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Everything posted by NekiEcko

  1. I have to agreed with this, if they were going to bring him back, then the roster would be changed with only Al, Teague and one other as leftovers but it doesnt make any sense to bring him back with the current core we got. Also I read that Peachtree that its weird that Drew contact was pick up but Sund decision if he want to stay or go somewhere else. To me that is the weird thing every.
  2. Okay I finally calm down after my little rantI have no problem with Coach Drew, we all have to remember that he never had a head coach gig before this and there is alot of things he has to get better from like stand up for your players, better sub packages, knowing when to call TO and other things.But this does tell me one thing. There is no doublt in our mind and I think many(or maybe all) Atlanta Hawks fans can agreed to, that Atlanta Spirit Group needs to sell this team right now, because its getting to a point that many people is going to give up on this team regrads how good they were or how many times they went to the playoff, and etc, etc, etc. To me, they dont care about bring a NBA Title to Atlanta, they just worry about how much money they get at the end. As a fan of this team, its pains me so much about it. To me, i dont think that ASG is looking out for fans anymore, look at that "statement" by Rick Sund. This team, the fans, Atlanta, and the whole state of Georgia deserve alot better then these guys. Worst thing about it, they get on this shows and radio and complain that the Hawks get lack of attention for local and national media while fans doesnt want to come out. This is one of the reason. ASG needs to be sold to a person or a team that is willing to bring a NBA Championship to Atlanta.
  3. Ditto, so we still no trades, vet mins, another first round KO and more excuses. They wonder why they get roasted by everybody and why fans leave this team,
  4. I wasnt going to vent about this(I got other things to worry about like what major should I do), but seriouslyI AM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS STUPID ----- ORGANIZATIONI understand that ASG is broke and they dont want to be in the business but seriously. I want to see the spin off of this, because I dont know what to say any more. This team isnt a championship team, period. This team needs change but they want to keep the same coach. My loyality to this team is almost gone.
  5. I think that ASG lives in their own world that doesnt pay attention to outside events and stuff like that. Because honestly, i think these guy is a bunck of Jack@-- . I swear they are doing this, so people can stop going to Hawks games, so they can sell this team to Chris Hanson, then he goes up to Seattle. If the Hawks is going to do this, they better make a change or they are going to feel the full blunt of the fans anger.
  6. Here is my take about this:61m for 6 players, that is a avg of 10 mil and that is way too much for this core, somebody has to move no matter what. I get nbasuperstar40 saying about trades but at the same time, I dont really feels that excuse is going to coax over the Hawks fans that been screaming for change since two season ago. My feeling is this, This team has ran its course and it time for some upgrades or they will be see more empty seats in Phillips and that wont be good anybody.
  7. I hope that those talks bombed for some reason but we are dealing the most cheapest ownership, they wouldnt have the sets to go ahead Phil Jackson or even get a full HC here.
  8. For the love of .................Oh well, get ready for more excuse and same core crap.
  9. I think with all the heat and disrespect that ASG has been getting, I am thinking they are going to find somebody from outside the organiation and the last thing they want to do is getting a another assistance for the cheap. They will be losing more fans and alienated themselves even more.
  10. You can say the same thing about Mike Woodson, who increased the Hawks win totals five straight years but still was let go because he didnt win in the playoffs. i think that Coach Drew did a okay job but I dont think he is going to get the Hawks over the hump like Woodson did, so you have to find somebody else. Someone is going to get into these players, not being buddy-buddy with, who is going to work the ref about calls and hold everybody accountable for their action, not just some people.Mike Fratello is a good coach and I think he can bring out the best for this team, I think SVG can as well. Diesel, you almost gave me a heart attack with that headline.
  11. With the type of players that we have here, I think a true playmaker PG would be much better here then Teague. No offense for him, he did a good job this season but for a type of team like this, you have to do that. He can play off-guard and PG in certain situations.But for blow up this team, here is my two questions1) What values can you get for the players you about to give up?2) How does the fanbase would respond to those moves? I know for number 2, for most of us in the blogsphere and other place, its has been long overdue. But Most people is saying that they want to try one more time. For me, I will chip at the side and shaped it up.
  12. Here is my take about this.Like some of the people say already even if you did trade/amnesty Joe and/or trade Josh. We still wont be in a market for game-changer or a superstar because the ownership that we have right now and goes double for coach and GM as well, nobody wants to play for these folks.My feeling is this, yall that contact from Joe is huge but we have to remember that Agent "0" got a huge contact, so then Ra.Lewis and they was traded. So if we find a taker for Joe, then we have to look at that option. Chicago and Knicks is good candiates for that. Also, I dont really think that Horford and Smith can coexist because Al is a natural 4, playing as a center. Its find and dandy as long the team doesnt have 7'0" center on their team but if they do, then you will get to repeat of what happen with Pacers. Smith has alot of talent and with a good coach drive him, he can go far but I dont think he is going to get that here. I believe that one of them has to go with Marvin and Joe.
  13. Very good article, it tells the sad and painful truth about the Hawks. As long we got this ownership, this team will never go far. They are getting up there with the Falcons of years and years of Rankin Smith. I wish we can do something as fans to get this team sold.
  14. I was thinking that too but I think that after last night, maybe, just maybe the ASG would get serious about this.
  15. Rino,But you have to remember that Pacers still have alot of cap room to go after a good PG (Dragic), Bulls will be the Bulls, Knicks is going to be better, 76ers will be there. C's will reload again and with Doc and Rondo in the picture they will be in it as well. Then its the Heat as well.I believe this team have did the best they can and I believe a chance is in order, ASG needs to realize that make it to playoff is only the first step.
  16. and we are going to be doing the same thing next year. I think this team needs a outside opinion, if they want to go far in the playoffs. Drew is a good coach but if Atlanta wants to go to ECF, then we need somebody else.
  17. Maybe it might be the last time we will see that line-up (I hope not but )
  18. i am going to quote a comment from that from Peachoops. This what I am going to say about this.
  19. I think the series did three things.1) It show us that this team isnt ready to be one of the elite teams and never will be.2) It show the entire sport world that this team is ultimate Bi-polar ever assembly.3) That is this team wants to go to ECF, there has to be serious changes here, I mean from TOP to the BOTTOM. Staying status quo is going to be a slap to the face to all of the faithful Hawks fans they still got and lose them forever.I might want to do a rant thread but i think I will get into trouble because I be straight forward and honest about this.
  20. Looking at some Korean dramaHearing my neighbor open and closing his door consistent
  21. Assume that the Bobcats wins the lottery. I got a very very funny feeling that they wont win it.My guess1) Krewe of New Orleans (my guess of their new name)2) Brooklyn Nets3) Sacto Kings4) LOLcatsBut nobody will trade their top pick for them however, Pick 2 -15 is not out of the question.
  22. Have to agreed with Jody23 here,Most people need to remember that Josh has been in the league for awhile now and he wants to go to a team that has a better chance to get to the championship then the Hawks, even know that this team has been to the playoffs 5 straight times, this team isnt closer to get to ECF at all. Plus, you know that teams is going to throw out alot of money for him and he doesnt like most of the ppl here. Our chances with him is slim to none.
  23. JJ need to stop being Average and play like he actually earned that money.
  24. i think he cant make any excuse about this, if they know that they cant resign Josh, they can try to get the maximum value for him because if they let him go without anything. They will be in the same boat as Magic, knowing in fact that they are going to lose another one with nothing to show for it. It will take them years to recover but for the Hawks, it will be worst since NBA doesnt like giving us 1st overall draft choice or anything like that.
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