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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. I don't think we're going to lose 11 straight, nor did I ever post that. My original post was just stating that it COULD happen because I think the schedule is rough in December. We COULD win 11 in a row. Now am going to be called out for being too optimistic?
  2. Because the majority of those games are on the road, west coast trip, and the last time I looked, we haven't done so well out there... Are you suggesting that our up-coming schedule is easy?
  3. The schedule is tough....that is what is "obvious". I'm not being negative towards the Hawks. I'm just saying that with this tough schedule, that we may have some rough games ahead of us. There's no negativity here, it's just me being a realist.
  4. I don't gamble. I'm just stating the obvious. No one can debate that the month of December is brutal.
  5. We very well may be 6-18 again this year, the schedule gets really tough until the new year...
  6. How can anyone complain about Lue's perfromance so far this year? That is absurd. Other than JJ, who would you want shooting the basketball for this team? Other than JJ, who can consistently score the basketball? Miami is heavily pursuing this guy, it would be a big mistake to let him go. Not only does he perform on the court, he is the glue in the locker room, which none of us see. That can't be measured with stats and numbers...
  7. C'mon, we're 6-7, second place in our division, with two of our best players in street clothes. We won the game, who cares if we blew a lead to a bad team? We won, that's all that matters. Bottom line, it's a "W" and with 82 games, that's what important.
  8. I have coached at the high school level, and to a certain extent, scoring efficiency is addressed through which type of offensive philosophy the coach has, and the types of players skill wise on the team. I assume this post was in regards to Smoove and his decisions to chuck up so many three's last night. I agree, he is not being "efficient" in regards to scoring. Until Woodson tells him not to shoot anymore three's (that particular night) or sit him down on the bench, the Hawks' offense will struggle in that sense...
  9. The sooner, the better. It has been apparent over the last four games what he means to this team. Despite Woodson's blunders last night, if that was Chillz taking half the shots Smoove was, we beat the Wizards.
  10. Bottom line. We need to win at home tonight and get to 6-7. We drop tonight's game and fall to 5-8, we could sink fast. I know it's early, but we play Cleveland on Friday, then head west for five games. Tonight's game is crucial...Strong word, I know, but it's the way I feel.
  11. I understand that people here are frustrated by Smoove's God awful shooting last night, and many pin the loss on him. However, even with him going 3-16, we were in a position to win the game. This loss falls squarely on the shoulders of Woodson. I have supported this guy, but last night I was ready to throw a brick through my TV. He made terrible decisions on the sideline last night, not playing Shelden in the 4th was bonehead, especially with the decisions Zaza was making. Also, if had to see the high post pass to Zaza, JJ running off a curl screen, then the handoff ONE more time, I was going to puke. You have to vary the offense, and he called the same dam play everytime down the court in the 4th quarter...terrible coaching job last night.
  12. This is the coach's fault. No reason for us to lose...this is so damn frustrating
  13. MIKE WOODSON ran the same frickin play he ahs ran all night!!! Hand off to Zaza, run JJ off a pick and hand off. This is so High school. No wonder we suck
  14. JOSH SMITH CAN'T SHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Does it piss anyone else but me that they lost this game in the first 2 minutes of the 4th quarter??? Par for the course for the Hawks.... TIED with 12 minutes to go on the road, and they do the same old Hawks crap. Lose.
  16. You stole my thunder. This is a total disgrace. Sure Chill, Marv, Lorenzen, Speedy aren't playing, but this is NOT basketball. It is very disturbing... Book it - 5-6. UGLY, UGLY, UGLY. I'm glad ND and USC is on TV. This is one day I'm pissed I bought the League Pass....
  17. Furthermore...as far as OSU being overrated. Please check three of the last five games the Bucks have played. Beat Michigan @ Michigan, WAXED Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl, and just beat #2 Texas @ Texas.... Michigan, ND, Texas....not bad programs I think...I could be wrong. How can any team be overrated after those showings.
  18. Ok...that was 10 years ago. A lot has changed since then, so I think the comment "like Michigan always does" is clearly not accurate. Live in the present, and the present is clearly domination by the Buckeyes.
  19. Michigan ripping OSU's hearts out? Stick with the Hawks because it's obvious you knw nothing about football. Llyod Carr is 1-4 against Jim Tressel. That includes two Big 10 titles and a NC. Notre Dame aside...Carr loses again, he may lose his job.
  20. My name should give it away.... How bout the new SI cover? Ain't it grand????
  21. Nirvana was the founding father of grunge music, and Cobain's suicide came when the band was at their peak. That, along with his relationship with Courtney Love, his posing for pictures (posters) with guns, and his negative attitude towards life is why his death was (and is) so publicized. On the flip side, one musician who's music and death I view as underrated is Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. Rock and roll with a twist of grunge, or vice versa depending on opinion, Staley with his unique voice and lyrics made Alice in Chains a band for the ages.
  22. I'm still haunted by Jon Konkac looking towards the Heavens when "bills" fall to his feet in the excerpt off SI....I think it made permanent damage to my brain. I was young, but it made a serious impression on me and the "francise"...go Hawks
  23. A.J. Hawk is a class act and a great linebacker. Good Luck at Lambeau! He will fit the mold. Don't flash that NC ring too much, it's been awile for Green Bay. No, I'm not biased....my name is just a nut, right?
  24. As of Monday, Al was in Las Vegas doing a photo shoot for Nike. I was playing blackjack at the Bellagio and Jermaine O'Neal came strolling through. Naturally, I had to get a picture and autograph. I mentioned, of course, that I am a Hawks fan, and he gave me the info on Al. He told me they were hanging out later. This is no BS, Jermaine was actually really cool and patient. I say patient because my wife is terrible with the digital camera and it took three tries before we both didn't come out blurry. Al and Jermaine hanging out....read what you want, and I know they're boys, but...Indy is where he wants to be.
  25. C'mon people the guy does have a point...compared to R.Ivey, Speedy is a gem. We need a pt. that can push the ball with our athletic team, score when needed, and he didn't cost us the farm to sign. We still have a lot of money left, and our core unit really isn't too bad...think about it. BK frustrates me to high hell, but the reality is, I can see this working.
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