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Everything posted by JTB

  1. JTB

    Ask Supes

    Yeah I’m not saying don’t get a starting caliber center like Adams. Yeah I’m not saying don’t get a starting caliber center like a Drummond. Exactly what I’m saying, well kind of ...they all bring a different need to the table for the young core which @Vol4ever and @JayBirdHawk are missing. even if we get Adams or Drummond at a good salary they will not fix all the problems because they still have flaws that will get exploited by top opponents. In this era of the nba you need centers that’s the size of an Embiid or Gobert for length purposes, that can play in space defensively like horford, that’s strong like prime Dwight Howard so you won’t get bullied at the rim on defense or can finish strong right at the goal on offense , and can space the floor like 7 foot Dirk lol but perhaps not as efficient but good enough to keep defenses honest. In other words you need a lot from the center position ...way more than in the past. We’ve been over this! And I say it time after time That center don’t exist or he exist in very few that can do a bit of all these things ... Myles Turner, Jaren Jackson Jr. are the only two I can really think of and they aren’t available. im not saying get a center by committee in the way Schlenk did this past offseason cause what he put together is not a committee of big men but more so just pure laziness! The spurs are a good example of a good big man rotation during Duncan prime seasons as well as the warriors during the championship years. we had a good big man rotation during the 60 win season of horford, antic, sap, Mike Scott. But times are even much different now than then...We have to face reality and just realize a Starting caliber center isn’t going to fix everything! We need to play it smart! we need situational centers to go along with the starting center that can provide their specialty when called on and can perhaps be able to play starter minutes when need be. Again isn’t to say we don’t need to go get Adams cause we do . But when Adams is getting killed in pick n rolls like last playoffs vs the blazers and getting benched cause Donovan is forced to try other bigs ....that is the point I’m making on why you have to have a committee. Warriors at one point had bogut, green, speights, iggy committee...point is they all brought something different to help the team win. Adams is a starting caliber center just like horford is no doubt but both have something they do better than the other to impact the game. I can’t believe this can be disagreed with honestly....I remember bud use to put in Antic to make the inbound pass at the end of games over the bigs during the 60 win season.
  2. JTB

    Ask Supes

    I’m not going to lie...I thought noel would be perfect just based on his ability to move laterally on defense as a center and defend in space but he still comes with too many flaws that he can’t make up for! and that’s fine but he would likely command too much money for his services and he may not be worth it if we have a guy who may be able to do what he does in a few years (more on that later) Not saying we shouldn’t go after him once he’s available but he definitely still has a physical presence issue and he’s not gifted offensively whatsoever! So I’d be careful on not giving him too much per year! Rebound wise I don’t think he would do bad but I also don’t think he would be anywhere near better than Adams at rebounding. Speaking of Adams...he may not be as quick as noel but he is better offensively then him, rebounds better, and is much much much more stronger and I just believe he’d have a lot more impact than noel. WHAT I HOPE THE HAWKS DO AT CENTER I’m thinking Schlenk should go about this center position issue in a different way....like addressing it by committee instead of hoping we get one player to fix it all cause that guy just isn’t out there or isn’t available! That doesn’t mean don’t go use our cap to get a player who may command 20mil or so per .....But in order to fully compete OUR HAWKS TEAM will need a good center rotation that will give us something different when we need it! And perhaps Schlenk is already thinking this since what I’m thinking or saying is basically what the warriors did by center rotation during the championship years. BY COMMITTEE OF THE CENTER POSITION THIS IS WHAT PUR OPTIONS SHOULD BE TO ME....WE NEED A ROTATION OF.... -A physical big body presence who can set good screens for his teammates, play the right way, rebound well, and be able to showcase his power presence around the goal both offensively and defensively = that guy sounds like Adams whom we are after (some may say hey Len can do that!...maybe! but Len just doesn’t make his opponents feel his large body presence enough for me the way I know Adams will) -Next A good shooting and spacing somewhat all around big man . This center will likely not be typical size but that’s ok if we can get our Adams Like center to be the big body presence ...but this center will need to Be a capable good shooter, set good screens, rebound well, show some ability to defend around the perimeter and in space while also giving good effort around the rim = that guy we already have in John Collins (Collins will likely have to keep playing center in spot minutes and when we run small ball) -Next A ALL in defensive focused big man who may not be all that great offensively at least at the moment that has good center size for both small and large lineups but ultimately he can move and play in space defensively at a slightly above high rate = that guy may be Bruno (NOT RIGHT NOW)...but perhaps this is why Supes said the hawks hold him as a special player. Bruno is already showing good signs this month that he is capable of being a good new age all around defensive center being able to play in space and around the goal but he still need to develop of course however I think this is why Schlenk thinks he’s special cause he can be apart of this important center rotation we need. Get Adams here and maybe he will develop faster! Who knows! -last we need a very good 3pt shooting typical size center in height . This player likely won’t be any good defensively or on the boards whatsoever but he will have major impact on spacing the floor better than the other centers while also being a highly efficient knockout shooter = we don’t have this player at all right now but I’m thinking of an Illayasova / moose type guy right here. ......there you go! that gives this team OPTIONS at center that can help in whatever situation the team faces. A few guys like Bruno will have to continue to develop to live up to his piece but overall If Schlenk can swing something like this to be our center rotation (which I believe is extremely important! Can’t stress it enough) ...it will be up to LP to make the right decision on which center need to be playing based on the situation at hand! So all of these centers also need to be level headed and know when and when it’s not their time!
  3. JTB

