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Everything posted by cam1218

  1. When I think of the Highlight factory I think of embarrassing second round playoff finishes lol.
  2. You hope that we are winning and that isn’t an issue. This move should help.
  3. Yesssssir! Looking forward to seeing the pics but I’m thrilled!
  4. All jokes aside, I do get excited when I see there are 20+ new posts and wind up upset when half of them are the same post lol.
  5. Can we please stop having multiple people posting the same updates. Would it kill you guys to follow the thread so you know what has already been posted?
  6. You all get so angry here lol. @Peoriabird made a good point about all of those players failing. Key thing is they failed together, Butler was the main piece for the #1 seed in the East this year. It is easy to blame players, but ultimately it is the team to blame. Each year brings similar talent player wise, but we never know where they are mentally and how they feel about new teammates.
  7. That last trade sounded like a scenario my 5 year old daughter would plan.
  8. All of you are out here refreshing looking for updates, but I'm also here refreshing to see if @TheBillShanksShow show is going to chime in while they are lurking this thread.
  9. We don’t need to recycle rookies for fits. We didn’t even play our guys last year. I just don’t see why we would do any of this unless it includes a star player coming in.
  10. The Spurs could benefit from a rebuild, which is hard to believe. I think you’d have to see Huerter and guys on cheap contracts fit into the deal. I don’t see why JC or CC would fit into their plans if they did want to rebuild.
  11. It’s hard for me to keep up with all of this these days so thank you all for doing the work. I would love to upgrade CC with somebody else. His injuries concern me and he is an offensive liability. I’m not so sure how much I want to see Collins and Huerter gone for draft picks. I just don’t like that strategy. There has to be internal movement to get players here, but I still find it weird that we gave Huerter, Collins, and Cap extensions last year and they might be gone a year later.
  12. Beyond his love for the cubs, he’s just annoying. I feel like I’m looking at a dressed up Ace Ventura on drugs each time I see him. Then I’ll hear “that ball is hit hiiiigh and deeeep” and look up to see the shortstop getting ready to catch the ball. He always messes up information throughout the game and I just find it hilarious at this point, so at least he unintentionally provides me humor. It was last season and we were facing a pitcher, I forget the team, but he said (in a tone expecting the audiences jaw to drop) “this pitcher is the only player in major league history to have a name end with the letter X - now how about that.” Ever heard of Greg Maddux, you idiot lol. rant ongoing Also, sorry Trae for hijacking your thread with some Chip Caray talk. Blame Acuna for this one…
  13. It is so true though regarding their size. It’s much easier to dribble and pass around a shrub than a mountain. They both are awful defensively, but one of them takes up half of the court as he moves around.
  14. Trae still has one more growth spurt in him, don’t give up yet.
  15. Nate righted the ship last year, but his first full season has definitely been underwhelming.
  16. There is a good middle ground of they are dominating us defensively, but we are also being lazy with execution. I think it’s hard to blame certain players..collectively, we just aren’t getting it done.
  17. @Sothron @benhillboy Plus, he has been solid in big games for us the last two years too.
  18. I love Trae, but I do hate when he does his hero antics after a great defensive possession. Reward the guy that made a play.
  19. Hard to nitpick on Trae, but some of his 3s have definitely been rushed.
  20. Kyle Foulwry. This dude is out of control.
  21. Seriously, F the refs and especially F the Heat.
  22. Trae was phenomenal in the second half. We know how good this team can be but we still wait to see the consistency. If we beat the Heat, we follow up with an “easier” second round matchup.
  23. Dieng spends his garbage minutes shooting threes. We need a lot more than that from him.
  24. Mobley definitely jumped back as he went down. Clint didn’t do a good job, but I saw the same thing too.
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