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Everything posted by NekiEcko

  1. You have to have assurances that Dwight is going to sign here and not change his mind for the 100,030,000 time. Then we can go ahead and trade him. I think you getting the point. Outside of Lakers, the Hawks has the best deal there is and Magic wont have to be starting from stratch again (but you know they got this notion that they can resign Byunm to a deal) but they see the whole rival like you do, so they are scared.
  2. I think the most important thing is what HC is going come in and what system is he going to set up for this team. Then you see what players do we need. I know that Danny may want Ast. Coach from Spurs (I am so surprised that nobody gave him a job yet)
  3. I dont think so, most of the Magic faithful is saying "Byunm loves Orlando and he wants to stay there and play for them" etc, etc, etc. At the end, LA is going to get him, some way
  4. I remember one of the interviews that Levenson did, saying that they wont go after Ferry if they were going to sell the team. I think that ASG was getting sick and tired. So they brought in a guy that will take care of this team.
  5. Diesel,If they were a rival, so why does Lakers can trade with Suns, or we traded to Nets and they are in the same conference. Trading in Division isnt all common but right now, he doesnt have a choice. Right now, If I was Rob Hennigan, I will be looking at value above all else. If he did traded with the Lakers, he would get Byunm for a year then he will bounce since he can get a max deal somewhere else, if he trade with Nets, then he will be bring in salary and they have to be signed before traded, so they will up in salary again. If he traded with the Rockets, he can get good contract and pick but that means Magic is going to be rebuilding again (with their owner who is 80 years old, that would too much for him) and If he trade with Hawks, he gets a PF/C with good value on his contract and he will be there for 3 more years so they can build around him, plus they still can be in the playoff hunt.DF has show up that he can pull rabbits out of his hat and here is the scary part, that Josh and Al is Hawks best trading piece, a another nugget to chew on. I dont count D12 or CP3 coming here, but if they do, they can make the Hawks the #1 ticket in Atlanta but these moves is so this team has OPTIONS.
  6. I think this team is going to be in good shape and the only other team that is going to have lot of cap space is going to be Dallas. Now Dallas is D12 second choice but its only going to be him and Dirk, and who is the PG there (maybe Nash). I think that playing with Al and Smooth, might help D12 choose ATL.About CP3, He likes LA but I dont think they can give out the max, so lets see.You can see that Atlanta has options, they can trade for D12 now or wait. I think that we can wait but I think Hawks might jump for it.
  7. But you have to remember that Falcons had the same problem years ago when the Smith had control of that team, including many rumors of this team leaving Atlanta but Mr, Blank brought the team and now, they are working together to bring a new football stadium that will exceed 1B (with hotel tax going up again). I think if Hawks established themselves as an Elite team and the ownership marketing them correctly, they can bring them in.
  8. Unless Dwight wants to come here and play for the Hawks, when you dont do the trade. period. Dwight, he is good person but he keeps digging himself in a grave, because listen to his so-called friends and not to his heart.
  9. I dont really think that Hawks is going to move and with them being tied to the Arena, its a slim to none chance that will ever happen. Did anyone tweet on that?
  10. Let think about this:Atlanta was in the top ten in viewing for the Finals, untapped wealth if a good team was going to be there, and other stuff and they want to move the team to St. Louis, shoot they are having problems with Rams right now.Yep, Peter Vescey is a idIot, plain cut and simply.
  11. Okay if that is the case, why did Danny Ferry took the job here, knowing in fact that question was asked, like couple of times if the Hawks was going to get relocated, and the answer was NO!!!! But then again, they did the same thing to Thrashers but Atlanta is too valuable to lose in NBA.
  12. Yep, that is a bold face lie and they know it unless St. Louis has alot of money to give out for the next couple of years.
  13. [*]Now that one about the Hawks moving to St. Louis was a riot, seriously. They think that the Hawks is getting relocated, they need a arm and a leg to move this team.
  14. NekiEcko

    The Dream.

    It smell like a new team is getting from: its not the Big 3 of Boston or MiamiIt's ATLiens (CP3/Howard/Josh), that is good dream. Now time to play some Outkast.
  15. I think the deal will be (in my opinion):Al/Teague or Harris/Zaza/Rockets 1st/Hawks 1st/Future Picks for Dwight and filler(expiring,ofcourse)
  16. Actually that is impossible, and besides Lopez and Humps is BYC,I dont that the Magic want to get those type of contracts. I know Orlando is between a wall and a hard place. But you do what best for your team not for one people. Sorry, Dwight you had your chance.
  17. I am going to leave alittle something that my friend told me today and think about the trades today.There is a team that its Starting PG is a F/A right now and he might not come back to that place. I let yall guys figure it out.
  18. I know that everybody wants to keep Harris but there is one thing that people need to know.Jameer Nelson is a F/A and Orlando doesnt have a starting PG. Just food for thought.
  19. Joker and MrMeltdown,I think yall lost your minds, think about this, we off-load 90m and we got rid of Iso-Joe. Are this team is going to back-petal, yes they will but we cant contiune to go to the playoffs and lose in the first and second round. You are losing money like that and fans. This team needs changes and this is first of many that this team needs right nowIf yall two dont like, yall got your own opinions but the last time the Hawks was under SC was about 7 - 8 years ago even longer. This is a win for the Hawks.
  20. I wonder why yall is cry and stuff like that, we got rid of a 85+ million dollar contract and we will finallly have flexibilty and yall whine about it. We can build this team right. no 6'9" experiments, etc etc etc
  21. Umm, let see, I am not speaking like MrPositive (nice avv btw, that guy still get me mad)The Answer is a Nope but we want Marshon or something else but Green is a possibilty but in a long shot if that was the final deali know that he is a scrub but getting away from Joe contract by any means necessary.
  22. @MrMeltdonw - Huh?About this Dwight, I dont think Atlanta needs to go after him at all. We wil have the same drama like Magic times 2 with Josh is close to FA as well.I think the timeline is going to be tonight or tomorrow (Deron has a meeting with Nets tonight), so we might see some action very soon.
  23. They want to use Marshon trade to Orlando for D12, when it comes up. But I think if Nets is desperate enough then they will part with him, I hope.
  24. Sothron,He isnt Ed Gray but he is a permanet #2 option, not a number #1 like the Hawks envisioned. I like always say that he didnt play his contract, he contract played him. For people like Rose, Kobe and Deron, he is perfect. A scoring SG that can put off pressure of the #1 guy and made him even more dangerous.
  25. Actually there is more than that.I think this was the Nets plan to applease Deron to staying and Deron was the one to signed off. Keeping Crash there was first step, Trading for Joe or getting a F/A SG is second.
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