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Everything posted by buckeye242424

  1. The dude just tasted the NBA finals, the pinnacle of his sport. Money or not, he's not coming back to ATL just because he doesn't have the chance to succeed like he just did. I don't want to be sour, I'm just realistic. He experienced losing to the fullest, then almost winning it all....Enough said.
  2. Speaking of draft,again, Jay Mariotti (Around the Horn) just mentioned on the show the he thinks Iverson is going to the Hawks for Smoove and our #5 pick. I'm all about Iverson, but not for Smoove. Chillz and our pick, OK...not JS or Marv for that matter.
  3. Yeah a big move! I highly doubt it will though, however KG in our yellow/gold uni's is a wonderful mental picture. If there was a chance to get KG, anyone is expendable. I say that because JJ would have to stick around if KG would ever play here. KG seems like he's been around forever, but he is no grandpa. He was straight out of HS, obviously, and he has many good years ahead. In a Hawks uni? It would be really nice...
  4. Again, there is a 30 point a game scorer with 7 assists available, and people think it's a bad idea. This makes no sense. We don't know how he will affect our younger guys. We don't know how he will gel with JJ. We don't know how he will fit in Woody's system. Try it! We do know Iverson plays hard. We do know his stats. We do know he an established star that will put butts in the seats. We do know that we have 39 wins the last two years and are still a way's off of the play-off's. Why not take a chance? A chance on an all-star albeit, I like that. It's not like it's going to kill our francise...we're already pretty much at rock bottom!
  5. Interesting question.... Last summer I was still "up in the air" on Smoove's ability to develop into a solid NBA player. Sure I knew he had the athletic ability, but it takes more than crazy hops. This year, I saw leaps and bounds in his game, and considering his age, the sky's the limit for him. Along with JJ, I feel Smoove is untouchable. So knowing what I know now, No, I wouldn't have liked giving up AL and Smoove. There's also the Boris Diaw factor. Hell, I love JJ, and he's our cornerstone. But if you would have told me that Woody could have motivated Boris and put him in a position to succeed like in Phoenix, I would have liked to keep him around too. Granted, the MVP has a big influence, but still... Anyhow, I'm happy with JJ, and happy with Smoove...so I like the deal that we did (except for next year's draft pick).
  6. Personally, I see his physical attributes holding him back in the NBA. It took until his senior at Duke to finally feel strong and aggressive enough to attack the basket, and he still go beat around. JJ Redick will simply be a spot up shooter, which is his stength, he can stroke it. Orlando would be a nice fit as a complement to the number of double teams Howard is going to receive and he can be an outlet. A place like Cleveland would also benefit from a deadly outside shooter while LeBron penetrates, draws, and kicks...
  7. It's not the money...we have that. We have as much cash as any team in the league. We're third because, one, we're not Mormon, and two, we're in the frickin United States!! Utah and Toronto. You guys think that it's okay were not LAST! Typical of this post man! The Raptors and the Jazz???? C'mon, this is a good thing? One more time for Allen Iverson. He would change that stereotype. Bring him in and it changes everything. Money and positive revenue, national interest, people in the seats, and a CHANCE at the post season. Yeah, it gets old talking about AI, but I want something to look forward to next year...not another positive step in year "4", 35 wins and 10th in the Eastern Conference (and that's optimistic). Make a move.....! It's too frustrating.
  8. WOW. JJ and Smoove and not even a mention of D. Howard?? Not to say it would be worth it on any scale, but DAMN. Stupid.
  9. True. I am a buckeye fan, and I want Columbus to shine. However, if you read my previous post - money talks, and no one here is expecting Oden to stay. He just said he wasn't ready, a number of times, and if OSU falls short of expectation, it's not a stretch Greg Oden might stick around. I'm hopeful, yes, but I'm just relaying what he himself has quoted.
