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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. Spolesta is a good dude... But he's a puppet. No way he's the third best coach in the east. I could roll the ball out with his players and finish in the top four.
  2. There's just no centers out there. It's not hard to get... Horf is our center, someone will back him. Pero.... Another starch 4/5. It's been like this for years.
  3. We're the Hawks.. Having Horf and Sap as our starting 4 and 5 is pretty damn good. Can't complain...
  4. It's not a center game anymore, save Dwight. Ferry is gonna run four 6'6- 6-10, athletic dudes and a PG And the big boys can shoot. Posting "up on the block" is not happening anymore
  5. It doesn't matter what team LeBron goes to in the East... It's top two or three. He's the best on earth. Throw my old ass out there, still make the playoffs, he's that good... Lol
  6. No way DF reads this... He's got enough on his plate to read us to get in his head...
  7. No way DF reads this... He's got enough on his plate to read us to get in his head...
  8. Gawd dammit... We need a SF. I like DC, but right now, he's 2nd team. Thabo was nice cuz he's an elite defender, throw Deng and 13 points average... Do it.
  9. Yeah, I've read same things! He's a good dude. Tough upbringing... Appreciates what he's got.
  10. I don't want either one of them. Wade is 32 going on 60. Bosh?? Are we gonna roll out 4 power forwards and Teague?
  11. We've never won the prize, or really, been close. And it might seem like it, we're a small market team. Even in Atllanta...
  12. I don't know what Orlando is doing... Ben Gordon and Willie Green??? Okay.... Whatever
  13. Easy guys, it's barely been a day! Let DF and company work...a hasty decision could cripple us for years...
  14. I don't think a big contract to Parsons is gonna pack Phillips .... He's a good player, but it be a big mistake...
  15. I get the comparison is bad, you're right Dolf... I just don't want to invest that much money./. I think it would set us back another three years.
  16. You can't give Parsons max money.... Not max. That screams Chris Crawford all over again, at a worst penalty...
  17. Honestly, I'm glad he's on our team cuz I'm tired of watching him kill my Bucks....
  18. We're doing it the Spurs way... It's obvious. Our first round pick has Pop slathered all over it. Quality player, great person, 23 year old... With plenty of experience. DF and Bud are just following the mold...broken record, but playing 4 years under Izzo can't be understated....
  19. If there was ANY chance of landing those two here, do it. It's such a pipe dream! Trade anyone. Phillips would be packed every night. Sold out! Road games too... National TV 25 games... Aight I'm done, dreaming is fun
  20. I've read 500 threads clamoring that we need a superstar.... Well he is one. If we're even in the discussion, is a plus.
  21. He's talented, there's no denying that. I don't want another head case on this team. Call me crazy, but does he fit with Sap, Horf, Bud? They're personality's don't gel
  22. Good points, I hope you're right. I think he's the best coach we've had since Lenny... Losing Quinn hurts though
  23. I dunno man. I think this is a learning experience for him. He was there 17 years?? Training to me. He's the perfect successor.
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