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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Based on this thread, here's an update on Zaza's problems: 1) Getting re-signed 2) Dribbling :lol6:
  2. That guy we got from the Chargers looks ENORMOUS!!!
  3. Younger than Portland?? :question:
  4. According to ESPN, Minnesota just denied that they're considering a Jefferson-for-Amar'e trade. The T'Wolves front office released a statement that they told Jefferson that they aren't trying to trade him. :newspaper:
  5. I became a Thrashers fan after Heatley left, so I'm neutral on him. Hossa, on the other hand, can burn in Hell ^_^ :angry22:
  6. Isn't this the same method the Hawks used to sign Bibby? :computer8:
  7. Bahamut

    More Ford

    BUMP!! :beer:
  8. *flame war Armageddon in T-minus 3... 2... 1...* :temperature:
  9. Not to mention the dumbass look on his face :tongue:
  10. In all fairness, Ginobili may be as bad as Pierce, but I don't hate him nearly as much :comp_virus: Maybe it's the fact that Paulette talks so much trash, throws up gang signs, etc., and then wins an Oscar on every drive when he pulls the inevitable b*tch move. But I'll add Ginobili to the hate list if he's just as bad :stirthepot: Hilarious! :beer:
  11. I've never seen Pierce attempt a jumpshot (other than a buzzerbeater) where he didn't flail his arms like a girl and scream like...well, like a girl :ohmy: Plus, I'd rather not pick on old man Vlade, and Paul Pierce is always fair game after his antics in last year's playoffs :cheers:
  12. And left 15 points at the free throw line :doh: One ESPN analyst ranted for like 30 minutes on Friday about how Shaq was too lazy to practice his free throws, and consequently left 4,000 points at the charity stripe. The analyst dared the Magic to hire him for a summer to train Dwight :thumbsupsmileyanim: If they don't get it together, Dwight can start practicing his free throws on Monday...
  13. After watching some FIBA rules European b-ball games, I'd have to agree. I'm not sure where Euroleague players got the "soft" label, but they seem much tougher than the divers and floppers in the NBA (see also: Paul Pierce).
  14. If they're really feeling charitable, four of his guests should come play for Atlanta. Well, maybe 3 is enough (sorry, Marvin...) :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
  15. They have a hard enough time doing this when they're not taking ill-advised shots. And giving Fischer 3 feet of space behind the arc with 10 seconds left... :beathorse:
  16. I'm glad this is over, and I hope he doesn't play in our division. Maybe now we'll get some Falcons news from AJC and ESPN instead of Vick news :computer8: GO BIRDS GO!!!
  17. Certainly not during the game, but I usually rush to the toilet when the half-time show starts. Coincidence? :zipper:
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