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Everything posted by phoostal

  1. I don't think JJ is being disrespected, I can't speak for everyone but for me I hate to see him go. But, he signed maybe one of the worst contracts ever for this team. Don't blame JJ for doing so, we all would have done the same. However, with that contract it hamstrung the Hawks from making any moves. It was best for the organization to move on. I hope JJ tears it up in Brooklyn. We needed to make changes. The team had gone as far as it could go. By removing JJ and Marvin's contracts that gives them the flexibility they are looking for in the future.
  2. The only thing I will say is the Lakers would have the best deal if Bynum agrees to an extension to the Magic. Also, like the good Doc said we don't know exactly what we are offering. We might not be offering Horford due to the fact Howard will not sign and extension.
  3. The only thing I can say to that is why don't we wait to see what happens before we jump to conclusions. No one knows if he is going to overpay 2nd rate free agents or just focus on Horford or Smith. As I keep saying let us see how this plays out before we jump to conclusions.
  4. The second round pick is from Brooklyn in 2017 and this in addition to the 1st we are getting from Houston that is lottery protected.
  5. Well with that thought process I guess the Hawks should never attempt to go after any high profile free agents. If you want things to change you have to dare to be great. Yes, you may fail but at least you try. So far Danny Ferry has come in and broken up the status quo. Even if the Hawks don't get Howard at least they are willing to shake things up and I feel brighter days are ahead.
  6. Yes I know he wouldn't be able to get traded until Jan. 15th. Also, I think the Nets are telling him to be patient because if a trade doesn't come around with Howard we will give you that 5th year. So basically Nets are saying look your option B you wait this out we will make it worth your while.
  7. The one thing that benefits Lopez by waiting for the Nets is the 5th year an extra 25 million. So I'm sure the Nets are telling him to hold on by promising that 5th year which Charlotte and Portland can't give him.
  8. Nice info and welcome aboard. Looking forward to watching him play.
  9. phoostal

    Latest D12

    Well according to JA Adande who was just on sportscenter, looks like it is close to a deal with Houston, LA, and Orlando. He didn't even mention the Hawks. Take it for what it is worth. Last night it was suppose to be close with the Nets. Interesting how none of the tv media types mention the Hawks as a destination. Makes me wonder how serious our offer is for Howard?
  10. So how has the last week gone for everyone on the site? For me its been refresh constantly on this site and every other site dealing with the NBA on Hawk rumors. I'm telling you what its been exhausting. Thank goodness tomorrow trades and signings can start taking place. Now just get this Howard thing over and I get back to some normalcy.
  11. I got give it up to you Gametime. You are well connected to every twitter account that has info on Howard. Thanks man.
  12. Well with all the bandwagon fans hopefully that will help fill up Phillips Arena. It would be nice to have a home court advantage.
  13. Yeah, I might start liking the Hawks if that happens. I may even join a Hawks chat site.
  14. phoostal

    Latest D12

    Now I know Vecsey. The only problem is that guy hasn't been right about anything since 1986.
  15. From what I read it is exactly the same as last year's cap numbers.
  16. phoostal

    Latest D12

    Who the hell is Tommy Dee? Some reporter out in Cali? Just never heard of him before.
  17. Maybe I misunderstood, thought it was suppose to be best free agent signing since when? Not trade maybe I'm wrong.
  18. phoostal

    Latest D12

    Well Batum signed an offer sheet with the TWolves (which Blazers will match) and Ilyasova resigned with the Bucks. So cross those two off the list.
  19. Apparently according to reports he is getting paid the full MLE ($5 mill) and its a multi year contract.
  20. phoostal

    Latest D12

    According to the Orlando Sentinel they breakdown possible trades for Dwight as follows:Trade:For Best Player? Trade with LakersFor Best Package of Players? Trade with the HawksFor Blow it and rebuild? Trade with the RocketsFor the worst deal ever? Trade with the NetsAt this time the locals here in Orlando have no idea what the Magic are going to do.
  21. phoostal

    Latest D12

    Mark Stein just came on ESPN and reported the same above trade between Rockets, Lakers, and Magic. Take for what it is worth. Usually Stein is pretty solid.
  22. Also those billboards on the side of the high rises. Have already been done here in Orlando. So Dwight has seen that before along with the bus wraps. Maybe some fireworks that form into him in a Hawks uniform
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