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Everything posted by IllestPamfilis

  1. Can y'all give this guy another year to prove himself? First, we change the culture then the free agents will come. Nobody wanted to come here it's not like Danny didn't try. that sounds like a song "Danny Didn't Try"
  2. No way man. Might as well sign me up and put me at the 5, and I'm 5-9 160.
  3. Don't want someone here who doesn't want to be here. Money talks though. We'll see.
  4. Natural ability was the words I was looking for. Once Dennis get's used to the NBA it's going to be SCARY. Yes, I'm going on the YouTube videos and the first Summer League game. You see it in this man's eyes, he was born to be a point guard. As I've said before I like Teague, he's progressed every year. The simple fact that he DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE makes me worry.
  5. It's all good brother. We all make mistakes. ESPN does it all the time lol.
  6. Yes sir. I'm on board with that. No more Lon Kruger, Terry Stotts, Mike Woodson, or Larry Drew. We have a WINNER in Bud.
  7. Not a bad off-season really. Our main addition: Coach Bud. I think it certainly is a new age in Atlanta Hawks basketball, though we may see some of the same for the next year or two. Bud is the answer.
  8. C'mon guys let's not get butthurt now. We all have our opinions on the matter. Teague is not a FLOOR GENERAL. Can he be if he progresses on the same slate as the past couple years? Sure. But even at 19 years old and even with all his flaws, I see a FLOOR GENERAL in Dennis Schröder. Bud's mainstay: player development and defense. Schröder at age 25 is going to be SCARY.
  9. Yeah, 18 and 8 is fantastic. As of right now Jeff is a slightly above average PG though, and at 25 hopefully he will progress even more. But we drafted Dennis high for a reason, I just don't want him catching splinters while Jeff pouts. The man said he wanted to move on and we still kept him. We shall see what comes of it
  10. You want a cookie or a gold star? I'm just saying the dude better put big numbers up when part of our future (Dennis) is sitting on the pine or he's not gonna be here for long. And is 18 and 8 a big improvement from 15 and 7? No, that's just simple math.
  11. Nah, he better put up 30 and 15 every game. Not acceptable dude
  12. He put up 15 and 7 last year. 18 and 8 would be disappointing IMO
  13. He was actually just in Atlanta at the Tabernacle and was friggin AMAZING. GO HAWKS BITCH!
  14. Thought we should of let Teague go, he doesn't even want to be here. Hopefully he's moved for some picks or something. I've come to want Dennis starting day 1, taking his licks and making his mistakes. That's the only way he'll improve and become what we want him to be. I think Teague gets moved at some point, if not this year then the next. Don't get me wrong, I like Teague, I just really think we have something special in Schröder, and holding him back is NOT the move.
  15. I guess Danny thinks Dennis is gonna need 2 or 3 years?
  16. I agree, I think both are gonna be solid players for a long time.
  17. I think we see him take more of a leadership role yes, in his 2nd year. I like Jenkins a lot, I see big things in the future for him. Just my opinion.
  18. Don't hate on the Euroleague. I grew up playing ball, my father played professionally in Greece and Italy. Had a chance to try out for the Cavs (this is the early 80's mind you) but said no because he thought Euro-ball was actually MORE competitive than the NBA. Just me and old pop's opinion, but don't hate on Jennings for not putting up the numbers in Europe.
  19. Just the name "Marvin Williams" makes me cringe every time I hear or see it. F*cking penguin wobbling bust
  20. First word to come out of all of us Hawks fans mouths..."whew". It's Jennings or we're giving the keys to Dennis, which I wouldn't have a problem with knowing how well Bud develops players. I'm believing in this franchise more and more everyday. The haters can keep drinking the haterade. GO HAWKS!!
  21. If Teague wants to waste his career in Milwaukee I say go ahead and let him. Bring in Mo Williams and give big minutes to Dennis. I don't want a PG who tends have a lack of effort at times and pouts about EVERYTHING.
  22. Danny Ferry has been here for ONE SEASON GUYS. Why all the damn hate? I swear most of ya'll live on negativity. Have some FAITH people. Ya'll bitch more than my 8 month old daughter.
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