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Everything posted by TexasPete

  1. Why is this board so intent on discussing a player who isn't ever coming to Atlanta?
  2. Tyrus, Nocioni, and Deng at forward for the Bulls. They aren't committing the big money to Harrington folks. They have a major commitment with those 3 guys...4 is a crowd. Tyrus will be ready within a year or two. Harrington makes ZERO sense. Chandler won't be traded for AL...mark it down. He goes to the Hornets for PJ Brown, who is PERFECT for the Bulls. He gives them one great year of defense and rebounding while Tyrus develops...and then comes off the books next summer while the Bulls evaluate a better FA crop next summer. Chandler isn't going to ATL...ESPN is wrong most of the time. We sign one player and everybody starts going crazy. We don't need Chandlers hideous contract anyway. ZERO chance of AL in Chicago...unless Deng is moved and not likely even then.
  3. Solomon is not even remotely as good as Chandler...he needs to focus on making the team. This is showing a severe lack of basketball IQ...you may want to re-think your argument. Chandler may or may not be a good fit for the Hawks. Solomon is light years away from Tyson Chandler.
  4. Nocioni is a great defender and a rising star in the league...he won't like that deal. BTW, AL better learn how to play defense again because Skiles won't put up with what I watched last year. AL just makes very little effort on defense...Nocioni is a better player because of the defense that he brings. AL was interested in getting his shots. I'm glad BK is cutting ties...smart move. Scott Skiles would not tolerate AL's defense for one second.
  5. Baron isn't old...his body is older than his chronological age. He has had a torn ACL and other assorted maladies...he sat out a lot this year. No thanks. Bad contract and questionable shot selection anyway. I watched Baron play 4-5 times last year and he just settles for the 3...the old Baron used to attack the rim but the Baron I saw just jacked 3 after 3. He is the antithesis of what the Hawks need. Give me a 19 year old Monta Ellis...that kid can play and could play some PG and backup JJ. He is a versatile guard that came on strong last year...right out of HS. That would be a better move...we'll take Ellis and a another player for AL.
  6. I think that Tyson Chandler will end up a Hornet. The Hornets can trade PJ Brown for him and Brown's contract ends next summer which gives Paxson cap relief in a better FA year. I think Harrington makes little sense for the Bulls because they already have starters in Deng and Nocioni...Deng won't want to play behind AL. The Bulls won't spend that kind of money on AL when they have a better FA crop next year...and they already have two fine forwards to build around. The Hornets getting Tyson makes a lot more sense for the Bulls.
  7. I like Chandler because he can run the floor and he plays defense. I hate his contract...I have no doubt that the Bulls want to move him now. Too much $$$ to come off the bench. The Hawks have to be VERY careful about money because we have some guys that will need re-signing. As much as Chandler would give us depth in the post, his salary could kill us in a few years. Plus, Shelden would have no need to play the 5 and would add to the forward logjam.
  8. I doubt it...Baron Davis has an old body, a lousy contract, and a questionable attitude. BK doesn't usually go after players like him. Before Claxton I would have said that Baron was in the discussion but I'm sure that Speedy didn't just sign here to be a back-up. I'm sure they sold Speedy on being the man...and he will be.
  9. Ben Wallace is not worth that money. He gradually declined this season and had a bad playoffs. He can't be on the floor at the end of tight games because of his free throws. Teams have been making the Pistons pay for his lack of offensive skills by leaving him alone...he will be pretty old by the end of the contract. I know that I wouldn't want the Hawks to have gotten him. Ben Wallace is truly an overrrated player these days. The Bulls just bought a stock in decline.
  10. Speedy Claxton just signed with the Hawks...4 years at 25 M...He is your new PG. For those who wanted MJ, Claxton is the new man. Also, the AI dreams are finished.
  11. People freak out because Knight is a moron who drafts people by making promises without working out anyone in the top 5. What a stupid question. NEWSFLASH: Not everybody thinks BK is a good GM, get that? When a truly stupid trade rumor pops up there are plenty of fans who think he just might do it. I know you think he walks on water...good for you.
  12. Poor, Poor, little baby that Billy Knight. Nobody likes him...it doesn't matter what he does the poor little baby gets picked on. So all the whining lovers of poor little Billy came up with a really funny way to show that nobody loves little Billy.See, it doesn't matter what he does nobody will ever love Billy...he just can't win with fans that poor thing. He is so nice to fans and so what if he keeps drafting the same position and has 6 of the same position. He is our hero. I wish poor little Billy could get some love because he is so misunderstood. We will love him no matter how he bad he does. I just hope that one day our guy will finally catch a break. Maybe if he drafts Greg Oden next year people will love him...if he doesn't draft a forward over him.
  13. I have a friend who is an agent who had heard that Tellem had cut a deal with somebody...as time passed it was assumed ATL thru obvious deduction. Minny and Philly didn't promise him. We did. We promised a guy who had no chance of going ahead of us...we shut down a draft one month ahead of everyone else. I just heard that Tellem was saying he had a big promise for Shelden and was pulling him from several scheduled workouts. Tellem told Minny that he wouldn't be working out with the T-Wolves. That is when people started thinking that ATL was the promise because why would you cancel a workout with #6 unless you had a promise from a better number? Ainge loves the workout smorgasboard every year and was working out everybody. It wasn't him and none of the top 4 EVER even considered him...you do the math. That is where it all started and the word was apparently spreading like wild fire. The guard we are supposed to be getting? I have no idea...the only reason the promise to Shelden got out is that an agent and other teams were involved...that was out of BK's control. Between just GMs I have no idea what he is doing. But I guarantee you that BK never makes another draft promise because it got out and made him look bad.
