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Everything posted by sturt

  1. As a rule, I'm gathering that many Hawks fans have set some pretty high expectations for both of our picks. In both cases, there is reason for optimism due to some assessments. Fair to say that. Also fair to say, not all assessments, and indeed as the draft drew closer, both players became somewhat less valued than earlier among some of the higher-regard mockers... which one would naturally figure was a consequence of what they were hearing from their sources, which one would naturally figure was a consequence of what they were hearing following player workouts with a variety of teams. So, just me, I feel best about suspending expectations where it concerns either one for 21-22. Don't let myself get too down or too up on either one until there's a full year of work to look at, and evaluate. Ya know, we're just not used to this. Every year it's been somewhat critical to see our rookies make their mark, because until now, we were still in player development mode. Now, though, it's time to focus almost entirely on the guys who have effectively set expectations for themselves and for the franchise.
  2. Would love for that to be correct @niremetal. But last season, they were the same date for both rookie and vet extensions (12/21, due to the later season start). Can't seem to find anything official for this season, but maybe that's just my inept google skills. https://www.hoopsrumors.com/2020/11/202021-nba-contract-extension-tracker.html
  3. It's not a serious conversation, to any degree, when people have shown they'll take all positions on the subject and it's really just a matter of when you happen to catch them jibber-jabbering. It's all entertainment for them. All a.... .
  4. Why is this just now occurring to me to ask? I dunno. But do you think it's plausible that Kai Jones would have been our choice over Jalen if the Knicks had taken a point guard @ #19 as had been widely anticipated? And would you have rather have had Kai? Or are you glad he was gone regardless, b/c you'd rather have Jalen?
  5. Me, I'm slow to expect the #20 pick in any draft is going to make such an impact his rookie season that he can be legitimately penciled-in as probably contributing as a rotation player in his sophomore season. I mean, that is, once you've been to the conference finals, and your #1-#10 are fairly well established. And ours is. I'd be much more inclined to see that as maybe/possibly a third year legitimate scenario for planning purposes. And at the same time, by comparison, I wouldn't be slow at all to sign-up a 29 yr-old on a single-digits deal that extends to his age 30 season who's in the prime of his career and has proved especially in the last 2-3 to offer some considerable and reliable production befitting a rotation player. I'm getting ready to make my most promising assault on an NBA title in all of the franchise's ATL years. This is it. I'm pushing all to the center of the table for this season and next. Every decision focuses on optimizing the outcome for 21-22 and 22-23. But. That's again, #20. I can't even fathom expecting the #48 pick for some reason should interrupt my plans for the next two seasons. Hell, even if he went in the #30-ish range as the week of the draft mocks suggested... same, at least so long as the #30 slot < the #20 slot. And not wanting to be a nails on a chalkboard about it, that's the last anyone will hear any more from me on that topic.
  6. Ya know... I think the General is playing this perfectly now that I've let this settle in my otherwise puny brain. There is no difference maker that's going to accept the minuscule minutes we can offer anyone at this point, and about a dozen other teams that have more cash to blow if they choose. So, we've got 5 guys considered backcourt players (Trae, Delon, Lou, BogBog and Kvon). We've got 5 guys considered frontcourt players (JC, Gallo, Jalen, Clint and Gorgui), plus a mid-season booster shot anticipated (OO). Then, we've got 3 guys primarily considered small forwards (Dre, Cam and Solo). And then, of those primarily backcourt and primarily frontcourt guys, you have 3 who legitimately can be dispatched to SF sometimes (BogBog, Kvon and Jalen). That's balance. So, why spend money until you see it's necessary? What kind of buyer's remorse might you be setting yourself up for, in the case that a backcourt guy goes down, but you've bet on a big? Or vice-versa? Well thought-out from Hawks HQ.
  7. Pretty sure of two things that discourage this. First, we have until October, I believe, to extend whoever... after that, it's... Second, he's 29. He's pretty much been who he's going to be for 2-3 years now. And while I get the otherwise-healthy hesitation, given the first part, put together with this part, put together with whatever value one assigns to continuity... $9m is a reasonable number, but that's just my opinion.
