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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. We know it's a growing process. JT is gonna hog the minutes... As well he should. The dude needs to play and mature...
  2. I don't think anyone should be surprised... In 20 years we've had two all star free agents sign with us... Two. Deke and JJ.
  3. Ok... We'll just run 8 6'9 guys and Sap can play point.
  4. Dolf, while I don't disagree... He's a kid that performed better than the best players on the planet. That's talent. Pair him with LeBron = wins.
  5. Crazy on your team??? We have a coach that has been taught to do it the right way. Crazy is not San Antionio. 5 rings later, they know how to do it... And it's not with head cases...
  6. We need a true center??? I've never read this before....
  7. Heart, he's an all star MVP... It happened.
  8. Smoove 2.0 with less talent. Pass...
  9. Yeah, I watched him in college when I was at OU and they played Rhode Island. I'm 38. He's done...
  10. Devil's advocate here, but I wouldn't call it wide open. I like our team... But somebody just returned to Cleveland with an all star MVP PG. They have young pieces everywhere...
  11. Jesus, take it easy... We're all fans of the same team.
  12. Yeah, it's very unlikely. Duncan has five rings and arguably the best PF ever
  13. Maybe not.... But he's a lunch pail guy, and when Horg went down, he took over. I respect that.
  14. They're not in the west, they're in the east. And they made the all star team, so I think it counts...
  15. I don't hate Smoove, but it just wouldn't make sense. We have two all star big men in Horf and Sap, and just drafted Payne.
  16. Well, even being an Ohio guy, I gotta eat crow. I didn't think he'd come back. His SI article was spot on. Know they're going after Love. Here's your new, younger, big three.
  17. It's annoying... But they have the right to take your time. Obviously, LeBron is, he's still getting shit on four years later...
  18. Well, all the free agents are dragging their feet, so it's impossible to predict
  19. Yeah, he's dragging it out. Showing his ego. But he's not a whore.... That's harsh.
  20. I've been wrong many times... I just don't see the fit. Hope it works out! I've been wrong many times... I just don't see the fit. Hope it works out!
  21. Salmons is gone. He's a pawn on a chess board...
  22. Lebrons ego is expanding a bit. If that's possible. He's not leaving Miami. Not with 30 million on the table... It's Miami... Compared to Cleveland.? I've been in Ohio 37 years... Are you kidding me?
  23. A punch line? Our GM has dumped JJ's contract, convined Utah to take Marvin, and Detroit takes Smoove. Plus we bring in all star for peanuts. And the fact we have a coach with 18 years experience under, pop, another champion. I don't think people are laughing...
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