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Everything posted by bird_dirt

  1. i'd do it. i'd bring AI here. i know i'm in the minority here, but i like him. i love watching him play. i'm tired of seeing the hawks slowly plodding along, and they need something to shake them up. i don't think it's mortgaging their future with one heavy contract. hell, pretty much every team in the league has at least one major contract, except the hawks. yes, jj's was big, but it was big last season, not so much for the remainder of it. you need numerous bad contracts to underachievers to bring you down (i.e. gs and nyk). maybe i don't know sh*t, and i'll admit that, but at least i would enjoy watching them play more, and living away from atl now, i would like more chances to get to see them play.
  2. my mother in law raved about dell's customer service (and she's not a computer geek, so she was talking with them fairly frequently). just over a year ago i got a new set up from them and have never had any problems. i've only had to chat (im) with them a couple times, but it was painless. the computer's still fairly new, but so far it's 10 times better than the hp i used to have.
  3. unless, of course, the other teams get tired of the hawks d*ckin' around and just trade for another forward from somewhere else. it's not like al is the only guy available for trade. say gs says screw it, gets someone else in so they can begin getting their roster set, then what? i'll tell you what--we will be left having to take whatever the pacers will give us (which may be less without any compitition), or we let him go empty-handed.
  4. boy, when you're puttin' out five posts in a row, and responding to your own post--i gotta call you spiced ham!
  5. he's a good player to have. he often seems to be just the right spark coming into the game to light a fire under the others after they've started slackin' and just going through the motions. i'm a little weary of them trying to get him in the pg role. anyone know if he's ever played point before? seems a little late in the game to learn to do that if he hasn't before. has anyone ever taken a solid rb or wr from college and tried getting them significant minutes as a qb in the nfl? i don't think so.
  6. if that happens, i'd call billy king (not knight) one of the greatest gm's. to get two good players AND two first round picks for one all-star everyone knows you're dieing to get rid of...also think indy would be getting rid of too much for that, i could see those players in their swap, but the first round pick too seems a bit much to me. i'd call billy knight a good gm, too, though. i'd love mag.s and a first for al.
  7. not only that, but speedy is 3 years younger than brevin. even if their games are equal, i'd rather have the player who's under 30, more coming into his game and with a chance of a few more years to develop. didn't we already trade brevin away once? ex-players, to me, are like ex-girlfriends--there's a reason why you broke up with them to begin with, so (usually)it's best not to go back down that road again. lastly, we already have 2 joshes, 2 williams, i don't think we need 2 knights--the one we have now is more than enough!
  8. i like the sound of most of those senerios. i was really hoping the dever one was going to happen at the last trade deadline (miller, boykins, or watson). i don't know about chi/chandler--i'd probably do n.o/ok chandler. i have to admit, though, i do have reef's #3 hanging in my closet-liked the guy, though i wish he had been a stronger finisher. hasn't bk already traded him away twice (once w/memphis and once w/atl?
  9. i think momar's libyan-english translator went on the fritz!
  10. shucks, i was hoping for more "weird al goes to the movies".
  11. now, i have to begin by saying that i would not be excited for the hawks to get murphy's contract. HOWEVER, i'm going to have to shoot something/someone if they were to let al walk for nothing (like a number of folks have been mentioning). for starters, there is no team out there with $$ to sign him straight up, and if he gets screwed by holding out this long so we could scratch each other's backs, then it would send out GIANT red flags out to every future free agent in the league, and the hawks already have enough things going against them with free agents. secondly, we are so far from even being a top four seed it's rediculous. any chance you have to upgrade any position, you take it--none of this "we just drafted 2 big men (1 big, & 1 who plays a little bigger than he is) and a career back up pg as our starter, i think we'll be just fine!" first it was "we just drafted mw, it's al's last year--let's trade him for something we need." then it was, "we can trade him at the trade deadline with a playoff hopeful-they'll give us more than he's worth for a run in the post season." finally it was, "if we wait til the off season, we can do a sign and trade and really get something good for him." now folks are saying let him walk for nothing. please.
