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Everything posted by phoostal

  1. great game, played above his head with that 3pt shooting, but its games like this that drive you crazy, if this happened more often than it actually does, we would be paying him the max and he would not be trade rumors
  2. Unless it is a trade of Chris Paul to the Lakers
  3. Pitchers and Catchers report this Monday can't wait
  4. I can't believe no one has Tannehill in their top 5. A travesty, especially you Dolfan. My list is: 1. Tannehill 2. M. Moore 3. P. Devlin 4. D. Gerrard 5. C. Henne
  5. How did we get the Houston pick? Was that from the JJ trade? Did NJ have that pick and send it to us as part of the deal?
  6. If Horford was going to be a free agent and asking for the Max, I'm positive there would be trade rumors about him as well. As neither Smith or Horford are worth the max. This isn't about who deserves the max Smith or Horford. The facts are Smith is the free agent and he wants the max. Thus he is on the trade block. Horford happens to be the last man standing. I don't think Ferry views Horford as the center piece of the team, but as a piece to the puzzle of building a championship team.
  7. phoostal

    Draft Picks

    How many draft picks do we have in this year's draft? How many picks did we get with JJ trade? Thanks.
  8. Never endorsed or condoned the trade rumors. But as PSS87 said that interview didn't prove anything. He might as well told us what his favorite pre-game meal is that would put a end to the rumors, right? Like I said that interview was nothing but hot air.
  9. Well the interview really told me nothing. All they asked was if he thought he would be traded and what it felt like to be rumored to be traded. Someone needed to ask the hard hitting questions. If I was doing the interview I would have asked the following: Are you asking for a max contract in the off season? Would you be willing to take less than the max to stay in Atlanta? Do you want to stay in Atlanta? Do you understand why Atlanta would be shopping you since you asked for the Max Contract (that is if he is asking for the Max)? Don't you think it would be beneficial to the organization to take a less to have the flexibility to add players to make this a championship team? You do realize getting the max would handcuff the team in acquiring talented players to help the team win a championship? Those are all the questions I would ask. I'm sure there are some more I can think of, but I think that would suffice for now. I like Josh and I'm sure the rumors bother him, however I think he could help the situation but answering some of the above questions. He has to realize giving him a 5 yr 94 mill contract is going to handcuff this team. With that contract and as the team is constructed we are not even close to being a championship team, thus the team might be shopping him.
  10. If Josh insists on not resigning with Sac we will have to get a 3rd team involved. I would think we could get Houston involved as a 3rd team. As people have mentioned before they have some nice young pieces and draft picks that Sac may want. Some combination of players and picks from Hou and Atl going to Sac, with Smith going to Hou, and Cousins coming to Atl. To balance salary other players will probably be added. I do think this trade would have real possibility of happening.
  11. I can give you 25 million and an extra year why he would stay in LA. The only way would be a sign and trade in the off season. That is if he isn't traded before the deadline.
  12. Do we really want Dwight? I use to want him. Living here in Orlando (seeing and hearing all the things while he was here) and seeing what is going on LA to me it is clear that he is all about him. Not a team guy. Would rather get his and lose then sacrifice for the good of the team. I'm trying to figure out if he is a cancer or not (I say yes). Doesn't seem like he is good in the locker room. No doubt he is talented, but ultimately you have to be about team before me. I just don't see that with Dwight. If he doesn't get his way he pouts. With him Josh I don't think this will be a healthy team. I'm willing to say that Josh cares more about winning than Dwight. Still don't know if it is a good mix. I know we need a superstar but I am not sure Dwight is the answer.
  13. The trade deadline followed by the off season can't come soon enough. Really nothing to get excited about when watching this team.
  14. I'm with you on the above. I may quit watching the Hawks if we hire Brown. He is just plain awful.
  15. If I were Ferry I would try to give Sac a call to see if we could get Cousins. Reasonable contract with star potential. We would also still have payroll flexibility.
  16. Unless the team they are discussing a trade with is willing to give Josh max money. Then it makes perfect sense and according to reports Phoenix is willing to give him a max deal.
  17. Read the latest peachtree article from J. Walker (who I respect when it comes to hawks info), basically saying Josh's camp is leaking rumors of trades because he wants max money and doesn't want to be here. Sounds like both parties need to part ways.
  18. Not taking sides in this argument, but Josh is not a superstar. We aren't getting to the ECSF with him. I have kept quite because I just want to see how it unfolds first. The one thing I will add is that we aren't going to get a superstar in return for Josh. Is not going to happen. I know the Josh fans think we should be able to get Lebron for him, but his isn't happening. He is no where near superstar level. I like Josh but I have come to the conclusion we aren't going to win anything with him. Dwight has made it clear he is not coming to Atlanta has said it numerous times. Now Josh's camp is leaking rumors about him being moved because he doesn't want to be here now. I think the best think for both parties to part ways. What deal we get I don't know, but we won't get a superstar for him. He isn't a superstar himself.
  19. Be careful with that word great. I know most are excited about getting rid of Josh but I would not call Gortat great.
  20. I really don't think Drew was given a fair shake with this year's team. Basically a new roster this year that will be gone next year. Don't know what you can do in a year with basically 8 new faces. I'm not against replacing Drew, but get someone good. And that IS NOT MIKE BROWN. He is terrible.
  21. phoostal

    Mike Brown?

    If we hire Brown then Ferry really has no clue. Flat out horrible coach. Worst in the NBA for half time adjustments and doesn't run an offense. Unless you call ISO and offense. This would set the franchise back worst than it already is currently.
  22. Mike Brown is a horrible head coach. Should only be an assistant coach. His stints with Cleveland and LA is proof. As mentioned above he had Lebron which made up for his lack of coaching. He was the worst at making half time adjustments and did run any kind of offense (ISO was his offense). I pray we don't get this guy. What as Hawk fans have we done to deserve this? Absolute horrible coach. I would rather have an AAU or high school coach. Please no Brown.
  23. This season is garbage anyways. We all know the real season starts this off season. Unless we are blown away by a trade offer during the course of this season. As far as Drew goes. I believe he is a dead man walking. He will probably coach out the year or be replaced iff it gets worse this season. Probably being replaced by Bob Weiss. As frustrating as this is to watch at times hang with it the fun starts in the off season. Right now it can't come soon enough.
  24. Merry Christmas to all my fellow hawk fans! Enjoy your time with your family and friends!
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