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Everything posted by AHawks89

  1. http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/05/12/1624876/hawks-johnson-flies-onto-radar.html
  2. AHawks89

    sund speaks

    That would be nice to get JJ and Josh Childress back
  3. Josh Smith seemed to play the best of all them against the best teams. Jamal didn't do that bad. Joe did ok.l
  4. Everyone knows Woody is not a great coach. Majority of this site agrees with that. You wonder why he does not listen? We all know the ANSWER. Hell, if my coach was a dumbass, I wouldn't take anything he said serious either.
  5. "It's Marvins Fault" type of threads are pretty childish if you ask me...
  6. I hope Joe stays. :cant believe:
  7. I like Woody as a person, a lot. He has done a lot for this team, but it's time for him to move on. I give him all the props for staying with this team through the years and doing something that rarely happens: increasing wins for what five straight years? Props to that. I hope Woody learns from his mistakes and becomes a successful coach! Good bye! :dancing18:
  8. You should see the chatroom. :computer8:
  9. Well.. Looks like we didn't put up a good series with the Orlando Magic.... This whole year I've been waiting for this years playoffs because I thought we had a team that could bring us all the way, but they let us down like this...
  10. I'm glad you base this off the little playing time that he has had all season. We don't know what Teague is capable of. No one does. I think we need to see what players are capable of first before bashing or criticizing players. You sound ike Woodson. :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  11. JackB, I have to disagree with you. It's blatant that you don't like Josh. Like everyone else said, Josh is one guy who you want on your team and we would regret if we traded him in the future. And like mrhone line said, I would like to see him player under a new coach. I bet sky is the limit for this kid.
  12. It's funny when posters are pointing fingers at each player, but when a player plays good in one game than all the fingers are away from him. Remember how poorly Al played on the road? Very. Joe Johnson had his game or two, Josh Smith did, Al Horford, and even Jamal. All of them have had good games, but a lot of bad games too. Theres not one person on this team you should give props to. Al might have been the most consistent, but he has played poorly on the road. My point is.. stop giving one player props or pointing a finger at someone for doing something bad. There is no I in team. Just saying...
  13. http://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-hawks/johnson-says-booing-was-523326.html
  14. +1 Agree with everything you said. It's crazy knowing he is going to get better next year. He's going to work hard during the off season. I remember hearing him say in a interview that each summer he works on something different to improve his play. He says he never feels like he is satisfied with what he has done, so i'm assuming he will just get better each year with that mind set.
  15. I think the goal for winning during home is to to play ALLLLL 48 minutes! I don't know if it's fatigue kicking in or what, but what ever it is.... it's been happening all season!!
  16. I just left the chat room. Once again, we give up in the 4th quarter. Surprise surprise! I'm more mad about this game than any other game. We had a big chance to steal this game, and what do we do? The usual... :computer8:
  17. HAHA what a joke! What the hell? What is NBA turning into? Seriously... Anyways congratulations Josh Smith.
  18. He's right. We do have to work on our shooting, but he needs to step up as a coach and figure this out. It's uncalled for when a team gets whooped by 40+ points in a 2nd round play off game.
  19. So what do yall think needs to be adjusted in game 2?
  20. I hope that's it. :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  21. Zaza was just interviewed, looking fly, but he only got asked a few questions. After these 3 questions he said, "It's funny how yall have no questions for me when we have results like this." He looked like he did when he was in KG's face back in 08. Also, I still believe we can win this series. We always play great when our backs are against the wall. Go Hawks!
  22. Lmao. I'm not blaming this on no rest! I'm just wondering. Good lord. We looked half dead out there. It's pathetic. Get off my nuts
  23. No. They need to stay with ATL as long as possible and build around them.
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