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Everything posted by cam1218

  1. This is very true, and the narrative of Trae being a bad defender shows up in (the lack of) highlights..because unless you watch him, you’ll never see him play defense. You’ll see other guards who aren’t great defenders get a block, and folks assume they are great defensively because they only see highlights. It’s just their size and athleticism making that play, things Trae unfortunately lacks. Trae has a lot of work to do, but when he does play defense, you don’t see anything that will wind up on the internet. Nobody cares about a steal or a tap away.
  2. What in the world is this lol. Looks like something off the Dave Chappelle Prince basketball skit. I feel like the basketball has an extremely good chance at winding up anywhere in the arena besides the basket.
  3. I can't complain too much, some odd quirks for sure. The 4 games with Miami - both of our home games are essentially a one game home stand, sandwiched between two road games. Their two home games with us are March 4th and then again on March 6th. Weird.. We also play back to back road games with Detroit, on October 26th and 28th, and also at Washington March 8th and 10th (right after the back to back road games @ Miami). All other consecutive matchups are home and away. Weird again... Longest home stand is 5 games (February), second longest home stand is 4 games (November) Longest road trip is 5 games (2 times). One of those stretches is 2 games on the road, one back home, and then out for 5 more. 3 out of the 4 games with Milwaukee are in the first month - lets hope we get them before Giannis gets going. Basically the same situation with Philly as Milwaukee. Third game with them is 11/28 and we don't see them until April after that. That is just at first glance, I'm sure there are other weird notes too. I don't think we got screwed by any means, it just seems like whoever made the schedules might have been a little drunk. I also hate when you play games against teams you are competing with in the standings in such a short period. It goes both ways, but if Trae was out for 5 days, he would miss half of the season series against Miami if the injury happened at that certain time. They really need to space these games out.
  4. Good for him. Most who get into sports journalism have to take open gigs as they come while they wait for their dream job to open. I’ve always wondered how much it would impact your fandom and writing if you had to report on your favorite team though.
  5. So what is everyone watching on the Hallmark channel today?
  6. I hear you and I do, but they are established players who would not be happy as the 4th guard. I don’t want that unhappiness in the locker room. The competing for playing time usually works better with young players.
  7. I think the problem is Holliday is fine being the 4th guard and Huerter/Bogi would not thrive or be happy in that role. They’d basically be competing or seeing who was healthy to be the third guard.
  8. I feel the exact same way, hopefully Bogi does too.
  9. While we are in the middle of the Bogi/Kevin thing again..I remember @Sothronsaying Bogi would be gone because he wants to start. Has he changed his mind with the trade for Murray?
  10. I mean to each their own, but the words used and the CAPS seemed a little over the top to me. That is it, I'm not here to derail a thread. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  11. What? A sacred cow lol. I’m just saying there are better things to get worked up about than a second round draft pick in summer league playing poorly.
  13. I thought the same thing, I was hoping he would wind up in the West.
  14. I’ve always thought that they could really improve All Star weekend if they had an event where the coaches played against one another. Make it mandatory if the coach has a player in the game too.
  15. If this was 3 years ago for sure, but his age and health worries me. His team also just got swept in the first round. I get it, KD would be massive but I just think there are too many concerns. If it doesn’t work out we also don’t have the luxury to just blow it up and assume to get another superstar like the Lakers, Heat, and even the Nets to a degree.
  16. It is too much for me honestly, one of the three players has to be removed.
  17. Durant is out here wishing the NBA had a create a player mode like the video games so he could build the team he wants each year.
  18. Okay, I wasn’t very happy about the Huerter trade when I saw it. Finally got to take a look at Justin Holliday and have to realize he isn’t the same player the last time we had him. I’m still not terribly happy about the trade, but it’s nowhere near as lopsided as I thought.
  19. I remember McGee dunking on us when he was in Washington and thinking at some point this dude would stick. He was like a baby Giraffe back then, now he’s been getting paid well.
  20. We will see what happens, but so far it hasn’t been an overhaul. A lot of people here seem fine with just improving depth from here. I hear you though, it’ll be better to look back on this come camp.
  21. I remember seeing Anfernee Simmons destroying a great performance from Trae and thinking wtf is this lol. Now he’s getting a 4/100 extension, good for him!
  22. He’s been speaking that narrative in his head for awhile though lol. You know they will keep trying to win, but based on their history who knows.
  23. I fully respect those teams (the highlight factory wasn’t just one year). But we got destroyed in the second round once we became a 3-6 seed apart from our magical run when we got swept by LeBron and scrubs in the EC finals. That was a Bud team, and highlight factory was more of a Josh Smith plus young players thing. The first year of that run was sadly one of the most enjoyable because it was 1/8 against the loaded Celtics. Just so many beat downs in round 2 in the “true” highlight factory years.
  24. I understand all of the concerns about the picks. Ultimately we need to build a winning team around Trae TODAY and hope that some of the young talent we have continues to improve. If all of that happens we will be fine IMO. This isn’t like the Nets mortgaging their future for old KG and PP.
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