Hawks, I'd be so depressed right now. I honestly, wouldn't care, maybe relieved, if Korver or Sap don't make the team. George is out for a year.
  9. It's up there dude.... You will only need to see it once. I'll never watch it again. You know what, don't even watch the injury. Look at thre players.... Look at Harden and Rose.... Speaks for itself....
  10. ESPN is stupid... I had to change the channel. They showed the stand where his foot got caught under the basket... Dude just snapped his leg, possibly lost his career... I know it's news, but just say he broke his leg. And stop showing it!!!
  11. Right. It's like the Tyrone Prowthrow Alabama stuff... You don't wanna see that again. Coach K and Colangelo are really short and low... He must be really fuc&ed....
  12. That was absolutely gross... It's horrible. He may never recover... Such a bright future and to get that kind of injury in a scrimmage...
  13. Well Paul George is done.... For awhile. That was nasty
  14. And I thought I was on point.... SMH... I'm ashamed. USA basketball and the Hawks actually got mentioned.
  15. Kyle is making the most of his minutes.... Dropping bombs. Announcers had an interesting nugget. The Hawks were second in assists in the league last year?? I didn't know that, or missed it....
  16. Good for him. As long it's not with us, best of luck. Didn't work out in Atlanta.
  17. Players want to come to Atlanta? I have to disagree, save Deke and JJ over the past 20 years.... I can throw Sap in the mix, but that's it.
  18. You guys have no idea what the hype, sports wise, in Ohio. It's ridiculous . Lebron home, Johnny Football, Braxton leading a Heisman list... I'm glad I'm a sports fan because there's nothing else to do...
  19. Everything is about money....
  20. Guys, let's not underestimate the influence of LeBron. He's home. He's gonna get what he wants come hell or high water. If he wants Love in a Cavs uni, he'll be in a Cavs uni
  21. I dunno... I wouldn't call us odd, maybe more like ... versatile. I wouldn't have a problem with Teague, Sap, or Horf trying to close a game. All three are talented. My guess is that Bud would have a situation where there would be choices... Not just one option
  22. I don't think, ultimately, he'll make the team... But what a cool experience. I don't know if there's a better shooter....
  23. The dude is talented and smart. Veteran and a good face for the league.... It should be no surprise.
  24. Watching him play, it's obvious, his biggest weakness is on ball defending. It's not lack of effort, dude plays HARD all the time. He's smart, best shooter in the league. High character. Glad he's a Hawk... And that was a good read
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