    Ask Supes

    Perhaps longer honestly....
  4. I can’t believe this ! Kobe is my favorite player of all time in the nba! ...I’m lost for words I really am. i remember when Kobe tore his achillies it took everything inside to keep myself from shedding a tear seeing him get hurt when he tore his achillies after putting that team on his back! i really can’t believe this legend is no longer with us. Rest Peace G.O.A.T ....at least to me It’s going to be tough but the competitor that Kobe showed us would want those guys to play on!
  5. JTB

    Ask Supes

    I like this better than trading for Gallinari...only because I dont believe Gallo would resign here and like someone above mentioned I see Gallinari only going to a contending team this summer. i say IF you can really get Adams for the OKC 1st and Parsons...DO IT IMMEDIATELY! Then go after Bertans this summer. Bertans to me is more realistic than Gallo. I think Schlenk can at least get Bertans attention more so than Gallinari when it comes to money . Bertans is looking for a nice pay day more than likely whereas I’d bet that Gallo won’t put money first and more so the teams situation on if they can win it all or not going into the next season
  6. I don’t know....seems to me that Schlenk kinda makes sense too when he says there’s no need to pay luxury tax unless you have actual contending team. with the young core guys still in development they may not believe it’s time to go into the luxury tax bracket or even get too close to it. i do agree though that really no matter the center we go after that guy is going to get paid the big bucks as long as he’s slightly above average. the thing about the hawks is I’m not sure where we will be strong at just yet . If we end up being strong around the perimeter like the warriors or more realistically like the Boston Celtics than Schlenk probably won’t feel the need get a big name center but if our stars end up being trae and JC and the other young core only end up being avg (which I don’t believe will happen but anything is possible) ...than in that scenario I definitely think we need to pay big money for a top center like Drummond. .....but none of these questions will be answered by the end of this season cause guys are still developing.
  7. I didn’t see trae getting attacked much defensively. But it’s always different for some reason watching at home and actually being there. seem like to me once the defense goes down hill in the game the first person folks like to point fingers at is Trae but I didn’t see it that way...looked like our bigs mainly Len and Jones simply fell asleep on moose and Gallinari and it got out of hand from there. would you agree? Or did it seem like it was more Trae being attacked? I’m curious since you were there.
  8. I would have to watch again on how they got open but it doesn’t matter how cause they were open and open a lot! We can agree on that!.....we can also agree that trae was not being attacked very much...definitely agree on that comment as well Yeah no one can stop superstars. They can only stop themselves. Once we get some defense around trae it’s going to be ON!
  9. Moose and Gallinari were open a lot too. They made us pay..that’s for sure
  10. I hear ya but I don’t think Trae is the result of the bad defense solely. Even tonight most of the bad defense was muscala and Gallinari being left with open off the screen. thats when it started to get out of hand! None of which was traes fault. but on another note if you can hide curry and kyrie on defense you can hide Trae on defense. A lot of possessions trae was assigned to cp3 and if you go back and watch unless Paul has the ball in his hands he don’t do much moving offensively. its not all trae...the sad truth is they just can’t defend even at a average level right now but they’ll get there
