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Everything posted by ATLscrubLove

  1. Im trying to learn how to make them actually, I just found this one while searching on google.
  2. I found this on Google Images, it looks pretty cool so if you wanna be on the Chris Paul to Atl campaign here's a wallpaper that will make you happy every time you turn on your computer. You should be able to download the image with link below. http://media.photobucket.com/image/chris+paul+in+hawks+/jalen_sabean/chrispaulhawkswallpaper.jpg
  3. ATLscrubLove

    FA SF

    I'd love to pick up Corey Brewer but unfortunately I believe he was already signed.
  4. Yea but CP3 is a superstar, Teague... Well has promise but will never be that good. CP3, Howard, Smoove scenario would be monumental. Even if they don't win a title their will actually be more Hawks fans in metro Atlanta, and everywhere else for that matter.
  5. Yea for sure, Im not taking credit for this photo though. I found it on google images. Thought I would share it. :D
  6. http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab250/Zac_Sweeney/NBA%20Photoshops/Chris%20Paul%20in%2030%20Teams/Fulll.pngIt has begun, I must say he looks pretty good in a Hawks uni. Hopefully the link works for y'all.
  7. Wont happen, D Will wants a max deal. Why would he settle for 10 mill less?
  8. That would be amazing. Trading Joe and Marvin. Getting D12 and then getting the player the Hawks shouldve drafted instead of Marvin. That's what I call a full circle.
  9. Ok Joe isn't really a scrub but Marvin definetely is. Although Marvin will probably be an allstar for Utah.
  10. Getting rid of Joe and his terrible contract. Then getting Devin Harris from Utah for Marvin! Ferry is a BOSS! Can today get any better?! Im so happy these scrubs are gone. Now it's time to push for Howard, im sure you can get it done Ferry. :D
  11. Let's be honest, the Hawks are an early round exit regardless. If we get Howard they will still be lucky to get to ECF
  12. Excellent post, can't wait to see what happens.
  13. hence why I said "wishful thinking" don't take everything so seriously Capstone. I know the Hawks won't have enough cap to sign him. Players do take less money to play on a good team sometimes, but very rarely. Heck Bosh and Lebron is making a little less than they would anywhere else. So it does happen. But you're right not for a min... Unfortunately.
  14. The Hawks desperately need a play making PG, especially one that can also shoot. Not saying we should give up on Teague just yet but obviously he isn't the best. I believe Nash would be a great addition. He would not only give the Hawks a solid veteran play maker, but also he would be a great mentor for Teague. Now I'm sure Nash would at least consider coming to Atlanta but I'm not sure if the Hawks would have enough cap room to sign him, since he is wanting around 8-10 Mill a year. But man Nash would make this team solid, especially if the Hawks wanna go all in this season. ^ Just wishful thinking. Could you imagine the Nash/Howard pick and roll? Im getting chills just thinking about it.
  15. Flynn? Eh only if he is pretty cheap other wise I say no thanks. He's mediocre at best.
  16. unless Ferry is secretly trying to attract D12... LOL! But you never know
  17. I agree that Trague isn't a very good pg, but at the same time he isn't bad. He is basically a Rondo with only a quarter of the skills. We should give him one more year to see what he has. As for Horford, he is the heart of this team and we need the intensity he brings. The only way I'd trade Horford is in a D12 deal.
  18. He was an excellent pick for the mid 2nd round. Who knows he may become something special. Let's see how he does once the season begins.
  19. Dwight would be the Superstar the Hawks have needed the past 20 years but Horford is my favorite player and is good for the team. Smoove would have to stay in the A so we would be flopping bad contracts. Joe for Hedos. I wish there were a way to keep Horford in the D12 scenario but I believe it would be impossible. I doubt D12 will come anyways.
  20. How about neither, Ive had enough with has been scrubs coming to Atlanta. Experience is good but at the same time the team as a whole needs to get younger. Heck might as well go out and try to get Allen Iverson too. Let's just recreate the 2001 All-Star game. Elite players only wanna come here when they are on their last leg in their career.
  21. And of course I posted this right before he gets picked... Go figure.
  22. He keeps falling, was a projected 1st rounder. I like him, especially for a 2nd round pick. Maybe if we are lucky he will fall in our lap at 43.
  23. I agree Pau is on the decline in his career, he isn't terrible and would be a good addition to the team for the short term. He would probably just be a one year rental so I definitely see your point. Id rather trade with Houston and get a couple picks plus a filler than get Pau. But either way it's all good to me.
  24. Yes!!! Gator Nation. Bradley Beal would be a dream come true. I'll praise Michael Jordan if he approves the deal for taking the plague known as Average Joe!
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