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Everything posted by noble

  1. Milsap was coming off the bench? What? Have you been smoking or drinking tonight? Bembry is listed as the backup SF. But the fact we are even talking about relying on Dorsey and Belinelli and Bembry as our PG backups should give pause.
  2. I was just answering what you asked. My personal opinion is we will be lucky to win 25. All i know is if we are going to be bad, i would rather miss the playoffs and get a chance in the lottery. We sneak in at the 8th seed I think it could slow the rebuild a little.
  3. Dedmon and Ily. Ok so I can buy 2nd stringers as starters. And Dorsey is 3rd string right now on the depth chart not 4th.
  4. 30, maybe, if Schröder can be more consistent, the rookies develop quickly, and the backups we are using as starters play to their per 36 stats.
  5. No I think we will be the 3rd worst because we have nobody who can score consistently, are relying on a ton of rookies, and are using backups and 3rd stringers as starters. I think we will have the 3rd worst record because we have very little veteran presence and got rid of the most consistent parts of this team.
  6. You can't be that obtuse. Nicolas Brussino and Diamond Stone are Patrick McCaw like. Collins is an unknown commodity.
  7. He meant to say end if the bench role players. Not team them with a star and you have a competitive team role players. Klay Thompson and Patrick McCaw are role players for the Warriors, but there is a huge difference in their roles. We got Patrick McCaw type role players.
  8. I'm not sure we need more developmental players at this point, we have plenty. What they need is a veteran presence and someone who scores more than 3 points a game. I don't care what round he was picked in. He isn't very good, not sure he is even 3rd string quality.
  9. Other than his stats and meh play?
  10. For one season? My guess would be no. But hey they will need to find ways to get butts in the seats.
  11. When people are suggesting Calderon you know the FA market is thin lol.
  12. Agreed. I still have an issue with the track record so far. Competitive and then backtracks. We will offer Milsap our best offer, offers nothing. Taking a step back, so I worry we will take 2. Yeah, we have a very low season ticket holder number. I do think he might do better with the fan base and the league if he at least followed through on his statements or at least didn't leave people guessing. Valid, but right now there is very experience on this team and even less scoring ability.
  13. As of yesterday there was just interest. No deal has been signed. But I think we all get that when we are talking Lawson as the "quality veteran backup" we know we are at the bottom of the barrel.
  14. Thanks I did forget Ily. But you get the idea. I am fine with developmental plans, but what is driving me crazy is Schlenk not being up front. I would rather be told what the plan is as a fan then left to wonder what the hell he is doing lol.
  15. Let's just come up with a new term for this. Let's call the Hawks plan Winning by Losing or maybe Lottery by Youth.
  16. I'm worried about this as well, I am also worried we get a lottery pick and either blow it completely or get the most ping pong balls and still end up with the 4th pick.
  17. This isn't so much a discussion on Rose as much as it is about the current roster and lack of veterans leadership of any form (I mean come on Bellini has 10 years exp, after that it is Baze and Plumlee with 5 and Schröder with 4). We currently have one true PG on the roster and not much of quality behind him. I am curious how Schlenk can say he wants to remain competitive and has said he wants to get some vets, but has done little to nothing to do either. Let me be clear, I am all for the youth movement and flexibility. I am also for trying to get quality in the draft. I am not for being told one thing then seeing another. Whether Rose is or is not the guy, it shows just how little is left in FA and what this roster looks like right now. What's left? Ty Lawson, Brandon Jennings, Isaiah Canaan?
  18. At this point there very little on the market that anyone wants. I am not a fan if Rose, but everytime I look at our roster I throw up in my mouth a little lol.
  19. I think it why there is so much confusion in all of these discussions. Schlenk says one thing and either does something else or nothing at all. I get we are rolling out youth, acquiring picks, money, and hoping for a lottery pick or a generational superstar. But saying you want to remain competitive and then not getting any veteran presence and trotting out this roster goes against that.
  20. Apparently Cleveland offered Derrick Rose a league minimum deal for 2 years. I would have taken that deal. We need some type of veteran backup and leadership.
  21. It was sarcastic in nature. As of today we have less than a 10% chance IMHO.
  22. I'm a rarity as I have never lived in ATL but am and have been a huge Hawks fan. I was born in OH, grew up in NJ, lived for 15 years between NC and MD, and now live in Dallas. Been a Hawks fan since Dr. J retired. I have spent some time in ATL, and it is noticeable to the amount of "other" fans. Even as someone not from there I could see it. The actual tax rate is fairly low, but add in the Jock Tax and it becomes a concern to players knowing they won't get a lot of national exposure to help offset the money paid out. Add in middle of the road or lower attendance and below average season ticket holders, it's no wonder why it is hard getting FAs. People will point to the Falcons, but they did exactly what you have to in ATL. Draft and maintain players, develop players, and get good enough where players come thinking they can win a ring. You don't hear of massive FAs coming in the other sports in ATL either. So you are right create a team bigger names will want to come to through the draft and development and ATL might finally make the finals.
  23. If you aren't going to a super team a player like Marshall can explain the benefits to living in the city. All things being equal between the talent in Minny, Denver, and Phoenix as in you probably aren't winning a title with the roster and the money is about the same, it comes down to area. Marshall probably talked up the area, explained life there as a public figure, and spoke to the taxes, people, etc. It is one issue with Atlanta attracting big names. It is a transient city for the most part, which makes it a hard place to call large market as there is a lot of split loyalty to teams out of state. Add in one of the higher Jock Taxes at 6% it makes it hard to attract primetime players. NYC and CA have higher Jock Taxes, buy there is a lot of press, local support, local coverage, and national coverage which helps their brands and players to make more money.
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