  11. You also can’t place the defensive blame all on trae.
  12. Well I didn’t say it was going to be perfect. I think it’s the best team offense we can throw on the court. there is no defensive unit that’s good on this team right now
  13. Nah cam need to be in the starting lineup and we just start the small ball lineup. There’s no reason not just put Collins at center at this point. This team does everything at its best when we run the small ball unit of trae, huerter, cam, Hunter, collins
  14. Thanks!.. Another question.... I just saw Detroit get 8 or 9mil for Blake’s injury (the disabled player exception)...can the hawks get this for parsons ? And if so can it be used in a trade ?
  15. He’s not getting 30 mil from anybody! I just don’t believe he will. I don’t even think a desperate team will give it to him. 100mil over 4 years is more likely his High end ball park to me. That’s the deal I expect him to receive from someone and that’s honestly pushing it. He’s more so 23 mil per to me at the highest not that 2 mil is a big difference but hey Now I do wonder (being that Schlenk and the hawks showed interest forced or unforced lol)....what does Schlenk think he’s worth per year ? ....I’d really like to know Since they went as far as even discussing a max extension for him. After all the report did say they didn’t come to an agreement on a max extension ...the fact Schlenk even discussed it with them clearly shows Schlenk believes he is worthy or close enough to be worthy of such a contract though they didn’t get to an agreement....max contract or maybe what I like to say “near max contract” I don’t think Schlenk would waste his time if he didn’t think he was worth it. and I get it was pushed by resseler but Schlenk may think he’s valuable as well but at a certain price. Perhaps @NBASupes or @thecampster has details on that.
  16. JTB

    Ask Supes

    Maybe not but I do like that Schlenk is trying.
  17. JTB

    Ask Supes

    Hopefully we are making a move for Adams and Bertans
  18. Agreed ! I don’t even think a desperate team will give him 30 mil for the very reason you said. He can’t go get you bucket at will ...crunch time or not ....if he could he’d be a lot more valuable. his real max to me is 21-23 mil with 23 mil on the almost too much side but depending on the teams cap situation.
  19. I’m not even mad to be honest ! I understand, if he could score at will for 30 mil a season I’d have a different reaction but he’s a rebounding machine for 30 mil it’s very different ...usually only elite scorers can demand and likely get the maximum contract no matter how bad they are in other areas of their game.
  20. I’m sorry this don’t belong here but I just saw Colin Sexton face and seems to be going viral. i wonder what’s going on with him.
  21. So many haters on social media about trae being a starter smh ....really irritates me!!!! where were these guys when Kobe was a all star starter in 2005 on that trash lakers team? ....Or ....when melo was a all star starter on that trash ass Knicks team ? smh oh they forgot about that I guess
  22. Oh yeah don’t worry about that! Resseler is serious about winning if we are contenders he will go over the cap, pay luxury tax the whole thing! hes said this in two different interviews I recall since he’s become owner but honestly I can tell he will do it just based on how passionate he is about this hawks team. for once I don’t believe we have a owner that’s just all talk. I believe resseler can be a top owner in the league and he’s doing the right thing staying patient as much as he possibly can
  23. JTB

    Ask Supes

    If you follow his twitter he tweets it every time he’s getting ready to do one. I normally don’t have time to always view it.
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