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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Quote: troy, miami hasn't set the world no fire either. what you fail to realize, is that this entire conference is schizophrenic. if miami gets hot, they'll knock someone else down. if we can play 5000 ball this month, we'll still be in the mix. Quote: Such drame. Been watching too much reality tv. What I've been watching is the Hawks devolving into this for about eight years. It is reality. It is on television. I have watched waaaaaaaaay too many Hawks games. lol-are you trying to say that we are just like everybody else? Yes, I do fail to realize that.
  2. Quote: lol troy. jersey lost too. that means we lost no ground tonight. if we can take case me jersey in the next 2 games, we're 2 games from the 8 spot. lol Northcyde! Yeah, we're going to play better than Miami. WTF?
  3. Quote: When the Hawks fail to meet Bernies expectations on his 35-37 wins I fully expect the ASG to bring Woodson back...and BK. Its cheaper to keep them. That would really kill my spirit. No pun intended. I can't take much more of this.
  4. Quote: Quote: I guess if we're all crying about 1 game... ...and had plenty to choose from to cry about. Guess I was wrong. Diesel says we're 0-1. W Walter, how long has Diesel been running in circles?
  5. What are you trying to say? We gonna' go on a 30 game win streak? WTF? Beyond the math, how can you not see that we play disfunctional, poorly coached basketball?
  6. The Sky is not falling. The Hawks are. So, is that two idiots so far?
  7. For all of you delusional Squawkers, this game should be a wake up call. The season was over a month ago. I pose this question: When will the collective intelligence of this board be high enough to allow us to form a general consensus on Mike Woodson? It's been over two years! He might actually suck worse now than he did two years ago. He doesn't just suck. He really sucks! Watch his press conferences, read his quotes. There is ALWAYS an excuse. It starts from the top. No accountability. I said yesterday that I was not impressed by the winning month. Tonight's game is why.
  8. Quote: Since we're in the betting spirit, I'd like to propose the following to anyone who want to take it! I'm willing to bet $50 that the Hawks finish with 35 wins or more, this year. Even odds, any takers? The only stipulation I'd ask is that the loser donate his money to the Squawk, of course. -------------------- Cordially, Zacharias D Smith O.K. Dr.Z. I'll take the bet. I have yet to give to the Squawk. I plan to, win or lose. I don't have the money to buy and destroy a team like the ASG, but I can scrape a few bucks together.
  9. I'm still a little upset with Gerald for leaving Bama early. The guy is so fast and strong. He can be a Pippen type on defense. He can't shoot at all though. Which makes his scoring all the more amazing. He gets tough points. If he ever gets any help with that hideous free throw stroke he will up his scoring by 2 or 3 a game. Just a side note - Most people don't think of Alabama as a basketball school, but the have traditonally been the second best team behind Kentucky in the SEC. They have produced some quality NBA players. Here are a few: Latrell Sprewell Robert Horry Antonio McDyess James Robinson David Benoit Keith Askins Derrick McKey Jason Caffey Maurice Williams former Hawk Ennis Whatley
  10. Quote: If Oden comes out, you owe me $20. Doesn't, I owe you $20. If we sign an impact FA starting at just below the maximum ($8 million) or greater you get $20. If not, I get $20. Quote: Do you take the BETS... BOTH BETS.. Just curious, why are you changing the bet?
  11. Quote: We only have maybe 3 plays it seems and unlike us, other teams scout well and bog down our offense easily leading it to look like one person dominating the ball while evryone else watches (STREETBALL, get it?). You just made my point. On an NBA level, that is park ball. I play basketball. The Hawks play a lot like five guys that see each other a few times a month at the gym.
  12. Quote: It will ruin this franchise... PERIOD. Sorry, I was at the draft part when we got J.T. and Dion. I think that is where the first brick was thrown through the window. If this is not "ruined", what is?
