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Everything posted by Teeareess

  1. Yes, you can trade draft rights, and you can draft for another team and trade the rights after, but you can't do that involving soon to be free agents. It is illegal right now for any team to negotiate with Harrington, and since you can't sign and trade a player without his permission, including him in any deal involving picks in this years draft.
  2. Thanks. And yeah, That's what I meant. He can't even legally negotiate with anyone until July 1st, and he can't sign until the 12.
  3. The draft's on June 28th, and He can't be traded until July 12th, so trading him for picks is out of the question.
  4. This is Cuban we're talking about. He'll overpay.
  5. I'd say not very. I really don't think there's a can't miss guy that would make a trade up worth doing.
  6. Quote: I'd rather work out a deal to get a second pick for AL (they pick for us and trade later). That way we can draft a quality player AND take a chance on a project. Am I wrong in thinking that that kind of trade is impossible? Al can't negotiate with other teams, so he won't agree to a sign & trade until he can. (It's not just a matter of he can't be traded until he's officially a free agent. He won't agree to a deal until he's explored his options) I half agree with you on the draft. I really hope Aldridge or Roy slip down to us. If they do, I really want to keep the pick. If they don't, I'm all for moving it.
  7. Quote: I'm probably out of place speaking for Exodus here, but his 'haterade' comment is probably more based upon your track record as a Marvin detractor than your particular comment here. Yep.
  8. I've never thought of Marjele that way, but did you even see Chapman when he came into the league? He was an amazing athelete. Didn't he compete in a couple of slam dunk contests?
  9. Quote: MOVES: 1. Trade #5 to TOR for #1 I don't think they'd accept. What are you adding? I don't like Iverson as a Hawk at all, and I don't see how Flip would help us, but I'd love to land Aldridge, and I think Cato would be a great addition.
  10. Quote: Who are you saving your cap room for anyway? Someone who fits. AI doesn't.
  11. You know what else went up? His DNPCD's.
  12. I hate his jumpshot. I love so much about his game, but his outside shot, while very accurate, takes an eternity to get off, and looks awkward. But like HawksChSmMa said, the trade Chill talk is more due to Marv, Smith, and JJ being pretty etched in stone at the 3,4, & 2 spots. Alot of people think we have too many needs to afford the luxury of Chill as our sixth man.
  13. Quote: So he's obviously not afraid of competition, in fact he looks for it. It just sounds to me like overall he's got an excellent attitude and a really good head on his shoulders, and I LOVE the fact he works as hard as he does. Am I the only one who can't shake the image of him crying on the court with time left on the clock?
  14. How do you know they wouldn't thrive under a new coach? You really can't give him all of the credit when he's the only pro coach they've had. Boris has played for three coaches. He grew a little under Stots, completely regressed under Woodson, and thrived this year. Woody hasn't earned this free pass you're giving him.
  15. At this point in Cassell's career, as long as he has options, he's going to either go for the biggest paycheck he can get, or a chance to win a lot of games. Probably both. I don't think he'd even consider Atlanta. Jaw Williams is worth a look. I do think that Wilcox would be the best target. Wasn't it ruled that Seattle doesn't have Bird rights on him?
  16. no. Just no. While I do agree the Hawks need a scorer to take the pressure off of JJ, I don't think another tweener forward, this time an unathletic one is the answer. Why are there so few American white guys who can really play? Wally, who I've never really liked, is the only one in your top 5.
  17. I put Wilcox, but it's pretty impossible to answer this question without knowing what we're giving up in each of the trades. For example, I can't imagine us getting J. O'neal without trading most of our team.
  18. Quote: Yes. I'm very happy that they have progressed and are going in the right direction. I guess I can't give as much credit to the win increase as you can. When you win just 13 games, there's no where to go but up. I'd feel better if we had more of an offensive or a defensive identity. I'd feel better if we had more than one NBA quality big man. What are your expectations/hopes for this season? For me, if we're not at the very least competing for the 8th playoff spot, then I'll feel like we're not going in the right direction. Moving up to 33 or 34 wins isn't enough.
  19. Quote: So, basically you are saying that Boris Diaw gave all of his effort to become a good player in Atlanta? I don't understand why people think Boris didn't want to be successful? From what I've seen, it seems to me that Boris was asked to play a role that didn't suit him. He just didn't decide this year that he was going to be a good player. I don't understand how Woody should accept zero responsibility in this. Where has he earned this?
  20. Quote: So, basically, you want to get worse. The team has already turned around and is going in the right direction. If they turn around again, they will be going in the wrong direction. So, are you completely happy with where the team is right now?
  21. I'd love to add Cato. He's not a saviour or anything, but he is a legit big man, and we don't have a lot of them. He would be our only defensive presence at center on day one, and that would be a huge addition for us.
  22. Quote: You completely ignore the fac that Boris Diaw has only himself to blame for his failure in Atlanta. And you completely ignore the fact that that's not a fact, but your opinion.
  23. Morrison M. Williams Carney Bargnani Gay S. Williams I think Sheldon might be a reach at 5. the rest are just guys I really don't think would fit here.
  24. that's how I see it too. I understand the Marv hate, but I really don't understand the Dalembert love.
  25. Quote: And personaly, I'd never draft him anyway because he's a bleeding heart liberal, but that's just me. Other than that statement, which I think is just silly, I agree on Morrison. I think he'll be a good chooter, and in the right offense, a dangerous weapon, but I don't think he'll have trouble staying on the floor because he won't be able to guard anyone.
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