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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Key to Offseason: Keeping Bibby far, far away from the Atlanta Hawks. Fixed :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  2. Are there any players left that aren't being signed by Cleveland? Selfish SOB's :beat:
  3. He wants to take the scoring pressure off Joe (and Bibby "if he's here." :hush: ) Appreciates the city, says he's excited, doesn't mind not being the main scorer. Seems like a gracious guy. (Wow, the reception on AM stations still sucks!!) :top secret:
  4. Thanks for that; I'm tuning in right now. :magnifier:
  5. Promote this poster to Moderator RIGHT NOW!! I hope someone makes a long-overdue example of these lowlifes.
  6. I wish the Thrashers had this kind of control over their "affiliate," which reportedly has been resistant to sending players to the pros at times. Could the Hawks benefit from having sole control over the Anaheim Arsenal Utah Flash? :ohmy:
  7. If JJ watches close enough, maybe he'll see himself getting traded for a real All-Star... :saythat:
  8. Considering how often I used to walk downtown (not in the middle of the night, but I had evening classes), it's unsettling to hear about this. And there's a police precinct near Centennial Park Drive and Ivan Allen Boulevard...TWO BLOCKS from where at least one of the incidents took place!! It's time to take back the night. :help wanted:
  9. I heard a few weeks ago that the Chinese part-owners of the Cavaliers were considering bringing Yao to Cleveland, but then all mention of that vanished. I wonder if they knew about the extent of his injuries... :no-no:
  10. Are NBA players just allergic to Houston or what?? :help wanted3: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=aw-y...o&type=lgns
  11. Proof that conversation never took place: 'Nique didn't say "heat check," not even once. :comp_virus:
  12. :lol6: I'm all for bringing Gortat here; I hope we make that happen.
  13. ESPN reports that Rubio wanted to play in a larger market, and tons of teams have been calling the Twolves about trading for Rubio. More New York trade news on the way? :phone:
  14. ...OMGWTFH4X?! oh noes LOL 2 many run 4 it n00b!!! :shake_puter:
  15. I heard that Jeff Bennett broke his hand by punching a wall after the loss. I wonder if Bobby Cox broke his face by head-butting Bennett? :brick wall:
  16. You had me at "Hello." :inlove1:
  17. 50 years old...I still can't believe it :sad:
  18. It's been confirmed...heart attack. He was only 50 years old :sad:
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