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Everything posted by AHawks89

  1. Good post. I can't agree with you anymore, but do you actually think Teagues will be coming off the bench?
  2. I found this on RealGM: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcfgyj_resume-stb-le-havre-poitiers_sport He's number 10. He makes an assist, then right after shoots a 3. And later in the video he dunks.
  3. For some reason, I have a really really good feeling about Jordan Crawford -- I mean really good. I think he might be a star in the league. Go ahead and call me crazy & dumb. I don't care. :snowballfight:
  4. I have a good feeling about this year -- especially with the new offense that Drew is bringing in. It will be good for both of them and all of the team.
  5. He kind of disappeared last year too. And I don't think it's all on him. It was Woody too. With more ball movement, he would get better shots.
  6. Rhino don't seem to understand...
  7. We have more scorers now -- more rest for JJ. And as Sund says, we will be using money to add veterans to the team.
  8. If he resigns, I will be one of the fans with a big poster saying, " THANKS FOR COMING BACK JOE! WE LOVE YOU!" If he does, I think fans need to thank him and let him know we appreciate that he is back. He would feel really good about himself.
  9. Hawks poor fans? I think you mean Joe's poor playoff performance. What do you expect? He disappeared in playoffs once again, and then called out the fans. What are you talking about?
  10. /Sigh All of us already know this and how cheap they are... Stop with these threads.. haha
  11. I agree. Be happy that we at least got Jordan Crawford. It's funny seeing all these thread about blah blah blah. There's nothing we can do about it. For some reason, this whole draft don't surprise me one bit, and I don't see how yall are not surprised. But yeah, come on yall... Be happy that we got the second most efficient scorer in the draft.
  12. It's going to be nice to see Jordan Crawford and Josh Smith throw down some dunks this year. The Highlight Factory? Mhmm. I just looked up some of his highlights on youtube and the dude can shoot from anywhere and loves to have the ball at the last second.
  13. http://nba.fanhouse.com/2010/06/23/hawks-thinking-john-salmons-if-joe-johnson-leaves/
  14. LeBron is going to NJ. He is a big NY fan and NJ will move to Brooklyn, not to mention Billionaire owner. They have Harris and Lopez already. AJ is the head coach. He's going to NJ. I can see JJ either staying here in Atlanta or going to Miami with wade.
  15. People already doubting Drew. Why spend so much money on a coach who don't know our team and don't know the problems? We don't need some coach to come in and act like he knows the problems and players. Drew, himself, has seen all the problems and knows the players great. Also, players love him. He has 14 years experience under coaches, and from what I hear, he has a lot of basketball knowledge. With ASG being so cheap, why would you go out and hire a coach who does not know nothing about this team or players, and hoping the players like the new coach? In my opinion, ASG did the right thing. Drew was the best pick in both sides of the ball; money wise and coach wise. We do not need to rebuild our team. We have the team to take us somewhere. Maybe a few little updates here and there will get us over the hill.
  16. Are you high? You should post this on highdeas.
  17. Ha, Mark Bradley is a joke anyways... enough said. And NJHAWKS, we all know you love to hate on the Hawks. Stop complaining or trying to point out how "cheap" the ASG are, even if they are or not. You complaining about it is not going to do any good or change the coach. Man up and think positive. Anyways, I think hiring Larry Drew was a smart choice.
  18. Yeah, I bet Dwight would love to play for his hometown and along with his best friend. If we had Dwight as a center, oh man...
  19. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=AuAnGsz4sjDDV9P_X05PNLekvLYF?slug=teamreports-2010-nba-atl Hmm...
  20. I honestly think that would be awesome. Add some more size to the bench and we'll be perfect. Our team is fast and athletic and Chillz back would make it even better with a new coach and offense.
  21. No Johnson was not there, nor was Joe Smith. Everyone else ended up showing up before PC ended. From AJC:
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