  8. I did hesitate. But then I looked it up... and it turns out, believe it or not... Augmon isn't in the NBA Hall of Fame... What the.... I know, right?... But it gets worse (!!!)... Ya have to go alllllllllllllllllllll the way down to something like #25 before you even find the guy on the list of all-timer Atlanta Hawks (!!!). https://www.ranker.com/list/best-atlanta-hawks-of-all-time/ranker-nba Oh, the humanity. Big O? Big O, I'm pretty sure is not merely a member of the NBA HoF, but is on the list of the top 50 NBA players ever. Check me on that, just to be sure. I'll wait.
  9. Once official, I for one could be intrigued to talk extension with Delon's agent in order to lock-in some continuity into 22-23, and plausibly beyond. The thing about Delon is, while he's really a PG first, SG second, you still could reap some value even in the case that Sharife or/and Skylar perform so well as to get a standard contract. If Schlenk could get another year of him @ $9-ish million, I'd applaud that.
  10. Given about 2 minutes of pondering.... I've got... Superman = Trae Batman = JC Captain America = Kvon Thor = BogBog Black Panther = Dre The Flash = Cam Iron Man = Gallo Spider-Man = CC Plasticman = OO Robin? Robin wasn't part of the Justice League, as far as I was ever aware, so we'll set him aside. Wonder Woman? I've made my case for a mixed sexes tournament between the cities who have both NBA and WNBA franchises, but until that happens, will set her aside as well.
  11. Um.....................................
  12. The time is now. There is no reason to believe we will ever be in a better position to win a title. We have talent. We have young talent. We have veteran leadership. We are able to fit more talent into our payroll 1-15, and that's going to become increasingly challenging just as a matter of fact. We have a coach who there's reason to believe knows what he's doing--just enough seasoning to be a veteran, but one who himself is hungry having had his own rude treatment from doubters in his previous job. And maybe the least well understood, we have young talent who are all on an upward trajectory compared to this time last off-season. This team wasn't even as good as they're going to be when it was a legitimate 50/50 call whether they or MIL would win the East. Their aggregated talent is only going to be better in 21-22. Their aggregated chemistry is only going to be better in 21-22. And their (knock on wood) health is practically bound to improve, Funny to hear what little commentary that's been said (at least that I've seen) assert that the Hawks won't sneak up on anyone in 21-22.... um... yeah.... given the disrespect so far, seems more likely we still will be granted a chip on our shoulder game-in-game-out. So, to the original question. Future is now. Let's do this.
  13. Bookmarked. Will be extra sweet as we bring the first trophy home to ATL to also boast of how much was spent by others.
  14. Actually, he doesn't have to ask--it's part of the deal when you sign a 1 year deal as he did. If I recall correctly (?), it has to do with the fact that he's been signed under Bird rights, but I'll appeal to others to correct me if I've got that part wrong.
  15. Fwiw... https://www.hoopsrumors.com/2021/08/wizards-rescinding-garrison-mathews-qualifying-offer.html
  16. Probably smart to not make any further commitments until you see if there are injuries to have to deal with. Then can supplement accordingly.
  17. Because so many teams still can spend at least as much as us (~$5.5m), I'm not inclined to think we're going to be able to get away with only offering a vet minimum to anyone who we think could be a serious asset in the event of injury. Who would I most like to add? Either a pure PG... you know who. Or, I keep coming back to Justise Winslow. If his health checks out. I think that's my guy. Having said that... he's likely someone who legitimately will be able to find a team that can give him a minutes commitment that we can't. Not holding my breath.
  18. Might be referencing the $3.7m Bi-Annual... but no, we have the $5.5m of MLE left. BAE won't be used unless we have reason to sign someone mid-season, and you really don't want to do that if you can avoid it anyhow, b/c it forces you into a hard cap situation.
  19. OOPS! I said $5.9. I meant $5.5. Since we use Bird rights to sign LouWill, what's left of the MLE is $9.5-$4.0 (ie, Dieng) = $5.5.
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