  10. My point exactly. Third year in trying to build, and what have we accomplished? 39 wins. Does anyone actually think we're going to be in the playoffs next year by adding a #5 point guard, or big man and some veteran pG or big man. No way...you're kidding yourself. Carpe Diem man....quit the losing. Bring some star power, 30 points a game, tough minded, play's his ass off. AI would gives us a chance, something we haven't had for years! Change something...It's obviously not working now. I'm not saying give up Smoove/Childress and our pick...but if we can entertain a deal that is worth it....why not go after him???? We have to be smart, but just don't dismiss it!!!
  11. Greg Oden has stated many times that he is not ready for the NBA. That he is going to stay at least two years in college. I know, money talks and if he dominates next year, chances are he'll go. I'm just stating what he has said, many, many times. This kid is humble, and he does honestly believe he's not ready for the league. I'll be anxious to see how he performs at the Olympic try-outs against the NBA's best...I'm sure that will factor into the decision.
  12. Such ownership decisions is why were the laughing stock of the East.....sorry, the NBA. Passing on an every year all-star, giving up millions of dollars in revenue,(can you imagine how many AI jersey's would sell in Atlanta, not to mention ticket sales), and giving this dead francise a legitimate shot at the playoffs and national exposure next year. Yeah, great decision guys...real smart. Let's keep developing our young players, that has done wonders so far...or just develop them for two years then trade them. Our ownership are idiots and to not even try to get Allen Iverson is retarded. Sorry, it's frustrating to not make the playoffs in 7 years and suffer through a 13 win season, then a 26. Allen Iverson dangling out there and we pass...that's moronic.
  13. Many of you agree that Iverson would interrupt Billy's "5 year plan". Well, we're nearly half-way through this plan, and we're up to WOW, and astounding 26 wins! We're so close...yeah right! The play-off's are still at LEAST 1-2 years away, and 5 years should take you much furthur than just a play-off birth. We should be competing for the ECF by then, and the way we're going, that's a pipe dream. On the other hand, bringing in Iverson would give us a legitimate shot at the play-offs in 06-07, fill the arena, bring some kind of life and exposure to a dead francise, and bring some star power to the Hawks. It's amazing that people would not want to have Allen Iverson. 39 wins the last two seasons and we're questioning bringing in an every year All-star...that's nuts.
  14. It makes me laugh when I read posts that say bringing Iverson is going to stunt our long term growth. Long term growth? How bout long-term embarrassment. We've won 39 games the last two seasons! Bringing in Iverson gives us instant credibility. Everyone knows he will put butts in the seats and play hard every night. Who cares about what is going to happen three years down the road? No one knows!! All I do know is that the Hawks are awful right now. It's amazing to read that some of you would not want to make your team better right now. I for one am sick of this pathetic display of basketball, and when you have a superstar like Allen Iverson available, you have to try something. It's common sense. And no, you can't compare Shareef, Theo, Big Dog as all-star busts...not one of them can even be compared to Iverson.
  15. I think you the way you summed up your post was exactly the point. He does have the tools to be an effective player, but it is too soon to predict how good he will be. He's 19. One year in the "L". Give him some time to mature and develop. He's going to be a good player for this team, and in the situation we are in now, we can't complain about good players.
  16. Hopefully, someday a Clippers fan will say "there's a very good chance the Hawks will end up in the ECF, didn't think I'd live to say that".
  17. Motivation and playing hard all the time is the big question mark for me with this guy. I saw him dominate S. Williams of Duke early in the year, however Terence Dials pushed him around like a rag doll in the Big 10 tourney. Dials is not as talented as Williams, but his size is more like Killingsworth will face in the league. He would be worth a look in the 2cd round, but a 6'7 power forward? I'm thinking the Hawks could find something better....besides, Killingsworth did all his damage inside, his jumper needs serious work..