  13. Quote: ... to promote a winning psychology in our young core. (and if you don't think psychology is important, and NONE OF YOU have addressed it yet, just ask Phil Jackson!) I address it all the time. That's pretty much all I care about. I'm not a big "Darius Miles" talent kind of guy. No one wants to hear it but the situation is hopeless. Have you forgotten the last three years? And eight overall? We are not "on the right track". How many times do we need to repeat all of the incompetent things that the ASG, BK, and Woody have done? I'm serious. This will not change. Their kind of stupidity keeps us all in a haze of confusion. They always blame something. I'm not saying we should "tank" either. What I'm saying is I recognized, along with many others, that we lost so many games due to coaching early in the year that the season was over a month ago. Personally, I knew the season was over when Woody blew the game against Milwaukee. I was there. I know we got jobbed on the Redd call but we should have won that game going away. We are not old enough for Woody to just stand there. He lost the season with his coaching and poor comunication with BK. BK allowed this. The ASG allowed that. Enough said. Do the math and think. Woody will not be a better coach overnight. We will not catch Miami and New Jersey. Indiana will not fall. Orlando might. We will not make the playoffs. If we are close to the playoffs will you be happy? Not me. This team has underachieved for 8 years. Why did we waste a year of Smoove and Marvin? We let Al control the sinking ship. Why? He sucks. Did they actually think we were on the right track with Al? Sadly, Yes. So, my plan is this: Have some GD pride and admit you were wrong and move on. Fire BK, fire Woody and bring in a hungry gym rat. If they're basketball knowledge is so limited that they can't see what has been happening, F them. If they don't have enough money to operate then they have offended every Hawks fan. I question their fandom. They know a richer owner would be better for the team. They are just selfish businessmen. They want to be "sports owners" for their ego's sake. P.S. This winning month in no way impresses me.
  14. Thanks for the work. Great numbers!
  15. Ted Turner then AoL Time-Warner then the Spirit. Ted owned the team in the 80's and into the 90's. There are numerous threads to answer your question. Some of us want him. some of us don't. I want him. If only to lead to something else. This group sucks. They have no answers.
  16. Quote: I like Sekou and hope he stays in Atlanta for a while. I could not agree less. He is a hack. Sorry, but if I want those kind of fluff pieces, I'll read an in-flight magazine. The problem with guys like Sekou is they have no desire to attain a job beyond the one they have. He is perfectly happy cashing a check and traveling to watch basketball. His articles are a total joke. Seriously, Fox News rips Bush more than Sekou does the Hawks. There is a mountain of garbage involved with this "organization", if you can call it that. He chooses to write "positive" articles. That is no my kid on the court. Tell it to me straight Sekou! He has been here years and he doesn't care about the losing. If you say he does, you can't read. He does nothing but facilitate. He helps the ASG keep the herd in a haze of confusion. He could be riling the masses. We suck everywhere because our coach sucks everywhere. Joe was talking a little about this today in the Ajc. He said they come out flat against teams they think they are suppossed to beat.(they actually have enough nerve to think that they are suppossed to win?!) Against better teams they concentrate more. Sound like coaching to anyone?
  17. I was not implying you could not read. Please don't get that wrong. You are probably one of the smartest posters on this board. One of the reasons I come here really. I guess I would expect to get banned? I don't know. I'm new to all of this. I'm a big Hawks fan. I'm just not a fan of slippery slopes. Where do you draw the line? How many people have to complain? What kind of remarks are offensive? This is a sports message board after all. Those are the kind of questions I'm talking about. Without answering those? You didn't answer the question. Would you be happy? You know you would.
  18. It's streetball. The picks have no purpose and infrequent. We play park ball. That's all I'm saying. When I think old school I think of respect for each and every posession. Clawing to get the ball back. We throw the ball away. You also have to, I think, throw the ball down low and pound. If only to kick it back out. We do none of that. If you are on board with Diesel and his Westhead plan, I might be right behind you. It is an easy way to mask this teams flaws. We would win more but we would never win it all playing like that. He's a different coach now than when he won the ring with the Lakers over two decades ago.
  19. Quote: When we're not injured, we're a little better than .500. That is an absolute joke. Are you basing that on the first 6 games?
  20. That was so cruel and funny. She totally deserved it!
  21. Quote: My rhetorical point is that it would be silly to allow all of that. Just like it's silly to allow someone who cheers our injuries. I think you're being a Hawks fan here. That's ok. I've only read a few of his posts but I think it's fun. This is a sports message board. I think we're all just mad because we're not winning...anytime soon Again, and you know this, reading comprehension is the main problem around here.
  22. Quote: So nothing wrong with opening cheering the injuries of Hawks' players? Anything short of death to an opponent will make me happier as a Hawks fan. I'm just being serious. If we were in a playoff chase and were down 1 game to Miami and had to beat them, wouldn't you be happy if Wade or Shaq got hurt? Of course you would. Having said that, I don't want anyone playing the Hawks to get hurt. That would be a shame.
  23. I understand the analogy but Mora is a coach. He will coach again. He was failed by Vick and Hartwell. Quote: Woody coaches old school eastern conference basketball. You know better than to say something like this. Please don't disrespect "old school eastern conference ball" again. Woody never played eastern conference basketball! He played for the Kings and Clippers. The only Eastern team he played for dumped him in the first year(Knicks). Please no one mention Detroit. He was barely there and I don't think 4 years ago constitutes "old school". I know we walk it up a lot. That does not make us "old school" E.C. basketball.
  24. We're up by 1 with 4 min left. so I'll say no.
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