  14. That's is exactly the point Dawson...I'm glad somebody sees it. There are times when the basketball IQ goes down to below 70 on this board. Laying your weenie on the table and letting everyone view it...ain't smart. Its like drinking and driving with a blood level of .20...even if you don't get caught your stupid. There are several saavy GM's who think we look like goobers anyway it turned out. For somebody who plays like he is such a wise sage...that we should all bow down to...BK looked like a dumbass during this whole process. But, we got our man, right? It's all good.
  15. If you were in a poker game, even if you loved your hand and were set...would you lay out your cards for everyone to see?
  16. I had known for several weeks that we were taking Williams but I was so shocked at the promise it was hard to fathom. This is a professional team with a professional GM...right? But on the other hand you better not break a promise to Arn Tellem because he can cut your stones off with scissors when it comes to free agents. So I was 99.9% certain that the promise would turn out. I didn't get why they worked out Foye, Williams, Rondo, and O'Bryant because they were locked with Shelden. I was hoping that we were moving Childress for a PG or Combo...no such luck. I don't like the Shelden Williams pick...I have on good authority that some other NBA teams were silently getting a good chuckle about BK's love for this kid. Of course, maybe Shelden turns out OK...but there was absolutely nothing good coming from falling in love with a marginal top 8-12 prospect at #5. Billy could have conducted a normal draft and still had Shelden at #5 ALL DAY LONG. I have a much bigger problem with the way we ran the draft...than the actual draft pick. It just reeked of rank amatuerism and it makes you wonder if this guy really knows what he is doing. When you make a promise like that it will 100% get out...it has to because Shelden has workouts with other teams...even if a specific team isn't mentioned it is easy to start connecting the dots. I was stunned by how we ran this draft. And just as surprised that the Atlanta Spirit let this happen the way it did. You would think that somebody on the conference call would say..."Wait a minute guys, is it really smart to stop the whole draft and show all of our cards"? I'm having some real doubts about these owners...I'm not sure about Belkin either...but come on guys.
  17. I know for a FACT that a promise was made because I know one of the agents. People in the league were making fun of us... This promise thing has been a HUGE image problem and they are running like hell from it and hoping it goes away...which it will. Don't be such a dumbass...Shelden packed up his workouts and canceled at least 3 that I know. Why??? Because he was told to knock it off and #5 was so much higher than he was expecting to go...he GLADLY complied. I also know that Chicago was messing with BK saying they might draft Shelden because they knew that Billy was absolutely mesmerized with Shelden...they thought that he might actually trade up! In the end they did a deal with the Blazers. But when you show your hand to the world...you have zero leverage. The leak about the promise was from Arn Tellem...he told several teams that the Hawks were taking Shelden...when he canceled the workouts. This promise was a rank amateur move... There are some gullible people on this board that believe everything they hear...funny stuff. Yeah, no promise was made...BWAAAAAHHHHHHH!
  18. I dont like Knight because he is an arrogant incompetant. 1. No working out of top 5 picks. 2. Promising a player nobody was interested in. 3. Killing all leverage for a possible deal. 4. His disdain for all things GUARD. 5. His love affair affair with 6'8 forwards. 6. His lack of any respect for fans or media. 7. The false bravado that eminates from his pores. 8. Deciding our draft one month before it happened...I guess those guys must have been playing golf or something. Nothing else to do... If you don't get that he is a fool and is in over his head...I can't help you. He is better than I-Thomas...he has that going for him.
  19. How about a great guard...like Foye???I know its tough to take but there are guys that can play who aren't 6'8. Come on...falling for BKs BS is not too bright. Our draft sucked.
  20. A sign that the apocalypse is coming...a poster here said that Sam Cassell was a great defender. Some people need to follow soccer.
  21. Another stupid post. Some people should start following soccer.
  22. BK is a fool. He has conducted his final draft. Its not the 5 forwards in 4 years...its the two high lottery picks that will be on the bench for a lousy team. But that makes sense to some people. Stupidity.
  23. MRH, I have read a number of posts of yours and I can say that what you know about basketball would fit in a thimble. You don't know jack...in 6 months, after Foye and others prove that we made a huge mistake...you will be sitting here criticizing the Hawks for taking our bust...Shelden Willimas. Because by then even the fools like you will have seen enough. Because this guy wasn't anybody's answer except Knights. Listen UP, fool. Nobody in the top 4 was even REMOTELY interested in Shelden Williams and everybody wants defense and rebounding. Lucky for their fans their GMS actually conducted a real draft and did real due diligence...they weren't promising anybody anything. We decided our pick a month ago. The other GMs were laughing at us...yeah, OK Billy, we will let you lock up Shelden Williams at #5....BWAAHHHHHHH! We are the 2nd worst run team in the league behind the Knicks. Stop telling people who disagree that we aren't real fans. I have 4 season tickets paid for next year you moron. Go take a class or something about basketball...hoops 101. You need a better basketball IQ before you come down on other people. Now, go pour Billy a cup of coffee!
  24. Obviously, the Williams pick (idiotic) puts Marvin on the bench in the short term anyway. Smith said last night he wanted to play the 3...Marvin said last night he wanted to play the 3...Childress is a 3...So, we now have a #6 pick on the bench next to last years can't miss #2. And people here are fine with this? If Childress isn't traded we have a huge logjam at the 3...but, great news...Lue is still our PG!
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