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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. No offense, but that question has been asked and talked about 1000 times, and I may be under... So we'll go with the typical answer... What "typical" center is available? There is not many left, and most are pretty locked up... It's not a Ewing, Deke, Hakeem, Smits, league anymore...
  2. Diesel is not a knucklehead, but that made me laugh....I haven't heard that in awhile
  3. Teague with boobs... Lol
  4. Hey, I'm not gonna argue with you. Those predicts come true, I'll be as happy as anyone on this board! I'm hoping...
  5. Sap is the kicker to all these rumors....it's not hard to see.
  6. Gawd, I love your optimism... But bold is still crazy. Three all stars? Coach of the year? DMC doing anything on a all... Whatever squad...... You whiffed on those three...
  7. Oh, he didn't do anything catastrophic ... His father is fighting a huge battle. That's the elephant in the room and respect that.
  8. C'mon dude's.. It's not hard to figure out. He wants more money, who wouldn't? And he's young and wants to play...
  9. We'll, drafting Payne changed everything.... Dude has to do what he has to do...
  10. Good for him. He needs playing time. Signing Mack behind JT means his ass is gonna get sore....
  11. I'm your same age now...got my four out 20 years ago. It sucked. Then I went to a White Zombie concert two days later and got hit in my jaw.... Smart move
  12. That's not it dude... I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe I came of harsh, but it's obvious the western conference is so much better than east...
  13. We made it interesting, but still lost in the first round. (I know being an 8th seed, and no Horf) still... The east sucked. Two time NBA champs got embarrassed having the best player on earth...
  14. Awesome read. Getting better when you get a decade older can't be easy. I'm sure a little has to do with system. I have to admit, I thought Bud was in Atlanta for training and experience until Pop retired. After Pop extended, I was wrong, happily wrong. Best line was the end. Kyle is not stupid...he knows what Bud is doing is right
  15. It's too hard to predict... Trades, injuries... I mean, how many more wins would we have if we didn't lose Horf?
  16. There is no debate... We've been discussing this for, what, 7 years??? He is our center.
  17. I'm not gonna argue ... But if Teague. Mack, and Dennis are on the floor at the same time, ever, we're screwed...
  18. They're all PG's. And JT is gonna get all the minutes. He should. They play together? Dennis guarding a 2????.....isolate ... Lol, 2 points
  19. It's not brain surgery, a healthy Horford makes us 10 games better....
  20. Oh hell, it's a daily routine... Work or at home, post or no post. All about the Hawks! True fans....
  21. I agree.... JT is running the show. But why give Mack a new contract, and still have Dennis? Too many cooks in the kitchen, doesn't make sense.
  22. Do you watch him play? He doesn't talk. He goes out and works and performs? Trade him??.. We should be thinking about extending him. The guy took over a lackluster team and was an all star and you're talking about trading him? Ugghhh
  23. Congrats Sap... The thing about our two invites is that they're quiet, lunch pail guys that just do what they can for the team. Glad they're Hawks.
  24. This conversation is about as old as Horf's career. Which is at the turn, and starting the back nine. He's our center. Then he's gonna leave. I'll bet for another year, DF is gonna try Horf at 5, and Sap at 4.....which is pretty enticing.
  25. Damn, he's 28??? I mean, that's not old by any means... But I would have guessed he's 24...
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