  18. Everyone loves the way we are playing; yet the same people don't care if we lose so we have a better chance at a high draft pick. In other words, everyone have a solid game stat wise, and play together, but lose at the end. The problem with this is that if the Hawks have an off night, everyone is ripping a player, or coach, or GM. We didn't play well AND we lost, oh no!!!! When, all along, a loss is what was wanted in the first place.
  19. Quote: How many times do I have to tell you people that we are not getting Kevin Garnett! We might as well ask if Kobe is available...geez! Agreed. That's a pipe dream. One, Atlanta is not the destination that KG is envisioning after Minnesota. He's not going from a losing sitatuion to another one with a team that will be pushing winning 40 games the last two seasons. Face it, he's not getting any younger. Even if he has 6,7 more years left, he's not going to waste any more of his "prime" years at Phillips arena.
  20. Quote: So you're saying that he will pass up being the first guy drafted this year to come out next year where he will be 5th through 12th? Next year is already set to be a much stronger draft. With OJ Mayo and Oden and possibly McRoberts and the guys from UNC coming out... It doesn't matter how well Noah did last night.. if he waits till next year, he will be picked 5th or worse... That is not smart. Those are all possibilities. Besides, I could care less if Noah comes out, my point was the Hawks shouldn't take him because I think he's not NBA ready, and we already have a plethora of Hawks who still aren't NBA ready....
  21. I hope the Hawks do not draft Noah. He's not ready for the NBA...yet. Sure he had a great tournament, and exploded the last ten games. But, he came out of nowhere. Remember, this guy sat the pine last year. He played 3 total minutes in tourney last year. I think everyone is just infatuated with his great play of late, and I think it's silly to make him a top 5 pick already! He needs more time to develop into an NBA player....Lord knows we DON'T need another player that needs 3 years to mature, we already have plenty of those players. It's already hard enough watching Smoove, Chillz, Marvin, Royal, hell, everyone but JJ and AL become solid NBA players....
  22. Add another 6'9 player? Don't get me wrong, I like Big Baby's skill level and quick feet, however, weight is always going to be an issue with him. He loves to eat, and he's not bashful about that. I read an article about how he dropped 30 pounds strictly for this season and it's practically killing him. He misses his three Big Mac's, two large Fries, Large soda, and sundae dessert (this was actually documented as normal for him prior to the season). Granted right now he looks good, but you can predict off season binges that result in coming into training camps way overweight and out of shape. It will take him the first quarter of a season just to get his body in game shape. Not to mention, sustaining this over 82 games. LSU has played what, 32? At times, he looks tired on the floor now and he supposed to be in the best shape of his life. Very good skills, but would be a mistake to draft him that high for the Hawks. Dude should be a left guard in the NFL, with those feet.
  23. I agree. A big man in college, that dominates, should and always will be the first pick in the draft. I'm curious, why is there a post about Ellison anyway?? That was 17 years ago, who cares? Not to mention, it has nothing to do with this board...
  24. Woody deserves one more year to get this team to compete for a playoff spot. When your veterans are 24, and 25 and the nucleus is barely able to consume a beer legally, there will be a couple of years of growing pains. The dude should have one more year to work with these guys and mature in his system. Sure, I don't agree with all his decisions when the lights come on and his substitution patterns, but he's still learning to be a head coach just like the players are learning to play in the league. We bring in another coach that implements a whole new system, we're going to take a step backward. Let's see what happens next year after we address the PG situation and bring in a couple of big guys, which we are all in agreement which is going to happen this summer. Realisitcally, does anyone here actually believe the best coach in the NBA would produce 10 more wins for the Hawks? Even at that, we still would be looking from the outside-in at the playoffs.
  25. Unquestionable truth is the size of his head! His melon is gigantic!! C'mon guys, if you're taking drugs intended for race horses, for crying out loud, everything gets bigger! If you are a person who ACTUALLY believes he's not or wasn't juiced, I'm sorry, you're just plain dumb. He's a cheater. All his records are severly tainted and should possibly be removed.
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