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Everything posted by justin31

  1. justin31

    Billups available

    are you guys watching the world championships right now? chauncey's not done.
  2. When Josh came out of the draft a lot of people had him listed as a SF/SG. don't know why, but I guess that label stuck.
  3. i'd probably vomit all over myself if the next hawks coach waxed romantic about his new team like that. that was gross.
  4. ah didn't see the last post. my mistake on the NBDL freakout.
  5. NBDL? NBDL? really? Marvin does his job. He defends the SF about as well as anyone and he stretches the floor enough to keep teams honest. it doesn't matter who you get...JJ and crawford will be going to dribble-town everytime they come down the floor.
  6. dwight, bynum, healthy yao, and maybe brook lopez. if we want to include guys playing the 4 now who could play 5, then gasol and duncan would go on the list too. thats it. i like guys like nene, jefferson, and bogut, but al has an intensity that i think really drives this team. i also think his willingness to run the floor is a huge part of what gives our team its offensive identity as a running team.
  7. i picked lebron, malone, chamberlain, and magic, mostly because at about 120 lbs i'm afraid of dying. i'm also terrified of KG, but i think id have too much fun yelling back at him after he embarassed me.
  8. I just spent 20 minutes on that...CofC intramurals are going to see this in a few weeks.
  9. anyone remember when jamaal magloire was an all-star and lebron wasn't, just because magloire played C? yuck. i don't really care.
  10. sportsouth and fss often have their info crossed up. here in charleston it's almost never right when it comes to hawks games.
  11. i think woodson has seen what happens when he gives young players minutes. he's probably trying to avoid the situation he's at now, where players like josh smith and al horford, who logged consistent minutes as rookies, become border-line All-Stars who don't contribute to the team's production. if we have another young player develop into another weapon, we're doomed as a team.
  12. the problem with BK wasn't that he missed so often. when he missed, he missed bad. Huge contract for Speedy Claxton=very bad Drafting Shelden over Brandon Roy=inexcusable. absolutely inexcusable. even if you think roy and JJ couldn't coexist, he still drafted Shelden Williams. Missing with every 2nd round pick he ever had=bad Missing with Acie=bad Drafting Marvin over CP=turned out awful, but understandable at the time, and most would have made the same call and Chuck just called the Hawks little pee-wee.
  13. Lopez's numbers are too far past Horford's. He's getting something like 18/8/2, and I don't think he'll be passed up for 13/9/1.5 or whatever it is Horf is getting. Wallace should definitely get in, and there's no way, EVER, that Joakim Noah sniffs an All-Star game.
  14. harrington is one of the worst defenders in the league. can you imagine putting bibby, crawford, harrington, and pachulia on the floor at the same time??? ahhhhhhh
  15. i have to agree with mrh...he's not the bibby we saw in sacramento, but we've seen what happens when bibby is out. when he went down against new orleans, we were stone cold.
  16. ok it's the nba, so anything can happen. why do you spend so much time following a team you seem to loathe? we've been terrible for years.
  17. jason collins doesn't play because he might the worst vet in the NBA. he's garbage...signing him was a mistake, but playing him would be worse. if he can't play in minnesota, why should he play here? as for ATL fans being hungry for a title...let's be rational before we start crying about the Hawks not being a championship dynasty. we won 13 games 5 years ago. 13. 13. 13. it takes time for these things to happen, especially since we had one of the worst GMs in the game for that stretch. the Hawks are good now. enjoy it or jump on someone else's bandwagon.
  18. if we lose joe and have to start crawford we're instantly a bottom 10 defense. our size at wings makes woody's bizarre defensive system passable.
  19. it would be a huge disappointment if we lose tomorrow. Detroit is riding a 7 game losing streak, and our NO loss should smart enough to keep us motivated.
  20. why is evans still on the floor? we'd have to be better off with teague, crawford, joe than with mo sitting in the corner throwing rocks at the basket... well there he is
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/awards?page=awards-091117 They have JJ at 7 in the MVP watch, Jamal Crawford tops the 6th man list, and Josh Smith leads the Defensive POY list.
  22. someone didn't watch the celtics/cavs game, or the last pre-season game
  23. bad wording. i agree with you. i meant that being injured isn't the same as making excuses for bad play. i was trying to say that marvin wasn't using injuries as an excuse for his lackluster showing in the playoffs. injuries are real.
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