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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. Commendable comment by Trae. Well done.
  2. Tonight has an interesting matchup with two rumored trade targets for Collins. DC vs Utah will feature Kuzma vs Markkanen. That should be an interesting matchup.
  3. There are plenty of guys in the league who can dribble the clock down to nothing, allow themselves to be trapped on the sideline and commit a turnover or hoist up some off balance, off the wall shot, rather than keep moving the ball around. That's not a special talent.
  4. If he doesn't want to spend, I hope he will sell the team to someone who is willing to do so.
  5. Sorry. My frustration over the constant trade JC rumors. I think he made a big mistake not having surgery on the finger, if it was a valid option. I think he has no future with the Hawks, as he is treated as an outsider looking in, so it is in everyone's best interest to make a trade, I just hope it's not just going to be a salary dump. I do not think we will ever win a championship with Trae as our centerpiece, as everything has to be tailored to fit his needs, and not the other way around. I also think both he and Nate have no idea how to manage the end of close games. We need a real offensive system, which as currently constructed and coached is unlikely. I admire and appreciate the quotes at the bottom of your posts.
  6. "JC. whiffing that last rebound tonight did not help his case as a great rebounder.". Seemed like a complaint to me. Perhaps I was mistaken?
  7. 7 rebounds in 21 minutes. That's better than 11 in 40. But he'll get traded soon and then you can find someone else to complain about. Trae had at least one similar dribble fumble to go with his other 4 turnovers. There will be wailing when Trae demands a trade to Los Angeles so he can reside full time in his $20 million mansion.
  8. Hunter or Bogi. Neither were having great games. You can still make the end of game defensive adjustments.
  9. Got to maintain your rotations. Plus, why would we want to see AJ score when we can watch Trae pound the ball up and down?
  10. Whoopee. We get inferior teams, who watch the same old mega market teams win year after year. Does that sound exciting to you? We get owners who tell us they're willing to pay the luxury tax but orchestrate trades to keep us below the tax level. Yet they retain Schlenk, Nate and Trae, which are recipes for mediocrity. Hard to see brighter days ahead. Oh well, with a lockout we get some temporary relief from mediocrity.
  11. When Connie Hawkins was playing for the Hawks (his last year in the league, I think) he looked like he was moving in slow motion. But his hands were so huge, the basketball looked like a grapefruit in his hands, so even though he looked like he was moving in slow motion, he could get wherever he wanted to on the court, and no one could strip the ball out of those giant hands. I wish I had seen him play in his prime. So, yeah, we can play the slow game. Note - I should be drafted last - I make Trae look like first team all defense team. I have trouble making sure the garbage can doesn't get away from me going down the hill on my driveway on the night before pickup.
  12. I'm so inflexible now, if I attempted a crossover between my legs, I'd be walking funny for a few weeks.
  13. No offense taken. It's really a comedy of errors in a way. I think the mask would be too little too late though! Yes, I'm glad Bob is getting to go home today. I hope everything works out well for him.
  14. Unfortunately, you can't sue yourself!!! I did it twice to myself in car wrecks, not wearing a seat belt (after that last one, I learned my lesson.) I think one of my brothers inadvertently did it one time when I was little (he was laying in the floor looking under a chest of drawers, so I bent down to see what he was looking at. He didn't know I was there and dropped his foot right on my nose. Another time, playing in a church softball league, I was playing right field and the center fielder and I were both going after the same ball, and hit each other head on. He got knocked unconscious, and I probably got my nose broken, but didn't have it looked at by a doc. In another softball game, I was playing first base, and this huge guy hit the top of the ball, so it rolled just a few feet out in front of the plate. The catcher jumped up and threw the ball to me. However, this guy was so huge, when he would take a step, his head would bob from side to side, and he totally blocked my view of the ball. One time his head bobbed toward the infield, and there was the ball, which hit me right in the nose! Last but not least, in a church league basketball practice game, one of our associate pastors got a little aggressive in securing a rebound, and did the old elbow swing to clear the rebound and hit me right in the nose. No wonder those bones disintegrated!
  15. Thanks for the info. Mine was due to disintegration of bone above my nose, (no telling how many times my nose was broken in my younger years) which allowed for the formation of encepheloceles, and I had the seizures as a result of increased cerebral-spinal fluid pressure. Apparently it had been high many times before, but I was not aware of it. Two years ago were the first and only seizures I ever had as a result of it. I had surgery a couple of months later up through my nasal passage. They could only get to one side because of the extent of bone damage and disintegration. A few days after I went home, I had to go back, and spent a week in the hospital due to a brain infection (ventriculitis) resulting from the surgery. Now I take a pharmacy worth of medicines every day to prevent seizures and keep the cerebral-spinal fluid pressure low. I have really bad balance issues and I can't think of words and names (my memory used to be my strong suit.) I see kids playing basketball and think, "I wonder if they'd let me join their game", then I realize I'd probably fall the first time I made one of my dynamic 2 inch vertical leaps. (When I was a teenager and young man, I was like third string on church league teams as it was. Terrell would have loved me, as I was a bad dribbler, just like his favorite player, John Collins. I did have a decent jump hook though.)
  16. I have seen the clip. He appeared to be having seizures. That happened to me a couple years ago, out of the blue, with no prior history. Praying for you Bob.
  17. Watchman


    Well, let's speculate on who the next coach that Trae Will get fired will be. How many years do you think it will take? I have made no secret of my frustration with Nate as a coach, but it's odd how much more like a team we play when Trae sits a game out. I was impressed with the Denver game.
  18. Watchman


    Maybe Nate wants to get fired. He gets paid regardless, and he won't have to put up with divas anymore. He knows management will pick their "superstar."
  19. Watchman


    So we'd rather have a superstar and lose? Not me. I want to win.
  20. Watchman


    I don't really understand those remarks. If Nate wants a faster pace, then I doubt that is Nate behind the isolation plays. That does not speed up the pace, and Trade is really not fond of passing the ball to certain players, so it calls into question the statement about wanting more catch and shoot. All the while, I was thinking the problem was mostly Nate, but against Denver, that was the best team ball we've played in a long time. is it coincidence?
  21. But if t!he GM selects Marvin Williams when you've already got forwards running out your ears and passes on Chris Paul, a PG that we desperately needed , the responsibility falls back on the GM.
  22. Waiting (and waiting and waiting) for the Return of the Bogi.
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