  12. i'm so sorry to hear that...from the warriors to the hawks. if you ever move to l.a., make it easier on yourself and wear purple and gold.
  13. does mike dungleavy have a dirty sanchez?
  14. funny how a lot of their posters love al, don't care for their players, yet still think that giving up anything more than mike dunlevy (sp?) and a bag of dirt would be too much.
  15. i've always thought jeff schultz was about as big of an idiot as you can get. as smart as a box of rocks (and just as funny as one, too).
  16. LOL! damn, you know it. the point-point-clap-spin-point-point-clap-spin routine. i've got to end this now. parting words: you can call me wonder i was bred so white.
  17. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: lol...I don't believe he get mistaken for Jordan. MJ has one of the most recognizable faces in the world and for so many people to think he is MJ is crazy. Haven't you heard people say that all black people look alike? it's true! and i look just like david hasselhof. when a guy told me once i looked just like greg maddux (i was wearing a braves hat), i just told him, "well you know what they say---we all look alike!" Yeah. White people don't have a personally either. Oh, And speaking of Hasselhoff...That's why he had KITT in Knight Rider series. KITT brought the personality to the show. true. and do you think there is any coincidence that KITT was a black car? although, he did sort of have that kind of nasally "white guy" kind of voice. Personality and white people go together like white people and the blues. Like George Carlin said: "White people have NO BUSINESS PLAYING THE BLUES. What do white people have to be blue about???? They should realize their job is to give the blues, not get them". nor should we dance to the blues, either. i once got rejected by shirley king (b.b.king's daughter) at a blues festival when i asked her to dance with me. it's a shame, too--it would've been fun workin' around the that. you better belive there was a shelf on that trunk.
  18. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: lol...I don't believe he get mistaken for Jordan. MJ has one of the most recognizable faces in the world and for so many people to think he is MJ is crazy. Haven't you heard people say that all black people look alike? it's true! and i look just like david hasselhof. when a guy told me once i looked just like greg maddux (i was wearing a braves hat), i just told him, "well you know what they say---we all look alike!" Yeah. White people don't have a personally either. Oh, And speaking of Hasselhoff...That's why he had KITT in Knight Rider series. KITT brought the personality to the show. true. and do you think there is any coincidence that KITT was a black car? although, he did sort of have that kind of nasally "white guy" kind of voice.
  19. i wouldn't mind that too much. AI would still be good for at least a year or two. i don't see the hawks getting anywhere close to competing for a championship in the next 3-4 years anyway. at least not until mw and smoove are into their second contracts and have matured more in the league (assuming the hawks resign them).
  20. Quote: Quote: lol...I don't believe he get mistaken for Jordan. MJ has one of the most recognizable faces in the world and for so many people to think he is MJ is crazy. Haven't you heard people say that all black people look alike? it's true! and i look just like david hasselhof. when a guy told me once i looked just like greg maddux (i was wearing a braves hat), i just told him, "well you know what they say---we all look alike!"
  21. Quote: I wish that the commissioner would step in and make them sell the team. They are making this franchise look like an absolute joke. that would be a great idea, though then atl spirit would be in court for the next 3 years over who they would sell the teams to, and for how much. personally, i like the idea of bringing in the AI trade to call belkin's bluff. i'm sure he'd have some excuse for backing out of that one, too (like the jj trade).
  22. i'm sure he'll come up with some generic statement regarding everything. i would think, though, that if the nba/commmisioners office stepped in and just said that belkin can't own the team regardless of the judge's outcome, then they would have to deal with a lawsuit by belkin. might as well let the rest of the atl spirit incur all the legal expences and publicity while they can. i bet, too, that if this were the knicks or lakers, the league wouldn't have let all this get drawn out like it has.
  23. this is the best option i've seen so far, which means i would be absolutely shocked if it actually happened. it's the only thing that comes close to helping us MAYBE get an 8th playoff seed, but even that's a stretch imo.
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