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Everything posted by NekiEcko

  1. Have to disagreed on that one, Nets deal sucks, no if and buts about it. I like to see you try to convince fans to come to Magic games with that trade. LA has good value but Byunm probably going to test the market out and believe me, he isnt going to be in the playoffs anytime soon with Magic. With Al, you have a contact that can be control by the Magic for 3 - 4 years and they can use their cap space for other places.
  2. Crazy, you haven't seem crazy yet.Adreian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBAThe Nets have been negotiating an extension with Brook Lopez and could ultimately complete the deal in the next 48 hours, sources sayI think its fake but its nice to show folks
  3. @WojYahooNBACleveland is out as a third-team trade partner in a possible Orlando-Brooklyn deal for Dwight Howard, sources tell Y! Sports.It looks likes that deal is dyingDanny,Get to work, man.
  4. But it will be only one year for those picks and outside of few folks, this draft is lacking. Sure we wont have any draft but we still have cap space to signed folks as well.
  5. Believe me, most of the people in Orlando, if they trade for Lopez for Max, they will be alot of riots (j/k), most ppl is going to question what make the Magic FO to do this crazy deal.@capstone21, Believe me, I would hate to give up everything to get him but at the same time, this is chance that Hawks need it right now. There isnt too many team would pay him the max contract, if he wants to play in LA or BYK, then its the MLE that he is getting.
  6. Nobody is going to blame him, he is take a risk and if you look at the situation like this. D12 can get the max deal he wants, playing with best friends, bring new talent to Atlanta and being one of the spotlights in the city that need stars or he can signed the MLE, being stuck as the 3rd wheel, in a city that the fans and media will tear him apart if he isnt playing right. Most ppl still harpers on Thomas Dimitroff when he traded away five picks to get Julio Jones but that is type of risk that makes or breaks a GM career. Julio is a beast and he will have a awesome career. So those type of risk will bring fans to seat, money to pockets of ASG and excitment back to this city.
  7. and Atlanta will still have massive cap space and Howard Bird Rights as well.Sometimes you have to take risk like this, Danny, channel your inner Thomas and do this deal.
  8. I think that Nets deal is going down in flames really soon and Atlanta outside of Lakers has the best deal and if didnt want to stay, then Hawks will still have all of its cap room to get players next year. Get it Done, Danny
  9. Josh: Please trade me to____________________ Danny: Nope, play your contract Josh: Okay
  10. Okay, peopleTo each its own I say but honestly, I am serious think that we need to stop being so negative about this. Spurs is one of the constant team in the NBA and Danny Ferry is one of the reason, just give him time. Besides I think Brooks was overrated but that just me.
  11. So trade 90mil contract isnt a good deal? Or send Marvin to Utah isnt a good deal either? So what is a good deal?
  12. Okay then who would you got a GM then? You got to have patience with this. Atleast he did something that nobody else could have done and still processed two greatest trade pieces right now. You have to respect him too, believe me doing this job sucks (learn to work in NBA front office one day, hopefully work for the Sonics when they return to Seattle one day)
  13. Okay, you have to remember he started this job two week ago, so give this man some space. He has a plan, so let him work his voodoo besides he might have something else up right now. EDIT: Besides, the culture and enviroment of this team needs to change before we start bring in these All-Star and Superstars.
  14. Well if we did trade Dwight, he wouldnt stay with us, unless a miralce happen but he said that he wants to go to Brooklyn then let him go there.
  15. I think what Orlando got back on this deal sucks, really suck. Most of the Magic fans hates this deal. Oh well, its over, so let get back to the offseason.
  16. I dont think I was rude, but if I was I am sorryIn this situation, I have a perfect example. When I lived in Japan, I learn about Shogi there. I remember that even if you did something bold, sometimes it will backfire and leaves you with no pieces on the board. You have to patience, looking at every move you can make, even if you have surrender a few pieces on the board. As long as you win the game.Josh needs to use that or he will be the one of the surrender pieces. Right now, he is looking at every move and Josh needs to be patience.
  17. Be easy, Joker (Scout)But you have to remember sometimes, it doesnt pay to have a superstar on this team, because you have to deal with superstar problems as well (think Orlando situation, twice removed). It be nice to have a Dwight, CP3, or good superstar to coming to Phillps but its not going to happen until we change the enviroment and culture of this team and that is what Danny is doing right now. Its hard but to get to the mountaintop, you going have to deal with rockslides and rugged cliffs.
  18. Joker, As usual you are missing the point by the mile, Even know that you say that we were one player away, we didnt have the money for that one player. Right now, this team can go into next off-season and build a better team and if you cant deal with that, Scout then you can go to another team because this rebuild going to take a while but is going to be right. By the way, Brooklyn still have to deal with Miami and Boston so they wont get into the championship that easily
  19. Hey Danny,If Josh isnt impressed then go ahead and work on a trade for him, i believe that Danny's Vision is going to take a while and if Josh doesnt want to wait then ship him off to somewhere else and find somebody that wants to be here.
  20. I think we all know that he is going to the Nets, one way or another. Even if the Hawks does put down Horford, he wont resign and he wont stay with this team ala Danny Manning. Besides it been stupid for this team to jump for that. I do want to have Dwight on this team but I think him and his team wants Brooklyn and that wont change.But that is the state of the NBA right now, I think teams is going to find a way to get around these super-teams and beat them.
  21. First of all, I understand that many people have their opinion about this issues. Frankly, I believe that Lakers is going to get him and we can complain about how the superstars want to go to this top city and still dont win jack. But for the Hawks, trying to get him is doing is getting alot of attention from local sport writers, causal fans that wants to have a NBA superstar. The hard truth is this, the Hawks didnt do too good when it comes down to attendation and this team is still losing money left and right. Hawks is going to need to bring in new fans to this team or we can look at Seattle about what happens next.Right now, this team needs a idently and a face to this team. A face like how Michael Vick was for the Falcons until that issues, or like Chipper for the Braves. A face that we can idently as Hawks basketball. A face that wants to bring new ppl into the fold and support this team even more. If Dwight wants to be that guy, then he can be the show but if he wants to play second fiddle and follow the money trail, that fine as well.
  22. See, this is how NBA rolls! Oh well it was fun while it last it.
  23. I say tweet, let start something, send around everybody we know, put on Facebook, heck I do it.
  24. Heck in fact,They can still be in playoff hunt with those three there and they will have 3 picks in 2013 draft (Our, There, and Houston (if they go to the playoff) 1st and Future) I went to a Magic Forums, broke it down like this and they still want Byunm. Common Sense doesnt work in NBA
  25. But Bynum does has injury issues as well, but if he does resigned then it trumps everybody (they dont have any picks either)
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