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Everything posted by Watchman

  1. I want a "None of the Above" for #9.
  2. I'm confused. Earlier in the last few weeks people were grumbling about our lack of 3 point shooters. Now they're excited to trade away one of the few three point shooters we have (Bogi)???
  3. Not worth it for an aging, frequently injured player, even if he is a superstar.
  4. It would have to be, because we'd have 3 on 5 on offense. Simmons isn't worth a third of what he's being paid.
  5. Watchman


    It would be interesting to replace the Theo choice with Deke.
  6. I bet Minny regrets that trade in the worst way. What a disappointment Gobert has been recently.
  7. I mean no disrespect benhillboy, but how many times have we seen him, late in a game, pound the ball up and down until there is only 3 seconds or so left on the shot clock, and then dribble toward the sideline and get trapped? His only option at that point is a really tough shot or trying to find someone to pass it to, often with not so good results. I don't know if this is his idea or Nate's, but it is a waste of scoring opportunities and of Trae's talents.
  8. That's worse. $35 million vs $4 million for a defense only guy. We'd have to mortgage our future to get a 7/6/6 guy. How could any team be that desperate? I can't imagine that Ressler is gonna pay the luxury tax to get Simmons. No one would be that dumb.
  9. I don't really understand the fascination for Ayton. He's a decent player, but he's not anything great. He's an 18/10 guy. Not that impressive. If we had a different coach and/or PG, Collins could do that as well.
  10. KD is just too old, fragile and injury prone. He is a tremendous talent, but you can't count on him to be there when you need him. I wouldn't give up a lot to get him.
  11. I almost didn't recognize Olynyk without his hair net last night. My wife and I both refer to him as the Lunchroom Lady.
  12. Well, Kyrie will just have to roam across the flat earth, looking for a new home team.
  13. Atlanta, home of the cheap team owners.
  14. The Ressler boys ain't gonna fire Nate. That would cost them more money out of pocket. Can't you hear the little birdies chirping? Cheap, cheap cheap!
  15. Nate's the one who had the smallest man on the team inbounding the ball against a seven footer. Poor judgment to the nth degree.
  16. So, do you think Favors will actually see court time in an actual game before his ten days are up?
  17. Interesting that Fields and Korver seem to have a different perspective on Nick's role than Koonin.
  18. Schlenk, I take back every negative thing I ever said or thought about you. You had figured out the real problem and knew what needed to be done. Howevrer, basketball logic was overruled by gate receipts, even though that product will never win it all.
  19. I liked him. There is a thread that discusses this though. The title is "Welcome to College Park, Donovan Williams." I have no idea what kind of player Williams is, but there is some indication Williams has a "higher upside." There is another reference to this by JayBird Hawk in the "Welcome to Atlanta, Jarrett Culver" thread.
  20. Like Nate's game plan? Yeah, that's the ticket.
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