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Everything posted by ryandauwalker

  1. This is a very optimistic possibility, but what if the ASG forked over more money on quality assistants due to the rookie head coach? That would shut me up for sure. I think that will be a better indicator of the ASG's intentions. Only time will tell...
  2. I think that remains to be seen. He could be a really good fit. Apart from Avery Johnson, there is very little to be sure about for any of the finalists. NJ, I'm hoping you are wrong!
  3. Here's my take: If Avery Johnson was hired, I think ASG would have shelled out a good amount of money. Unfortunately, once the Nets showed interest, our wallets cannot compare to the Nets' owner's. Among the three finalists, Mark Jackson, Dwane Casey, and Larry Drew are about the same. Which one could we get at the best price? Larry Drew. Out of all of the candidates, he will definitely bring the most per dollar than any other candidate. But also, as many have discussed, he does bring a lot of benefits. It seems as though his coaching style (running) fits our personnel, but also him being able to manage our complex group of personalities is a big plus. While we want to say that we hate the ASG, it is a business and they are showing good frugality. But to say because they got a great deal on the coach's contract, they do not care about the team is a stretch. They do need to learn to shell out some more dough in certain situations, but in the case of coaching with the candidates who were finalists, I have no complaints.
  4. Just because Hubie Brown is great at diagnosing the problem and recommending solutions, it does not mean that he is good at getting professional basketball players to follow him. So I'd like to reiterate that it is okay to agree with his assessment and not want him as our next coach.
  5. One returning starter? There is NO way they will blow it up that much. Interesting nonetheless.
  6. do you think we become a better team? If Chillz could start, I think he'd come back. Could we get anything of value for Marvin with that contract?
  7. Bibby gets 3/18 per AJC. It is nice having a competent GM at the helm for once
  8. http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/h...ibby_hawks.html +1 for Sund... Very reasonable contract.
  9. Francoeur is a joke. That statistic is inaccurate and batting average as a whole is misleading. He never draws a walk so is never on base and has very little power. He is on base the lowest percentage out of anybody on the team apart from Diory Hernandez (backup SS), yet has the most ABs out of anybody on the team. The reason he isn't traded is because nobody wants him.
  10. I don't understand why Horford is untouchable. I'm not convinced he can be more than a 13/10 guy. His offensive repertoire is lackluster at best. Great rebounder and solid defender I guess. Fouls a bunch and sounds like a great leader. Am I off base here?
  11. Me too, and if Chillz has a shot at starting, he'd definitely come back to the Hawks. His slashing ability and D would be more complementary to a team with scorers like Craw, Bibby, Joe. and Amare. I'd be ecstatic if we get him for the deal I purposed, but I think we'd need to give up Smith. If that's the case, no-go for me.
  12. Would Marvin + Horford + Evans for Amare go through? I don't want to give up Smith for Amare as his ceiling with a good coach is VERY high. We need his great D more than Amare's O
  13. Baron Davis... pipe dream but it would help both teams. No need to say how he'd help us. Less salary than Bibby too. For them, a big expiring contract in Bibby as I think he'd be more successful in LA than in Atlanta. Also Bibby and Dunleavy are having issues and they aren't getting any better. They can give us someone else who they don't want in the deal too. Trade would have to be after Dec 15 though. Think Sund could get it done?
  14. Braves-nation.com is a really good one.
  15. Nobody was terribly worried about when Diaz was on the DL since Gregor Blanco has played so well. Before the injury, he was platooning with Diaz depending on if the pitcher was LHP or RHP. With Diaz now on the DL, Blanco will be an everyday player for the next 4-6 weeks. Now that Mark Kotsay, our center fielder, is on the DL, this creates problems. As I predicted earlier, they have decided to bring Josh Anderson up from the minors to fill in. Thankfully, it looks as though Kotsay will be ready to go once eligible, but lower back issues can be finicky.
  16. I do not think that they will switch Kelly Johnson out of position again to bring up Diory Hernandez when they have two viable replacements in the outfield: Josh Anderson and Brandon Jones. Look for one of them to come up in Matt Diaz's place. Prediction: Josh Anderson. He is hitting .282 right now and is playing better right now than Brandon Jones who is struggling a little bit. Kelly will not be changing positions as it is so hard to find a 2B who can hit like he does. He is still a pretty good fielder considering last year was his first at that position.
  17. I don't think we want to mess with Fratello, D'Antoni will go to Chicago if Phoenix lets him go (looks like they will). I haven't read anything about where Avery Johnson might go. I'd LOVE to get him if we could, but knowing our ownership, we'll give Woodson an extension.
  18. I go to Auburn University (which is near Columbus) and I am getting the same thing.
  19. You might want to look at Smoltz's numbers for his first two years. They hardly resembles the troubles that Davies has been having: http://www.baseball-reference.com/s/smoltjo01.shtml His second year in the league he was an All-Star... Davies has really good stuff but does not have the confidence to be a solid MLB pitcher.
  20. If you look later on in the replies, it says that he is a 13 year old and that was when he was 12. At the same time, I think it mentioned that was a Pee Wee National Championship game so he is smokin' the best youngsters in the nation. Unbelievable blocking for him too if you look at the O-Line and #20
  21. Not that I don't trust you, but can you provide a link? I am looking for it, but no luck so far.
  22. A lot of people here were thinking that we would grab Kapono from the Heat considering that Woody said we needed a shooter. The Raptors just signed him for 4 years, $24 million. Thoughts? http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2922597
  23. Even if we trade Marvin, I can't imagine Josh Smith at SF again.
  24. What about 3/Childress+ZaZa for 5/Jefferson? I'd do that and get Conley with the 5th. That would be NASTY, but might be a pipe dream.
  25. Hopefully they will be smart owners and use the money that they earn and put it back into the Hawks. Still, I would think that more money would be earned through Amare Stoudamire (barring injury) than Yi. If the Hawks are successful, they make more money. It is that simple. Unfortunately, they can still make some money without the Hawks doing well (like getting Yi).
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