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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. That fan was rude to me. Just wait til I knock the popcorn right out of his hands.
  2. Newby GM not heavy GM. Also, I've never seen Nick and never heard of him prior to this article. I hate auto correct.
  3. The inmates really are running the asylum. Young and the owner's kid teamed up with the heavy GM to give away a boatload of draft picks for Younger passing whim. Now that he's here, Trae doesn't want to share control of the ball. Great. Another meddling ownership group letting one player make key franchise decisions. Get your roller coaster tickets right here folks!
  4. Cheap, cheap. Bird owneritis. Cheap, cheap. If they fire him, they gotta pay him. If he resigns, not so much.
  5. I have been sick, and I missed the end of the game. However, did we not have an available challenge? Kyrie clearly pushed DeJounte off of him and no foul was called. That cost us the game imho. If we could challenge, why didn't we?
  6. And why would you think Toronto would be looking to trade him?
  7. So it would appear we are stuck on the lower end of mediocrity. Despite all the hype of the last two off seasons, we continue to decline from our ECF season. Ownership and management need to do something to end this trend of disappointment.
  8. That requires front office forethought, not knee jerk reactions, and trading away talent for scrubs. The makeup of the team reflects badly on management, ownership and being cheap.
  9. I assume you are talking about Murray? I don't recall him getting suckered in to the sideline trap so much. We need a better offensive system than this.
  10. I agree, but unlike Terrell and Supes, I think he deserves better.
  11. How long will it take us to find just the right special players though? Who do you think they are? How will we acquire them?
  12. Just replying to Supes vision for everyone not named Trae.
  13. Opinions vary. Trae is too self oriented to know how to get his teammates involved. He likes pounding the ball up and down and running out of clock too much. How many teams built around a skinny 6'0" guard have won championships?
  14. MIN is going to realize that won't work. It's JC & CC Part 2. No reason for them to make that trade. I'm sure they are disappointed with Gobert.
  15. Blow the whole team up then. We don't have anyone worth building around.
  16. Wouldn't be too surprising. Disgusting, but not surprising.
  17. Holy Cow!!! 60 pts, 21 rebounds & 10 assists! I agree. Dumb move Slinky.
  18. Bizarre philosophy for our team. Why not "feature" him on a regular basis instead of when you're trying to get rid of him? Cheapo Ressler strikes again.
  19. Haven't we traded away the majority of our tradeable first rounders for the next 6. Or 7 years at least? You can't trade first round picks in consecutive years. The DJM trade has left us tradeable firstt rounder depleted (other than maybe the SAC trade) for a long time.
  20. I don't think there's any reason for any of our players to defer. Just play in the natural flow of the game. Look for the open man, but don't overpass the ball and don't waste time and effort dribbling yourself into a trap. If someone gets trapped, teammates need to come to the trapped player to help instead of just standing around. We need to relearn fundamentals.
  21. There was no reason for Trae to be in the game at this point. No reason to risk him getting injured.
  22. But...But...But...What about rotations???
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