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Everything posted by JJFAN4LF

  1. I'm not completely satisfied with the roster, but I am willing to give the players the Hawks have on the roster a chance to prove themselves on this new scheme we have on offense and defense. Later on during the season, if it doesn't look like the Hawks will have a chance to compete for the championship title.... I would like to see the front office make some moves. I think the management probably has the same mindset as me. They will probably evaluate what our team is like during the season and go from there.
  2. Source: Click Here. Definitely sounds like a show to watch to me.
  3. By NBA Channel, do you mean, NBA TV? If so, this sucks. The one night I didn't watch is the one time Woody was there? I'm hoping to find a video of the episode on NBA.com though. I wouldn't mind Woody as an analyst though. He can't be much worse than Sam Mitchell right? Plus, I'd like to see how much Coach Woodson knows about the NBA.
  4. I would really be surprised if he ends up in Atlanta. We have a lot of bigs already...we're not even sure how we will all fit them in the rotation. Adding another one will be kind of silly, especially since he doesn't bring that much more to what we already have.
  5. Teague's work ethic this summer has impressed me. To know that he was in Atlanta for the most part of the summer and working out and putting shots in, shows that he does have the desire to get better. The work ethic is there, but we will have to see if he'll still played scared once we start seeing some games. I think Teague has skills to be a good point guard, but does he have the intangibles like a Rajon Rondo has...the toughness and the attitude of not being afraid of the big moment and being the floor leader of of a team with a lot more experience than him. That intangible is what separates players like a Russell Westbrook from a Rondo.
  6. I'm still 50/50 on it. I wan to go for sure, but I'm not sure about my availability that night. For those who are going, care to video tape the whole thing? :)
  7. Alade Aminu is playing in France this year I believe. I read it somewhere a while back.
  8. I love how Joe became one of the most underrated players in the NBA to apparently to one of the most overrated players in the NBA. (sarcasm) He's overpaid not overrated.
  9. I believe that would be the Utah Flash. I don't see the hype in him. We've seen him play one summer league game, that's it. A lot of people are acting like he's Mickael Pietrus or something.
  10. Wouldn't call it choking. They're the clear underdog coming into the series. Seattle has homecourt advantage and that's huge for them considering they are undefeated at home.
  11. If I remember correctly, before the lottery we were projected at the #4 pick(which would have gone to Phoenix). I'm not sure where Portland and Seattle were projected at, but I believe they were projected lower than the #4 pick. I'm almost positive that Atlanta had the highest chance of having the #1 pick when it came down to the last 3 teams. I don't want to think about it, but we were really close on getting Kevin Durant. We would have had ourselves a true franchise player to build around for years. We needed to be the #2 pick in order for us to have picked Durant though. If Seattle or Portland had the #1 pick, they would have picked Oden.
  12. What fantasy website are you using? ESPN? NBA.com? Yahoo? I'd definitely join this. I love Fantasy Basketball.
  13. Tune in to NBATV if you're not in the Atlanta area. If you are go to Fox Sports South. This game is just exciting to watch. Atlanta Dream: 92 NY Liberty: 85 4:00 minutes left in the 4th quarter!
  14. Melo is pretty close with Michael Jordan, so I'm not surprised that he wants to go to Charlotte and play for him.
  15. According to the article, Smoove is the 3rd best PF in the East. I'll take that. I don't think I'm saying this with any bias whatsoever, but we have the best PF going forward and I wouldn't take anyone over him in that list.
  16. I think Roy jumped the gun b/c he wanted everyone to know that he doesn't like to associate himself w/ stuff like that before someone finds the video themselves. I don't think he wanted to take the risk of not saying anything and someone somehow finding it and making assumptions and making rumors while blowing the whole situation out of proportion.
  17. Source: http://nba.fanhouse....e-in-rap-video/ I don't think it's that big of a deal that they made a few, short cameos in the video. Everyone should know that Jamal Crawford and Brandon Roy are two of the most professional players in the NBA. I honestly don't think that this situation should even be discussed by the media. ...... But then again, I'm not helping the matter by posting the news article about it. :zipper:
  18. I worry sometimes our long-tenured Hawks players will struggle with this offense considering they never ran one in years. I worry most about Josh Smith. Has he ever been on a true offense?
  19. I may not agree on Smoove playing SF, but I do like that he is trying to change things up a little bit. LD sounds a lot more creative than Woody and I'm excited for that. I think that we'll probably be worst during the season compared to last season, but we'll be a lot more impressive come playoff time this season.
  20. Again, we can't be the 4th seed if Miami and Orlando are somewhere in the top 3 seeds. Anyway, it's way too early to be predicting seeds, but as of right now....here's what I think. Eastern Conference 1. Orlando Magic 2. Miami Heat 3. Boston Celtics 4. Chicago Bulls 5. Atlanta Hawks 6. Milwaukee Bucks 7. New York Knicks 8. New Jersey Nets Maybe a surprise team: Detroit Pistons Western Conference 1. Los Angeles Lakers 2. Dallas Mavericks 3. Oklahoma City Thunder 4. Denver Nuggets 5. Houston Rockets 6. Portland Trailblazers 7. Phoenix Suns 8 . San Antonio Spurs Could possibly make a run: Memphis Grizzlies, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers
  21. I wonder how much NBA League Pass will be worth now since the Three AmEGOS joined forces in Miami. I would think the price would rocket up.
  22. I believe that's wrong. I see Miami 4 times in the schedule. Every team faces teams from their own division 4 times.
  23. "Me can do what he can. Me get max contract now?"
  24. http://www.nba.com/h...chedule_PR.html Full schedule here: http://www.nba.com/hawks/news/1011_Schedule_PR.html#SCHED So the Hawks have 14 National Televised games....7 if you don't consider NBA TV as a National Televised game.
  25. <object width="388" height="394" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="ep"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="http://i.cdn.turner.com/nba/nba/.element/swf/1.1/cvp/nba_embed_container.swf?context=nba&videoId=teams/hawks/2010/07/27/powellsigns-1381705" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><embed src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/nba/nba/.element/swf/1.1/cvp/nba_embed_container.swf?context=nba&videoId=teams/hawks/2010/07/27/powellsigns-1381705" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="388" wmode="transparent" height="394"></embed></object> <br><br> On the board, here are the list of players I see... Primoz BrezecOleksiy PecherovKosta KoufosSean WilliamsDJ MbengaBrian SkinnerEtan ThomasRasho NesterovicCould this be a list of players the Hawks are possibly looking at? All players mentioned are Free Agents with the exception of Kosta Koufos (I think?) and Rasho Nesterovic (who recently got signed by Olympiakos).
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