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Everything posted by MarylandHawk

  1. I almost forgot about him. Coop it is until he establishes a new one. Lol.
  2. Looking back at the season games, if Dre and Cam take that next step and are healthy we will be the best team in the NBA. And that’s taking my homer glasses off too.
  3. Ice Trae JBap Dre Day CC Bogi Killa Cam K’Von Gallo Lemon Pepper Lou OO17 Reefe JJ (Dynomite) Solo The Right Stuff Gorgi Porgi (lol) I say they get 65 wins Book it!!
  4. But still not an all NBA guy or a regular allstar. At his best he is a 15, 8 and 8 guy with 1.5 steals and 1.5 blocks. And before anyone says it is not all about the numbers, he hasn’t proved he can win big either.
  5. Why does everyone just automatically claim he is an allstar, all NBA but Trae has to beg and fight to be recognized. He was crying about not being defensive player of the year then Trae and Hawks torched and embarrassed him. His numbers haven’t been much better than Markel Fultz. Hey, I like the guy and love the open court ability and defense but damn, he is not a top NBA player. Philly thinking he is equal to Harden and wanting 4 first round picks is just ridiculous.
  6. Is it me or is Ben Simmons the most overrated player in basketball?
  7. From one Atown legend to another. Great for the Hawks. Cameron will be missed.
  8. The Knight train has left the station. I hope he gets some consistent minutes. I liked everything about the kid.
  9. Got Dieng and Solo too!
  10. Got Dieng and Solo right.
  11. His comp is Ben Simmons. All the same skills and all the same concerns. Good problem to have on a rookie scale contract.
  12. I am with you. It has got to be SAS. Derozan hasn’t signed, Markkenan either. Pop is half way across the globe slowing talks down. I wonder if SAS goes in a different direction will that negatively affect Collins. If JBap tried to play the Hawks but it turns out the market dries up, do the Hawks lower their initial offer?
  13. Cam could use all the reps he can get. Imagine Trae worrying about whether or not to play games. He is out hooping with high schoolers cause he couldn’t play in the olympics. Lol.
  14. You make a good point. With that in mind, I hope the deal is like Bogi’s where it is flat for 5 years and we still get the benefit of the rising cap.
  15. This guy earn himself a multi year contract. Someone is going to get a, shall I say it, “Good” one.
  16. Yeah the cap is a complicated mess and is so flexible that the really smart GM’s can manipulate to their benefit. I understand Supes, but I don’t want him getting mad at John. The market is determining John’s value not just his play. He is the most valuable power forward on the market today and he will get paid as such. As far as his performance, we have seen him put up historical numbers with his efficiency and we have seen him been key piece on a winning team. We have so many good players on this team his numbers are impacted. I also think he still has upside we haven’t seen. He has earned this. The other point I was trying to make is as long as there is a path to winning it all, owners will pay whatever it takes but if there isn’t a path to winning they are not going to keep paying. Long story short is, once you find the guys you can win with and they want to be here, keep them here. If you start losing move whoever you have to move to get back to winning.
  17. I don’t why you get upset about money, it means nothing in the soft cap NBA. Only thing that matters is are we winning. Don’t mess with the winning formula. NBA teams can do what they want. Did you ever think you would see what you are seeing in LA and Brooklyn. Let’s not even mention Golden State. The cap is at 132 Mil this year before paying luxury tax. We are nearly 40 mil under that. Schlenk has already set the math up in future years so that we maintain good cap flexibility even with John and Trae’s extension. Let that man get his. Plus he is the type of guy that won’t let the money change him and will still be a good team guy, spokesman, and leader for the franchise.
  18. Uh oh. I am still in the running. Although I thought we would get Cooper at 20 lol.
  19. My goodness. This team is on a roll! Love this draft.
  20. Only problem is he doesn’t know how to play the point guard position. He couldn’t even feed Gallo in the high post the few minutes he got in the playoffs. I like Dunn a lot but as a back up 2 guard whose role is to stop the other teams best offensive guard.
  21. Wow. You really kept it the same. Lol. If it aint broke...
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