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Everything posted by itsslomotionbaby

  1. why does everybody hate shelvin mack i think he is nice to have at the end of our bench during games he showed me he was sterdy & not wild and can hit the occasional shot i dont know whats going on in summer league but i know what i saw in games last year.
  2. well we can allways sign IM GLAD TO BE GAY COLLINS back again
  3. i forgot all about shelvin mack at least he doesnt play out of control
  4. but as of right now we have no toyghness, we let zaza go & their is no sign of alvin.
  5. first off i understood that if we wanted to get better we need somebody a little better than teague at the point, however i still love what both harris & teague bring to the table enough to have them come of my bench as a change of pace. i felt for sure sense we let harris go, it only makes sense to resign teague.why would we trade teague for jennings somebody that we beat handily last yr.im hearing jennings wants almost 12 mill. but we wouldnt even sniff at kyrie erving. i dont understand that. kyrie ervin is a big name & also somebody that is potentialy unstoppable on any given night which is somebody a team like the hawks could use while trying to gain a reputation. but we know how some of these GMs are, if they did not bring a player in on their watch there is no redeeming value in that gms eyes, so its easy to let go.
  6. i secound the motion, this would be just retarded.
  7. ifelt like we at least needed to bring back harris or teague, i guess its a must that we sign teague now.
  8. i knew we should have went on about our buisnesss, we got burnt waiting for the hamburgler(dwight) for petes sake we found out how to beat him with collins fellas.
  9. i definately wouldnt mind asik being here when we also got 2 solid center prospects to develope & bring off the bench, iquadala is the one im not crazy about b/c his offensive output is just as on& off as josh was. but sense we did not jump to get a david west which only signed for about 12 ayr for 3 years, what else is out their. you might as well go ahead & splurge on tyreke. we are eventually going to have to obtain someone that has the potential to be unstopable on any night & tyreke gives you that.12 million is not steep when we gave joe 15 at one time.
  10. well the mindset he has is invaluable, he is almost like garateed points, is horford like that & west is also doing it in the playoffs, strange that you brought this up b/c i was saying that we need a west or a booser type in our paint.
  11. i remember when we acctually tried to trade for him when he came out,( jarret). i know this one thing we have to get us a guard that is athletic b/c we get rolled all the time by guards that are physical & atheletic.
  12. i personally think alvin gentry would be a good coach for an up tempo type team.
  13. getting dieng would make up for the lou al dieng we should have gotten instead of josh childress
  14. like i said harris could easily replace that point production
  15. this playoff season i found myself more concerned about whom we had as our guards, i like the intangibles that harriss & teague bring too the team but they caanot start for me, if we are talking about improving a team, if we cant get a big man i saw in this playoff round we need a quality point guard in rondo or cp3. i like ivans heart but at 6-8 he is too undersized, we nneed a yomantype at our forward spot like a west or a booser.gettting dante for the playoffs was a mistake when we needed firepower.
  16. i also like what i see from the guard that played at butler, whats his name Mack? i like him better than prago.
  17. plus woody hardly ever went past 7 deep, we must remember you would have never even seen a glimpse of jenkins or scott, would be lucky to see ivan. petro forget about it.ifnot for an injury teague never gets off the bench & is probably out of the league by now.
  18. did we not have a scoring team in a small similarity when we had morrow, he would chip in some crucial shots during key minutes of the game until he got injured for a month.we traded him in for mord defensive minded dontay. we cant have it both ways.
  19. i agree just what the hell are we atlanta fans complaining about.
  20. liked the way teague $ josh turned around what where starting off to be abismal nights it is good for teague to exsperiance other ways to affect the game when his shots are not falling. man did you all see the spin move smoove put on evans, smooth needs to put that move in his subconcious.(its better than a 3, its better than a 3). i finally began to to see the revelance in dontay jones.
  21. well still cant complain if they can just split these last 2.some of these fans kill me. they would be unhappy b/c the waffle they had didnt have a perfectlly formed square so it could hold the syrup.
  22. quitly as it has been kept it looke like fery is prepairing for the future with the big 6-10 guy they just got with scoot & jenkins.
  23. im going to ask one thing whom wiil we have left to cover athrletic players like lebron when he comes to town? we all know hes a headache but c-mon man. people forget horford is at the end of a lot of those passes that josh throws in the paint.before teague began to finally learn his craft he would have mor assist than both of our guards combined (especially when joe was here)im beginig to see why ferry didnt trade josh for saunders &ebutu, they seem nice sevicible & productive but they just didnt seem to have that flavor to flip my tastebuds.
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